Zhou murchen also laughed with them. The girls behind Qin sky shook their heads secretly. They knew that Qin Tian was already in a state of Immortals' rescue. They were so arrogant. It was really damn!

Seeing such a scene, Zhu Yu was also worried, and she didn't expect that it would be so.

But what she thought more was that Qin Tian was so calm and so arrogant that he could deal with ten bodyguards?

Although it is spacious here, but if ten people fight, I'm afraid they will lift the table. That situation must be very tragic!

"Ha ha, you boy, you are forced by cattle. I know we are big thunder. How powerful!" "Beiqiu said, and suddenly closed his smile and showed his professional murderous color." boy, I tell you, it's not coincidence today. Our boss HaiYe of Hongxing club is going to be honored in the Imperial Hall here. You can call them here. I will call you ye! "

"Ha ha, so clever? It seems that Huibin of Hongxing Association really likes this kind of place, but it is also the way of underground forces! " Qin Tian also laughed happily.

Qin Tian took out his cell phone and directly called Lei Qianyao. He gave a cold account of the matter, and said that the master Hai who distributed the Hongxing meeting below was here, and let him watch and do it himself!

Lei Qian Jue doesn't know what this means. He is scared and half dead. After hanging up the phone, he arranged it directly.

"Who are you calling, boy? It's very realistic!? " The northern sphere is surprised.

"I want to ask you master Hai, and the boss of niugen. These two are the leaders of Hongxing society, right? They're coming soon! " Qin Tian can't go to niugen and these small minions. He is lazy to go.

"Ha ha, you are frightening me? I was not frightened to the North ball. The brothers loose the boy to me! " North ball also does not want to talk to Qin Tian, directly to four younger brother issued orders.

Suddenly, 56 black bodyguards showed a fierce expression, surrounded by Qin Tian, and lifted their fists one by one.

"You don't want to move him!"

As we were fighting, a delicate drink rang.

Under the eyes of all people's dismay, Zhu Yu took the initiative to stand in front of Qin Tian again.

She is not to protect Qin Tian, but does not want Qin Tian to hurt these students. She is a kind girl. These students are innocent. Qin Tian, a powerful man, will die when he blows!

She didn't want to see that

See such a big beauty like a flower appeared, several big men put down their fist in a moment.

And North brother is also attracted by Zhu Yu such beauty, he wonder how such a young and beautiful sister can stand out to protect Qin Tian?

"He gave you 200000, I gave you 500000, and I bought his safety!"

"500000?" The North ball sneered and looked at Zhou murchen.

Zhou murchen was angry. He could not imagine Zhu Yu breaking up with him for Qin Tian and said, "I will give you a million today. I hope you will keep your promise and don't let people be too much!"

"That is, can we hongxingtang be bought by the enemy for doing things? Then, a million! " The North ball secretly laughed, this Zhu Yu this station, a sudden price more than four hundred!

But Zhou murchen heard that the ball said it was also a dark relief, and again looked at Qin Tian: "Qin Tian, you have no choice now, you know the emperor Laozi is useless, now give me kneel I can let North brother to you to light!"

"If you kneel and apologize to me, I may be better for you too!" Qin Tian said with his hands back and no expression.

North ball heard this, also blinked in the eyes of a cruel look, this boy unexpectedly to this point?

It's not his style of doing things when you are dallying!

However, arrogance is indeed Qin Tian's personality, after all, want to low-key, strength not allowed ah!

Feng Qingyang, such a world-famous master, are afraid that this is a bodyguard?

Looking at the five big men, they hit them up with their fists, and Qin Tian had no kind!

Next moment, their bodies were kicked out by Qin Tian, and they hit the wall hard. The intensity of the situation was much worse than just dealing with Zhou murchen and others!

Next moment, five people were hit and flew out, fell on the floor, on the table, on the sofa, and the boxes were in a mess, and the girls screamed and shrunk into a group.

And Zhou murchen and others directly silly, dull as a cock to look at Qin Tian, even can deal with ten big hands!

Is this guy really a legendary ancient martial arts expert?

Compared with just now, they found that Qin Tian was really polite to them, and these were all on Zhu Yu's face.

Thought that he had already known the strength of Qin Tian Zhu Yu, this time again, I can not help but stare at the front of all this, incredible!

Is the man in front of her, the man she likes, really strong to this point?Before, she thought Qin Tian was a boy with excellent medical skills and awe inspiring justice. She could point out a little self-defense martial arts and beat back the black belt master. But she didn't expect to be so scared!

After solving the ten bodyguards, Qin Tian's expression was cold and arrogant, and his voice was like that from the nine nether regions: "go away, go and talk to your boss Niu. Should you call me CHEN Ye?"

He does not move the North ball, is to give him the opportunity to report back!

Niu gen, how do they do things, how come out of a small captain to beat him? This makes Qin Tian feel a little uncomfortable!

Without him, the whole Hongxing society will be destroyed. Where are they today?

Now these people are beating the master in turn. It's really outrageous!

The North ball went out in fear, to the door to make sure Qin Tian didn't come, then gritted his teeth and said: "boy, you wait for me, the emperor hall where our cattle boss is with one enemy hundred masters, you don't run!"

"OK, OK, I won't run, I'll wait here!" Qin Tian simply sat down on a chair. If this matter is not solved today, what should we do?

People are once again shocked by Qin Tian's cruel words. This boy really doesn't think he can beat the ancient martial arts master around Niu boss, right?

Crazy, crazy!

Seeing that Qin Tian is so crazy, all the people present dare not speak, and beige is also running away. After all, his brother is still lying here!

He doesn't believe that the big guys are celebrating, and at this time, they will let a rich second generation of kids play wild on their heads!

Wait for these big guys to come out, any one can make Yunchen unbearable!

Looking at the North brother out of the box, Zhou Muchen was very shocked. Qin Tian's hand reached out, but he also sneered: "Yunchen, you really think your strength can be compared with Hongxing meeting. Now you have provoked them, and you will seek your own death in the future."

"Ha ha, I was beaten by you today, and my car broke down. I'm very disgraced. But you're even worse today, and you'll be even worse in the future, because Hongxing association is an underground organization that you can't afford to provoke!"

"That is, don't run away now, and you'll be in trouble in the future." Wu Bing said darkly.

The other girls were also frightened. They did not expect a good party to develop to this extent. They all looked at him with an extremely strange diffraction, as if they were looking at a dead man!

Only Zhu Yu showed a helpless expression, did the classmate party have to see blood?

Why do you force Qin Tian to do this? He is the devil. He is low-key now to play with you!

I don't know how to live or die!

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