Thinking of Lei Qianyao, he was surprised by himself, and asked no more, and said directly, "OK, I'll let Xiaohong go by? Xiaohong is a girl, strong in strength, and much better than me! "

"Female ancient warrior? Sure it won't be bought by the opponent? " Qin Tian asked seriously!

"Rest assured, this is my foster daughter, absolutely reliable! She also heard about Tiange's affairs, adoring you, and she would certainly help! " Said Lei qianyun.

"That's all right!" Qin Tian thought secretly, Zhu Yu is still not reliable, a full-time bodyguard is better, the girl's concealment is a good disease, just follow at any time.

Lei qianyun even let his daughter-in-law protect Li Xinran, which shows that his sincerity is really OK!

"Thank you!" Qin Tian said gratefully, "but try to protect it secretly, mainly from work and business trip. I will give her a certain reward!"

"We know that, even if the reward, God, your kindness to us is not these small things can compensate!" Lei Qianyao heard Qin Tian's gratitude, but also some reluctantly.

It is worth more than expanding their strength and residual leaves in Panlong area or earning hundreds of millions of dollars by getting the contact and help of Qin Tian, a super God!

After they have difficulties, it is certainly OK to find Qin Tian again, so they have to rush up for more trouble!

Lei qianyun continued: "God, did you live comfortably with that villa last time?"

After hanging up the phone, Qin Tian had no mind to sleep. There was something about Chen Fu who was drunk that day. The two books were left by the holy hand of the national doctor. Suddenly, he had a thought of continuing to study and strengthen himself. He ordered the lamp to open the Pharmacopoeia and began to study and understand it carefully!

Before, he didn't look carefully. With the improvement of his strength, Qin Tian found that the cultivation of this basic method was able to feel the magic of it!

At this time, he studied the marriage certificate in Pharmacopoeia and found that the above realm of practice belonged to him was divided into many layers, more than he knew in Baiyun Mountain!

He should be a kind of ancient martial arts cultivation level.

Dan Jin is Xuanjin, then through Xuan, innate, holy martial realm, Shenwu strength. There are small and large achievements among each level, and there is a perfect score.

Qin Tian finds himself at the level of entering the Tao. If he goes to the transition, he may need some help from some talented treasures, so that he can advance quickly.

To the next four levels, the earth's current resources may not be reached, which is also the clear conclusion in the Pharmacopoeia.

Today, the Earth Spirit and gas resources are so thin, don't say there are any genius treasures you fill in. It is difficult to cultivate to the metaphysics!

Seeing such a long range of cultivation realm, Qin Tian's eyes are very deep and deep. In the heart, it is really long and hard to feel the cultivation road!

I don't know if the person who left this Pharmacopoeia live in a certain place, and do not know which level of cultivation has been achieved?

After taking back the heart, Qin Tian began to practice your own great achievement in the Tao according to your method of quilting, and went to the road to a successful step.

A true Qi in the body of the flow, as if it is the sea in front of Qin days, surging and powerful!

He is a martial arts or a immortal, but the cultivation of the door is the same, to the highest level is the level of immortals, can still die!

So whether it is martial arts or immortals or demons, the truth is the same, all need the help of various magic skills, this is an eternal thing!

However, Qin Tian is still relatively low now. He will pay attention to these gifted treasures in the next step!

And his hand has two swords, and a black stone. If these things can be fused or refined into their own spiritual tools, it will be interesting!

The night passed quickly.

Li Xinran didn't want to work the next day, but when she heard something happened to the pharmaceutical company, the woman asked Qin Tian to take her to see in a hurry.

It seems that some people do not want Li Xinran and Qin Tian to live well. This time is a bit of a pain.

Qin Tian and Li Xinran came to the emergency department of Li medical group together. Qin Tian was stunned by the scene in front of them!

To be honest, he has been in the pharmaceutical group to the following hospital emergency does not know how severe the situation is now!

Originally thought Li's medical hospital should look better than public hospital, but did not want to face the whole emergency building outside the mess into a pot of porridge!

There is a wreath in the corridor. In the middle of the venue, there are also dozens of families in white filial piety. They constantly abuse Li's medicine and medicine, and the crying voice is endless!

And they also placed a patient's body, covered with white cloth, these accelerated standing in front of the body, tearing heart and lung wailing, the scene is very embarrassing.Just in front of him, several doctors and nurses were in a panic. One of the young doctors was covered with blood, which seemed to have been beaten by these troublemakers.

"Mediocre killing, blood debt blood compensation, Li's medicine and medicine, deceiving hospital!"

A middle-aged man in filial piety pointed to the doctor in front of him and scolded.

"My father, when he came in this morning, he was still fine. Why did he suddenly die after half a day's hard work? If you don't give me an explanation, I'll be endless today! "

"Yes, you must give me a statement today, otherwise your hospital will not open!"

"A private hospital is a black heart. It kills people, calls out your hospital leaders and your chief physician!"

"Yes, are all your doctors qualified? I think it's all deceitful! "

"Don't you have the best chief physician in your hospital? Come out, don't hide


These people in filial piety are also surrounded by some people in black. At first sight, they are professional gangsters with a very arrogant attitude. Those who name their names are looking for a chief physician like Li's medicine.

"Oh, my God, is this medical trouble?" Li Xinran is also standing behind Qin Tian, exclaiming.

"Yes, after sending patients to the hospital and can't save them, they say that the hospital is evil hearted and wants money!" Zhu Yu shook his head helplessly.

"I don't think it's for the hospital, it's mostly for me!" Qin Tian looks at them, the corner of his mouth appears a touch of evil spirit.

The medical trouble and the last shooting incident were done by the same online buyer.

It is estimated that someone specially arranged this play. Since all the plays have come, he will accompany these people to the end. In the end, who knows who will die and who will suffer?

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