"Son of a bitch, let go of your hand!" Zhou Muchen wants to stretch out his hand to push Qin Tian away, but he is thrown away by Qin Tian's backhand!

"Come on, let's show them a dance. I'm going to piss him off!" Qin Tian stopped his waist and hugged the woman to start the traditional social dance.

Zhu Yu did not speak, let Qin Tian take her to dance steps, Zhou Muchen to push away is also Leng for a while, because he did not expect Qin Tian's strength to have so much?

When he reacts, Qin Tian and Zhu Yu on the dance floor have already put on their waists and are picking up the ballroom dance!

At this time, everyone is watching, Zhou Muchen can't go up brazen again? And he found that he didn't seem to be as strong as Qin Tian!


Zhou Muchen grabbed the mobile phone and made a direct phone call, which made people come over and said it very loud, as if it was intended to listen to Qin Tian!

Zhu Yu is also very shy and flustered. He doesn't want to have a fight here. Although Qin Tian can fight, the girl is kind-hearted and can't let Qin Tian take risks.

After all, Zhou Muchen is a small team leader who knows the underground forces. People can call out dozens of people. How many people have you Qin Tian fought?

So Zhu Yu was flustered while dancing!

"Don't be afraid, even if there are many people who want to bully me, I will stand by your side bravely. As I said before, if I can't fight back these enemies, I don't deserve to be your boyfriend!"

Qin Tian said this in a loud voice around Zhu Yu. Although they were not afraid of fighting, Qin Tian still made a look of protecting her sister.

As soon as such words were spoken out, as a confession, Zhu Yu was provoked, and he was no longer ashamed. On the contrary, he felt a little happy and excited!

Seeing Zhu Yu's enjoying himself with his eyes closed, everyone woke up from anger, envy, jealousy and hatred, showing an incredible expression. Isn't the school flower shy and restrained? Now it even shows the expression of enjoyment. What magic does Qin Tian have?

After a song, Zhu Yucai raised his eyes and gazed at Qin Tian's charming smile. At this time, Zhou Muchen was furious. The wine in his hand suddenly splashed to Qin Tian and splashed on his body!

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to you!" Zhou Muchen said, but also on the side of a few boys made a look, they all around him.

Qin Tian indifferent smile, shaking his God's clothes, originally wanted to move, but was stopped by Zhu Yu!

"Zhou Muchen, you're too much. Don't I just dance with you?" Zhu Yu is also angry, thoroughly and this guy up!

"Xiaoyu, it's not about you and me, it's between us men. No matter what you say today, I will teach this boy a lesson!" Zhou Muchen said fiercely.

"Yes, I can't. You paid for Zhou Shao's broken car. Maybe we can spare you!" Another Wu Shao said fiercely.

He was tall, rolled up his sleeves directly, and had a beer bottle in his hand, which made him eager to try.

Zhu Yu tightly blocks Qin Tian, does not give him the appearance of hand!

Because she knew that if Qin Tian made a move, I'm afraid these people would be finished. It's better not to have any bleeding.

After all, in addition to Zhou Muchen and Wu Bing, other people, especially those girls, are very good.

So Su Yu doesn't want Qin Tian to fight in front of them. It's really bad!

"If it's a man or a man, don't hide behind a woman!" Zhou Muchen pointed at Qin Tian's nose and face.

"Stinky boy, do you think I can't move you if you have su Mu bathing cover? Or stand up and wait for us to push the school flowers away, you will be even worse! " Wu Bing said with a sneer.

"It's you. Don't mess around!" Zhu Yu also did not think of such a thing, and then scolded with shame and indignation.

"Nonsense? Ha ha, I can't see this boy any more. That's why Zhou Shao gave you face to bear it till now! " A man said with anger on his face.

"Qin Tian didn't do anything. It's all your little bellies!" Zhu Yu stopped dead in front of Qin Tian, did not let them start to say.

"Stinky boy, if it's a man, I'll stand up for you. Look at you. You're protected by a woman. That's what you're doing. You're being bullied!"

"That's right. You can't be bullied or pretended to be forced. If you don't come out, we'll beat you. Don't think Zhu Yu can guard you!"

Zhou Muchen's two classmates are also angry scolding, he himself is flashing angry sparks in his eyes, "yes, you naive think Zhu Yu can do whatever you want? Even if I don't beat you here tonight, if you leave this club, you will lie down and go out! "

Don't fight

"Calm down!"

At this time, one side of the girl is also born persuasion, one by one to stop Qin Tian in the back, as if he has become a little lamb to be cared for.

And in front of Zhou Muchen and others have become fierce wolf!"Rubbish!"

Qin Tian looked at the scene of a piece of coax is also helpless, cold out of the voice shouted.

His words immediately let the people present were shocked, the scene of the original coax suddenly stagnated, all people were surprised to look at him.

"What do you say?" Asked Zhou murchen in a rage.

"I said all the people here are rubbish!" Qin Tian repeated.

The anger in zhoumurchen's eyes was flashing, "OK, who is garbage who stands behind women, I see who is going to lie out today!"

"That's what you said!" Qin Tians this time regardless, bypassed Zhu Yu, no longer ignore her obstacles, directly stood in front of several boys zhoumurchen!

"Wu Shao gives me a beating!"

When the voice rang, Wu Bing and another person raised their fist and greeted Qin Tian!

But Qin Tian still had a calm smile on his face. When Wu Bing and another person's fist were about to fall on him, he suddenly reached out his finger and lit them on their belly!

The two men's actions suddenly rigid in the air, as if it is fixed, not itching.

Then in a moment, both of them changed their faces, and suddenly they ran into the toilet with their stomach in their hands!

Qin Tian did not let them head break blood, just use medical skills to let each other yield, this has given Zhu Yu face!

"What's the matter?" Zhou murchen thought that Qin days would be hit by these two people in a flash, but did not want to live this situation.

"You want to experience it? Come on! " Qin Tian said with a slight smile.

"Find death, get on with you!" Zhou murchen said hello to the two boys behind him and rushed to Qin Tian together!

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