"Ha ha, it's too forced. I'm afraid you haven't had such a good drink before? Drink more if you can, and you'll have no chance to drink after you die! " Zhou Mutian satirized himself!

And Qin Tian didn't care about him. He tasted wine slowly. He had never drunk such a good wine before

At the same time, in the emperor's hall, a long table with fine food and wine, surrounded by a group of old men and the girls accompanying the wine, there were people singing in front of them, and the beautiful life of clothing Orioles and swallows.

At the edge of this long table, the head is a gentle man with a scar on his neck. This man is Niu gen, the founder of Hongxing Association!

See the North ball flurried in, all the underground big men sitting around the long table talking, drinking and cuddling beauties all looked at the past, showing a displeased look.

"What are you doing in a hurry?" A big man said angrily.

Looking at those domineering eyes on the opposite side, Beiqiu almost couldn't support it. His feet were about to kneel on the ground, and he said timidly: "boss Niu, I just met a very powerful boy behind me in a hall, and all the ten bodyguards we brought were injured on the ground!"

Niu Gen heard the speech, and his face suddenly sank down. He said angrily, "who dares to be wild on our heads?"

"That boy not only behaves wildly, but also tells you to see him, but also calls him God!" North ball gasped.


Niu Gen suddenly stood up, glared at the North ball, scared him directly lowered his head, "you said that God, is not called Qin Tian?"

"It seems that I don't know exactly what they said in their quarrel. They are very young, tall and white. They speak in a crazy tone. They laugh with evil charm." North ball review said.

"Paralyzed, you offended him!" Boss Niu slapped him directly on the table. "This is God. Boss Lei wants to be in awe of 12 points. All of you have to go and apologize to him!"

Everyone was frightened by Niu Gen's angry voice. One by one, he quickly got up and followed Niu Gen's back. Wang Dahai didn't come over because of the injury on his hand.

But Niu Geng is enough. He is still the leader of Hongxing Association, and Hongxing club is just a small organization under Lei qianjue. Although he only met Qin Tian once before, he pays attention to gratitude and reward in the road. He can't be disrespectful to Qin Tian!

And he didn't dare. Qin Tian was a super ancient martial arts expert who defeated others in the martial arts of the three cities. Where is the capable person he can provoke?

Beiqiu was stunned. After being slapped by Niu gen, he got up and followed up quickly!

He vaguely had a bad idea. It seemed that Qin Tian would have any gratitude to Hongxing. How could he be so anxious?

Or is the strength of this boy too strong, even these big men are afraid of them?

It's incredible!

After drinking two glasses of wine here, there was a noisy trampling sound outside, and everyone looked at the door one after another!

Sure enough, a group of middle-aged men came in, their faces were not angry. It's just that the North ball is just like a frightened little bitch!

These young rich second generation, see such a battle, one by one look pale, the atmosphere dare not come out!

Zhou Mutian has never seen Niu gen, and he doesn't know what he looks like. But when he sees the powerful man in front of him, he also comes up with who this is!

He forced to press the shock in his heart, thousands of trembling voice said: "you are the boss of cattle, my name is Zhou Mutian, my father is..."

"Get out of the way!" Niu Gen directly pushed Zhou Mutian out of the way!

He is also a person who has practiced, this push even let the weak Zhou Mutian hit the wall directly and his head was bleeding!

It's obvious that Niu Gen can see that this guy has offended Qin Tian. Otherwise, he can't fight here. There are many such tricks.

Qin tianlengleng looked at them, momentum is not angry from the prestige, the appearance of both hands carrying like king in the world!

Although he is not a big man of underground forces, not the leader of any organization, but standing in the same place with cold eyes and angry eyes, it is enough to make Niu Gen and others in front of him feel a kind of pressure!

Niu Gen's leader quickly came to Qin Tian's front, bowed down respectfully and said, "God!"

These people must have learned ancient martial arts when they were young. Otherwise, they would not be able to stand on the ground and shout. That would have shocked everyone present!

Their heads are like five thunderbolts, which will never be forgotten in this life!

Zhu Yu did not have much to do with other people, but she was still pale and lost in a state of absence.

Hongxing Association and tiexuetang are two underground forces of Lei qianjue. She doesn't know that she won't provoke these people if she has nothing.

When she was young, she arranged bodyguards around her to prevent those underground forces from kidnapping!

But now I can't think of it. The big men of Hongxing Association, who have been in Beijing for so many years, even bow to Qin Tian and say that God is good!Fortunately, it's in the box. If it's on the street, I'm afraid it's big news. It's shocking to say it!

Is the background of Qin Tian, even cattle root can not afford to offend it?

I don't know what to say. All the rich second generation present are as dull as a cucumber!

Do they want to understand what strength Qin Tian has and what background?

In contrast, Zhou Muchen was pushed away directly. The treatment is too big. It's just a slap in the face!

Qin Tian asked them to get up, so they didn't need to stir up the public. Then he sat on the sofa and all the people were standing. Qin Tian said lazily, "boss Niu, you can come here. Won't you call all the big men of Hongxing association? It's not good that so many people have scared these girls! "

"Yes, yes, my God, I am not thoughtful. I want our people to know you, so that we will not offend you in the future." Niu Gen said with a smile.

Qin Tian indifferent smile way: "also do not need, your people really offended me, I am not afraid, don't say to ten, even to a hundred is also a dead end!"

"Yes, yes, I mainly want our people to pay attention not to kill themselves!" Niu Gen felt a burst of sweat and changed his tone.

After that, Niu Gen immediately gave the North ball a foot and thundered: "you even dare to offend God. You are really tired of living!"

"I..." Beiqiu was so scared that he looked at Zhou Mutian and said, "he offended me. I happened to be in this club, so I came to have a look. I didn't expect to be trapped!"

"Come and kneel down together!" Another person directly dragged Zhou Mutian over and forced him to kneel in front of Qin Tian.

On the other side of the rich second generation is also under the asshole, have taken the initiative to kneel in front of Qin Tian.

"Call the Lord!"

"God, forgive me!"

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