These people, as if they are children who are taught by adults, are absolutely funny.

"You boys are not allowed to disturb muyue in the future, otherwise it will not be as simple as kneeling down to call the Lord of heaven!" Qin Tian said coldly.

"Yes Zhou Mutian, Wu Bing and others are all afraid to say a word.

And Qin Tian couldn't directly beat or maim them. After all, Zhu Yu didn't want to see such a scene. He waved his hand and said, "OK, it's over. We should go too."

Niu Gen was relieved to see that Qin Tian was not angry. He said with an apologetic smile, "that day, would you like to go to our emperor's hall for a drink?"

"Not for the time being. Today's turmoil has delayed some things. Mu Yue and I should have our own private time!" Qin Tian turned to look at the dull Zhu Yu and said with a smile.

"OK, OK, ha ha, it's us who disturb the solitude of the Heavenly Master and his sister-in-law!" Niu Gen looked at Zhu Yu's beautiful appearance, but also secretly envied in his heart.

Seeing their smiling eyes, Zhu Yu blushed!

What kind of solitude? It's so silver!

Out of the gehuang entertainment club, Qin Tian and Zhu Yu directly drove away from the scene.

After driving the car for a short time, Zhu Yu could not resist his inner curiosity and asked, "Qin Tian, you are so skillful in medicine, so extraordinary in driving skills, and so terrible in skill. How can the senior officials of Hongxing society respect you so much? Who is your master

Qin Tian knows that most people don't believe that he is just an ordinary doctor. He brings a smile to his mouth and drives the car smoothly onto the road.

"In fact, I don't know who my master is, so I don't know if you ask me!"

Speaking of this, Qin Tian's face can not help but also depressed up.

Zhu Yu's eyes brightened after hearing this. She didn't expect Qin Tian to have such a life experience. It's really incredible!

"You don't have any worries about what happened today?" Qin Tian asked calmly.

Zhu Yu said, "thank you. You can take me home first. You can protect the happy things in the future. Don't worry about it."

Originally just at noon, Qin Tian took the school flowers back with his skillful driving skills. After arriving there, Qin Tian walked back directly.

Because his villa is nearby, which is a high-end place in this area. He went back to eat something at noon, and Qin Tian soon arrived at Li's pharmaceutical group.

Qin Tianzheng is going to stop the car, and then go up to find his wife, said that just out of the elevator, he saw Li Xinran walking towards the door where she parked!

That location is on the side of the road, her car's exclusive parking space, no one can park except her car or get her permission!

And because it was close to the road, when Li Xinran got on the bus and left the road, several black cars rushed quickly from the front, as if to hit Li Xinran's car!

Qin Tianzheng is going to drive his car, accelerate, and then shout to Li Xinran: "wife, step on the accelerator and rush out!"

Li Xinran heard Qin Tian's cry on the side of the window. He was also stunned. He turned to look at Yu Guangzhong and saw that there was a car coming. He subconsciously rushed out with the accelerator like this!

But these people did not hit Li Xinran, but suddenly ran into Qin Tian. Qin Tian was driving a tram, which was definitely not so fast. He even took people and cars and was directly hit and flew out!


There was a huge crash.

"Qin Tian!"

Li Xinran was also shocked and exclaimed. He drove the car out quickly for fear that he would be hit too!

The strong impact of Qin Tian's car directly deformed, and Qin Tian also ran out of the car!

Looking at Qin Tian's car burning a raging fire, but also made an explosion, Li Xinran at this time flustered with his foot on the accelerator, at the moment his eyes have been red, a heart directly sunk into the sea floor.

Not far away, a car sat a man with a cold face, he was holding a walkie talkie constantly commanding what!

They just made a murder accident, but they didn't want to escape. Instead, they turned the car around and aimed at Li Xinran again!

But when their car was about to leave, they found that the car that was crushing Qin Tian suddenly stopped moving. It seemed that it was broken!

Then a person's shadow rushed out completely. It was Qin Tian who was crushed by the car and survived!

Everyone thought he was dead, but at this time, he was seriously injured in a car accident. There was no scar on his whole body, but his clothes were a little dusty!

Because the car in front couldn't move and blocked the path of the car behind, it was difficult for several cars to rush to Li Xin Ran and blocked the intersection.

And Qin Tian stood in front of them, awe inspiring, deep eyes, as cold as the devil from hell, scanning these people!Seeing Qin Tian standing up like a living dead man, they were all shocked, especially when they saw his terrible eyes!

These killers in the car can't help thinking in their hearts, how did this boy survive, was directly crushed by the car in the bottom of the car, so that he would not die?

But Li Xinran saw that Qin Tian didn't die, and he was not hurt. All of a sudden, he turned from sadness to joy. He couldn't believe his eyes. He looked in front of him in a daze and looked at the fierce man!

The killers in the car were in a daze for a moment, and soon they also responded. They came out of the car directly and pressed Qin Tian on the car!

These people have seen Qin Tian's strong physique, but there is no fear, and there is no fear, but very tacit understanding to directly solve Qin Tian on the road!

In broad daylight, so blatant, it can be said that this may be very professional behavior!

Looking at them so unusual, such calm, let Qin Tian suddenly guess that this group of people may be a group of professional killers!

"Give it to me. This boy is the one the lady is going to kill!" Inside the car did not come out of a Chinese character face man cold cry.

The voice falls, these ten or so professional killers all rushed to Qin Tian! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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