Bang bang!

Other fallen killers are two guns opened out, at this time, Qin Tian tightly hugged big belly woman Li Xinran hiding behind the car!

He is not alone at this time. He needs to protect his wife. He must not be careless!

The bullet didn't enter his back this time. It was still blocked by the real Qi of Gu Wu. Otherwise, it would be a big trouble!

I don't know if it's because I offended people in Panlong area. I just came back and got revenge!

At this time, the company's security came to control these people, and Qin Tian was pressed tightly on Qin Tian's body, and his ancient martial spirit was all controlled in the wound, resulting in the whole body has no too much strength!

Li Xinran widened her beautiful eyes and looked at Qin Tian in front of her. Suddenly she was unconscious. Her eyes were red and her eyes were splashing. She stroked Qin Tian's head with her hand in pain and asked in a trembling voice: "husband Are you ok? "

"Need artificial respiration..."

"Don't play dead!"

"Sure enough, I can't cheat my wife!" Qin Tian smiles bitterly, at this time, he did not have just proud look, become soft and gentle.

"What's going on here?" Li Xinran super endless, let Qin Tian hold her delicate body!

I have to say that Li Xinran's body is really too soft, he wants to hold it for a lifetime!

Now in full view of the public, on the side of the road, in such a crisis situation, he did not think much about it, and he took the woman to the company gate!

After escorting the women into the company, Qin Tiancai came back,

looking at the security control of the injured shooters, he was also in a more relaxed mood. Some helplessly looked at them, and his eyes gradually became cold!

Qin Tian knew that they would be caught. He looked at one of the killers who shot, and asked coldly, "who asked you to kill us?"

The killer snorted coldly. Don't look helpless!

"Ha ha, I can't see that you are still very dedicated!" Qin Tian couldn't help laughing!

As soon as his voice dropped, he suddenly stretched out his finger and touched the killer's acupoints. A kind of pain spread on him in an instant!

The killer's face was twisted with pain, and his facial features were even misplaced. The tragic voice made him sweat all over his body!

"I said, I said!" The killer tried to jump out such a word from the middle of his teeth!

Qin Tian just used his usual evil medicine method, only a few seconds time, had already let a highly educated professional killer have been unable to withstand the pain!

At this time, Li Xinran also walked over, holding Qin Tian's other arm, which was not injured. His caring appearance made the employees everywhere envious!

"An online employer paid us to kill you two. We can't know the employer's information, because it's all online communication. Li Xinran can't take it away, but you're bound to die!" The other side of the mouth shivering said.

Qin Tian heard here, Qin Tian's eyes appeared a touch of murderous spirit, there are even online hire killers this statement!

Kill Qin Tian and take Li Xinran away. This routine may be due to the recent events. It's Shen family, Fang Hao or people who are reckless. They are probably those!

Although they only took Li Xinran away, these people clearly shot. This is the meaning of killing women at all costs when the mission fails!

The degree of ruthlessness is not high!

If he didn't go for Li Xinran, Qin Tian had nothing. After all, he had too many enemies. Although there were Lei qianjue in Li's medicine, the emperor was crouching tiger, hidden dragon, and there were too many enemies!

Although not all the people offended in Panlong area will come to him for revenge, there is a possibility that these people are rich second generation. How can they tolerate failure?

However, Qin Tian did not ask what to come, because these occupations and employers are only trading with a title, it is impossible to know the identity of too many employers!

In this way, it's no use for these outlaws to go to prison, and those behind the scenes can only continue to be at large!

Without waiting for them to say more, at this time, the sound of the police siren came. The passers-by who was watching originally called the police. The efficiency of the district police was very high. It took less than 10 minutes to go!

Qin Tian doesn't want to talk to the police about anything. At this time, the ambulance also arrived. Qin Tian gets on the bus and lies on his stomach, enjoying the rare cleanliness!

The afternoon is safe and sound. Qin Tian tells Lei qianjue about this matter and asks him to find someone to help investigate. He must thoroughly crack down on these online transactions and murders.

Because if something happens happily, Qin will be crazy!

After work, they went home in time, and soon arrived at one of the most luxurious villas in Jingzhou City. There was a luxurious villa for women. The small garden door of the villa was equipped with monitoring. It seems that the protection should be very good.They went into the villa with their hearts in mind, and out of the kitchen on the side of the living room came a lovely aunt in her forties, who was Xinran's mother.

"Daughter, little day, you are back!"

This kind of address seems to regard Qin Tian as his son, which is extraordinary!

"Well, mom, where's dad?" Li Xinran said solemnly.

"Your father, watering the flowers in the backyard!"

"Then I can rest assured." Li Xinran also sent a breath. How could she not be afraid of these revenge? However, he did not dare to say anything to Qin Tian.

in Qin Tian's eyes, he could not give up today's affairs.

After dinner, Lei qianjue's phone call came.

"God, this matter is really not easy to deal with. How about sending more experts to protect your place and company?" Over the phone came the voice of Lei qianjue's worry!

"I was ambushed by several professional killers at the gate of Li's Pharmaceutical Group today. Did the whole city know about this?"

"Ah, it's on the news. It's a shooting incident. It may be more dangerous behind this!" Lei qianjue can't help but make a sound over the phone!

"Don't worry, I will take someone to investigate in person, and I will never let the murderer go unpunished! It's crazy to dare to move our God in broad daylight Lei qianjue is also angry, the other side is so arrogant, too hateful!

"Well, the murderer must be investigated. What I really need is that you arrange some elites to protect a person!" Qin Tian said indifferently.

"Who are you protecting? God, say it Lei qianjue asked in surprise.

"Li Xinran, President of Li's Pharmaceutical Group, of course!"

Lei qianjue is puzzled. He thought it was Lin Xiaoyao, but he didn't expect to be his sister-in-law!

It can only be said that Qin naivete is not shallow! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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