Qin Tian was not so polite to Zhou Muchen. Although the other side took the first move, Qin Tian later sent him to cure him. He clasped his wrist and smashed him to the ground with a pull!

Then he raised his hand and knocked two fists on the other two people's bodies respectively, and at the same time, the acupoints of the other two people were punctured. In the same way, Zhou Muchen's classmates ran into the toilet at the same time!

"Whoa, no, come on!"

"Oh, pull on the ground!"

"Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!"

All of a sudden, a burst of diarrhea came, a foul smell came from the big bathroom in the box!

At this time, Zhou Muchen, who fell on the ground, touched his neck with his hand. It seemed that there was a fracture, and the pain was severe!

He never expected Qin Tian to be so fierce. It's unbelievable!

"Have you ever learned martial arts? Don't you say you're a doctor? You're a liar. You're a thug or a bodyguard, aren't you? " Zhou Muchen wanted to expose Qin Tian's ugly identity, and his ferocious appearance was cruel.

"Ha ha, who said that doctors can't master martial arts? I said that you are all rubbish. You don't believe it. Do you want to know why they can't finish in the toilet? Let's try it! " Qin Tian said in his abdomen repeatedly forced a few times, a few genuine Qi perfusion into his body, instantly in his body up!

This is a medical method of meridians and genuine Qi. Ordinary people can't understand it. Zhou Muchen just watched Qin Tian's hand point on him, and then he felt some pain!

This pain is not a point pain, but his stomach began to ache, and then chrysanthemum is a little tight, as if there is something to be poured out of it!


A burst of sound like farting came from Zhou Muchen's fart son. Several girls had already pinched their noses and looked at Zhou Muchen with disgust on their faces.

"Shit, what did you do to me..."

The voice did not finish, Zhou Muchen directly toward the bathroom rushed in, and inside has been full, where there is room for him?

"Get out of my way, let me Nima is so dirty, it's all shit... "

With the voice of swearing, there was a burst of pain in the voice of excrement, that tragic appearance is really amazing!

This gratifying person just drank a lot of wine, Qin Tian used a little evil medical means, let them can't stand.

As the inheritors of ancient martial arts, sometimes we don't need to use too violent means to let them die!

Zhu Yu was stunned. He thought it would be bloody to fight, but he was disgusted. At this time, she didn't know whether to laugh or to be speechless!

Qin Tian clapped his hands, turned his head and looked at Zhu Yu, who was holding his nose and did not dare to smell the smell of these smelly men, said with a smile: "how? I didn't disappoint you, did I? "

"Are you really playing with medical skills so well that you can still use them like this?" Zhu Yu's face was flushed with shame.

After a few minutes, they finally finished the diarrhea, and came out from the health bureau one by one. One or two of them also covered their stomachs with their hands and looked at Qin Tian in horror.

"Stinky boy, you play dirty!" Zhou Muchen's strength of speaking was obviously weakened, and he sat directly on the sofa without any strength.

"Where do I play yin? You asked for it? I fight with you openly and uprightly, but you run to shit, no future Qin Tian shook his head helplessly.

"You wait for me..." Zhou Muchen was about to say that the people he called was coming. Sure enough, the box people were pushed away. A thin faced man in his thirties and ten men in black stormed into the box.

Seeing these people's bitter faces, Zhou Muchen was pleasantly surprised. He struggled to get up and reached out to greet him. He said, "beige, you are too timely. I need your help!"

The thin face leader of North brother looked at Zhou Muchen's dirty body, and the wrinkles on his face twisted: "Zhou Shao, what's going on? Smelly

Zhou Muchen pointed to Qin Tian and said angrily, "North brother, I'll give you 100000 yuan. You'll clean up this boy for me right now!"

North brother looked at Qin Tian, and then looked at these miserable boys. In a moment, he knew that Qin Tian seemed to be able to do something, and there were some girls nearby who were dissatisfied and said, "Zhou Shao, our boss Niu has just made a big event recently. Let me not do it on other people's territory. This is not the territory of our Hongxing Association. I'm afraid it's not good? Wait until you get out

"No, I can't clean him up if I go out. How about I give you 200000 yuan?" Zhou Muchen glared angrily at Qin Tian, and had already thrown himself out!

It's a high price to beat a man with 200000 yuan!

Other students are also covered up, one by one look surprised, all did not expect that Zhou Muchen even invited the North brother of Hongxing hall!

Although these rich second generation have a high price, there are not many big men in the corridor. Seeing the powerful momentum of North Korea, we can see that he is really worthy of being the team leader who manages more than 100 people!

It can be said that it is extremely strong, and all of a sudden everyone was shocked!At the same time, students have to admire Zhou Muchen's background. Zhou Shaolian, an underground big man like beige, can be invited to move. It's really awesome!

It's true. A big man like this needs a hundred or two hundred thousand at least, or you won't move him!

At the moment, after negotiating the price, he was waiting for beige to make a move. Feeling everyone's amazing eyes, Zhou Muchen finally got a little puffed up. His diarrhea just now made his waist stem almost unable to stand up!

However, seeing Qin Tian take the initiative to find and shout out, his face sank in an instant when he stood in front of North brother!

Doesn't this kid even look at professional thugs and bodyguards?

This is ten bodyguards in black. They have been professionally trained. They can fight four or five of them one by one!

North elder brother is not in a hurry to deal with Qin Tian, but coldly asked: "boy, you can do it, even Zhou Shao dare to offend, do not know which road you are on?"

"I'm not on the road, I just know a few people above you. Speaking of you, you have to call me CHEN Ye!" Qin Tian carried his hands behind him with a cool expression on his face.

Beige was also frightened by Qin Tian's arrogant words: "ha ha, I'm not a high-level Beiqiu player, but there are few people who can call me ye, at least not as young as you. Which people do you know?"

"Lei qianjue!" Qin Tian directly reported the names of their two big men.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

North ball and his four younger brothers can not help but burst into laughter, as if they have never heard such a funny joke.

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