Qin Tian doesn't think the old man is dead, he is waiting for the opportunity!

"I don't accept it. We will arrest these people to fight today!"

There are several strong men who want to rush forward. They seem to want to make things bigger.

But Qin Tian is not a person to admit!

"Do you dare to try? Do you think I can do it? "

Qin Tian's eyes with a cold sense of cold looking in front of these a few wearing filial piety clothes strong body strong guy said.

"Mr. Qin, don't fight!" Lu Yuhe also doesn't want Qin Tian to light the fire, which is not good.

Other people are also one after another to persuade Qin Tian, here or to abide by the rules, or really will bring some negative impact to the hospital.

Ancient martial arts can save people and kill people. When facing the enemy, don't be kind. It's like on the battlefield. Unless the enemy's head is blown out, his heart is stabbed, and his neck is broken, he will bite you at any time.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to himself. Qin Tian doesn't want to be a farmer and snake!

Lu Yuhe, a vice president, still has the right to speak. In this hospital, the level is at least the same as that of Qin Tian, the chief physician. However, she is more experienced, and now she has voice education.

"The hospital is a place for treatment. You still need to be quiet. What should we do? We have already sent the police here. We need to disperse. Don't hinder other people's treatment!"

Lu Yuhe is not stupid. She knows that these people are medical troublemakers. If the police come to check, they will soon understand that the bigger the trouble, the more tricky they will be!

"What kind of cure place? This is a killing place! Today, everyone is watching here. Don't wait for the police to come. You must come up with a plan that satisfies us, or we will not be finished! " Wang Qi said fiercely.

His voice fell, and others seemed to be crazy. They all yelled together. The scene was very shocking!

"If you want any plan, wait for the police to come." Lu Yuhe said coldly.

However, this group of medical troublemakers is indeed endless, that is, they want money, want them to admit that the medical accident killed people!

There was a doctor with a broken head and blood cursing: "if you are a doctor, get out of the hospital if you are sensible. We have already called the police, and the police will come soon. Don't think that your mischief can make our hospital regress, and tell you not to think about it!"

Qin Tian didn't even have time to do anything or say anything. These doctors bravely made their voices and didn't worry about being implicated. Compared with those doctors who don't want to be in charge of affairs in public hospitals, such spirit and spirit are much better than those with bad attitude!

In the face of such insufferable indignation of doctors, the middle-aged man and Wang Qi also began to rage!

"You don't commit a crime to kill people. Is it a crime for us to come here and make trouble? Such a black hearted private hospital, a black hearted doctor, a black sucking nurse, a black hearted entrepreneur, we just want to let you know

"Don't talk so much with him. If you don't come up with something, maybe it's not over. I'll smash it!"

Wang Qi's last roar, a group of people immediately began to smash up in the emergency room, many patients' families began to evacuate, one by one looked at with horror.

"You..." Lu Yuhe is helpless!

"Stop it!" Qin Tian's violent drinking made all the people in the emergency hall have some eardrum ache, and all the hands of those who do the chores all stop!

"Before I start, I want to ask you a question. These medical equipment are the best. Do you want to pay for the damage?" Qin Tian asked with a frown.

All of a sudden, all people are covered circle, one by one incredible looking at Qin Tian!

What is this kid talking about?

"With your mother, you should pay us!"

The middle-aged man dressed in filial piety scolded angrily, and his voice just dropped. A big hand had already been pulled on his face, and he was directly patted on the ground!

"Give me a clean mouth, my mother is you can scold?" Qin Tian said coldly.

The middle-aged man wants to talk, but he spits out the blood foam of his teeth!

Such a tragic scene, so that Lu Yuhe and other doctors in Li's Hospital frowned tightly. At that moment, they were all muddled!

The doctor took the initiative to beat the patient's family members. This is a very bad thing. They have already felt that the anger on Qin Tian is too heavy!

While watching Zhu Yu and Li Xinran are also frowning, jade face has shown a worried expression. ;

"general manager Li, you go to talk to manager Qin. It's not very good!" Zhu Yu asked.

"Yes, I also feel trapped. Qin Tian is more ruthless in beating people. My classmates are all passed by him!" Li Xinran said he had no way.

Zhu Yu turned to look at the school flower, looked at her expression of concentration, and looked at Qin Tian. She didn't understand how Qin Tian, such a young man who fought and killed, could get together with Li Xinran, who was extremely respected?She is now wondering whether Su Shuang's poison is cured by Qin Tianzhi, but she dare not ask if she wants to confirm it.

Because Qin Tian is her boss, although she would like to listen to her brother's words, she can not frame up her boss

"Beat up, look, doctor at Li's Hospital hit people!"

"They killed people. Now they are fighting. I'll tell you, this is Qin Tian, the chief physician of Li's hospital!"

Wang Qi shouted angrily at the white people who were watching, as if he had received the grievance of Tianda, but he was acting.

Qin Tian also saw that this group of people is Wang Qi and this middle-aged man are taking the lead. This middle-aged man should be the "foreman" that these people have found, and Wang Qi is the guy who contacts the mastermind behind them!

So Qin Tian beat the middle-aged man on the ground, and after dealing with this king seven, the rest of these people were ready to do it!

Since he is dealing with the problem, Qin Tian doesn't mind going on, he will solve this problem with his own special means, so that he can not retreat!

Qin day a flash, a sudden came to Wang 7 side, this speed of a moment scared many people, all exclaimed!

"What do you want?" Wang Qi felt a serious threat, and said in a flustered tone.

"Of course, you are!" Qin Tian said without expression.

"Ha ha, you play, many people are watching, mobile video is also shooting, you know the consequences of things? We like it more if you hit people! " Wang Qi's mouth appeared a grim smile.

"So you're for me?" Asked Qin Tian.

"For you? We're just here to get a word! " Wang Qi was not worthy of it, and continued to say seriously.

"Well, it is really obsession, then if you do, don't blame me!" Qin Tian finished and made a direct move!

His hand bends through the other's arm and turns to the front wrist, and directly clicks the other's throat!

Then, before everyone had responded, he had lifted Wang Qi by his neck!

"Ah, you What do you want! "

Wang Qi quickly responded to the situation, and he was scared and stable. He had not been in many occasions these years. He never met such a strong person!

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