At this time, a lot of people were watching. After all, private hospitals must face such a situation!

Under the encouragement of national policies, most private hospitals are for the purpose of collecting money. There is no way to compare with public hospitals in other rooms.

But Li's medicine is not the same. This is a pharmaceutical group, under which there is a Li's hospital. This is the beginning of a hospital carefully built by the group. From facilities to medical equipment, to personnel allocation, it is the best choice!

Although the hospital has been controversial in recent years, more and more people come here to see a doctor and enjoy more and more excellent services!

Many rich people don't want to go to public hospitals in long lines to see the faces of doctors, but they enjoy VIP service in Li's hospital!

Therefore, it is very rare to have medical trouble. Today, a medical disturbance happened suddenly, and it was aimed at Qin Tian. This is very ridiculous!

"All the procedures of the old man are regular and his medication is in accordance with the regulations. He died suddenly. There is no way. How can we be a quack?"

"That is, we should not be responsible for all patients' poor treatment in the hospital."

A doctor and a nurse explained.

"Fart, this is a common heart disease, but you died. Who is the responsibility of your hospital? And you said that your chief physician was a heart disease specialist, so we came. What's the result? People are dead A middle-aged woman in the opposite family stood up and scolded and wiped her tears with anger.

Ordinary heart disease to the doctor died, but also for the chief physician of the hospital, this targeted is stronger!

Qin Tian on one side is also full of grievances. He doesn't even know that some patients have come for him. Now he wants to cry without tears. He doesn't know what to say!

Because now the doctors and nurses in charge are still quarreling with each other. There are many patients and family members around, and even many media reporters. Many people are taking pictures with their mobile phones!

This time, if the matter is not handled properly, it may make a big noise, and the impact on Li's hospital is almost devastating.

Qin Tian is even more so, his reputation has not started to ring has stink!

"I just sent it to the hospital. I said that I started treatment. What's the result? It's not your responsibility to die. Whose responsibility is it

A middle-aged man in the same filial piety clothes came out, his face was full of sadness, but Qin Tian could see at a glance that his eyes had a kind of excitement of success.

However, there are doctors standing out here, pointing to the middle-aged man and saying, "I know you. Your name is Wang Qi. You are a professional doctor. What union hospital and dawning hospital have made you a lot of money? Sorry, this is Li's hospital. I'm not the same as those hospitals in Putian department. Our Li's hospital is a convalescent hospital for high-end people. It's not a place where you cheaters come here to cheat and steal! "

It was a woman doctor who said this. She was wearing a white coat and looked majestic. Judging from her momentum, she should be a leading figure in Li's hospital.

After all, such a thing happened, the leaders in the hospital must come out to support, and Qin Tian, the chief physician, naturally has to be called out by LAN Yanling. She has known his ability before, and I believe Qin Tian can handle it well!

Therefore, no one wants to come to this kind of medical trouble. Those who can be pushed to their subordinates will never show up. It can only be said that the female doctor leader is really courageous.

However, from what she said, Qin Tian was more sure that these people came for him. The purpose of the other party was very simple, that is, to destroy him and pollute the reputation of Li's hospital.

But if you dare to work in Li's Hospital, there must be an organization behind it!

After being exposed by Lu Yuhe, Wang Qi's face was particularly ugly. He gritted his teeth and looked at Lu Yuhe fiercely. He said with a sneer, "I said that there is no man in Li's hospital? How can you get a girl to talk nonsense

"I'm Lu Yuhe, vice president of this hospital. Do you think I'm here to joke with you? You have to think about the consequences of your medical trouble! " The woman said fiercely.

"The consequences of medical trouble? It's our people who died here. What's wrong with me? Am I wrong? " Wang Qi said fiercely to Lu Yuhe.

Say behind him, a few wear filial piety, strong body on the lie, a face fierce face rushed out, this scene see Qin Tian eyes in fierce light burst up!

"You dare to move and try it!"

A cold and piercing voice made all the people in front of them stopped wearing filial piety clothes. The head of a middle-aged man and Wang Qi couldn't help frowning tightly, and then looked at Qin Tian in the past!

Hearing such a sound, Li Xinran and Zhu Yu looked at Qin Tian with surprise. They didn't expect Qin Tian to stand up at this time!

After all, what the other party named was to throw dirty water on him, but he did not turn back. It was really a surprise!

"Qin Tian, you'd better not go out? This medical trouble has nothing to do with you Li Xinran said anxiously."Yes, Qin Tian, I feel that the other party is deliberately spoiling you. You'd better go elsewhere and let them deal with it." Zhu Yu is also persuasive.

"It's OK. I said I'll come and deal with it. If I hide behind and watch, I'll be gossiped by her when I go back. And even if it wasn't for her to let me deal with it, I couldn't have stood by myself! "

Seeing that Qin Tian went out, Lu Yuhe and others were stunned. They quickly recognized that this was Qin Tian, the new chief physician of Li's hospital!

And the middle-aged man and Wang Qi looked at each other again, and then the middle-aged man immediately got to know him and said, "well, you've killed people and you don't admit it. Do you want to deal with us? That's what you do in Lee's hospital? "

"Let's all come and see. If you want to cure people to death and beat people, you should watch the ugly nature of this hospital, and soon they will do something about it!"

The middle-aged man and Wang Qi looked at Qin Tian, and they recognized it. After all, they had homework before they came!

After they yelled, there were people standing in the emergency hall, all of them craned their necks to watch. The scene was so shocking for them!

At the same time, the other party's women in filial piety began to wail, and all of a sudden the whole hospital was filled with their miserable wailing and swearing.

In a moment, the medical trouble has reached the extreme!

The other doctors and beautiful female nurses in the hospital became quiet when they saw Qin Tian stand up!

Because this matter develops to this point, what should we do? Maybe he, the chief physician, has a way?

Qin Tian stood at the front and frowned at them. It was hard to do what he wanted to do. After all, the other side decided to pay attention to it. He would do it. If he did it himself, wouldn't he be hit by their move?

His immortal spirit entered his eyes, and his perspective passed through the old man covered with white cloth. With the super perceptive ability of ancient martial arts, he found that the patient had no breath!

But does not breathing mean death?

Qin Tian walked through the old man's body and saw that his blood was still shaking slightly, but it was too weak, and it was intermittent. It was very clear that this was the use of certain medical means to make the old man in a state of suspended animation!

In medicine, it's also called the living dead! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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