"I just hope you can think about it. If you do, will you take the money for medical treatment or sue me?"

Qin Tian said coldly that the reason why he was so fierce was that he had no way to reason with them.

What Qin Tian wants is a vicious solution, because he doesn't want these videos or some rhythmic things to be sent out.

"Qin Tian, what are you doing?" Lu Yuhe was also scared. In full view of the public, Qin Tian even took the initiative to attack the family members of patients. He was so rebellious!

"Let me deal with it, and you will stop talking nonsense!" Qin Tian didn't care about vice president Lu Yuhe's warning and questioning, and did his own thing!

Lu Yuhe's idea is to wait for the police to deal with it, not to deliberately carry the pot, rather than Qin Tian, rashly rushed up, that is really a must die ah!

And after the event to the police, you can also use some extraordinary means, such as money to smooth out the pressure of public opinion and so on.

Now Qin Tian directly hit people, almost let their plan into a very passive situation.

"Boy, the person behind me is not what you can resist. You'd better let go of me, or you will have good fruit to eat!"

"Who are you behind? I'd like to ask! " Qin Tian laughs.

"Do you know? I come from the iron blood hall. If you do anything to me, do you think you will die several times? " Wang Qi said angrily.

"Ha ha, I'll tell you, if Hongxing Association, you don't know me. It seems that you iron blood hall is really damned!"

"What kind of thing do you dare to say that our iron blood hall should be damned!" Said Wang Qi, a threat from Li Neiba.

"I am not a thing, and you are nothing by comparison!" Qin Tian throws hard!

Wang Qi directly fell on the ground, hit directly spit out a mouthful of blood!

This kind of posture makes the onlookers can't help but exclaim. No one wants to be a doctor, and he is also the chief physician of Li's hospital!

What's more, this guy is so vicious and fearless. Is this too rampant?

Qin Tian didn't pay attention to these sounds around, turned around and opened the white cloth of "corpse" on the ground!

"What are you doing?"

The middle-aged man exclaimed in an instant and wanted to rush towards the "corpse", but it was too late!

"Don't come up, or you'll fight one by one!"

Qin Tian said coldly, "the old man did not die, but was feigned dead by them!"

Qin Tian's words immediately shocked all the people present. One by one, they looked at the old man's body on the ground. He found that the old man's face was pale, his eyes were closed, and his whole body looked soft and weak. However, he was dead!

Qin Tian did not carry out any examination, or even touched his body. His perspective eye passed through the old man's body, and his heart and lungs were still beating gently, and his blood was also running.

However, such a nearly stagnant physiological phenomenon can not be displayed on scientific instruments, so they think that the old man is dead!

Now Qin Tian said that he didn't die. Everyone was dull!

Not dead?

How could that be possible? The instrument doesn't show breath. How can it be alive?

Vice President Lu Yuhe is also a frown, rushed to have a look, rapid inspection up!

No pulse, no breath, no heartbeat, no blood pressure, absolutely dead!

Lu Yuhe looked at Qin Tian with disgust on his face and scolded angrily: "Qin Tian, although Li always asked you to deal with it, he didn't let you mess around. What did you say when you hit people?"

Qin Tian smiles at the vice president and says, "elder sister, what you don't know doesn't mean I don't know. I can be keenly aware that the old man is in a state of suspended animation

The so-called state of suspended animation is that people's breathing, heartbeat, brain and other activities are highly suppressed, the vital function is in an extremely weak state, and the appearance and clinical examination can not check out the indications of life!

But in fact, people are still alive, this needs a series of rescue, in short, it can be saved!

Seeing Qin Tian's disorderly behavior, the family members who did it were not willing to do it for a moment!

"Qin Tian, what do you want? People are dead. Don't you feel at ease? "

"That is, the doctors in Li's hospital are all animals and animals. If you die, you have to deny that you are not dead!"

"I've seen a shameless one, but I've never seen one so shameless!"

"Let's make a quick exposure. We must expose it!"


Qin Tian was almost drowned by the swearing at the scene and the incessant discussion. Other doctors and nurses stepped back two steps, because they could not bear such a sense of pressure.In that burst of yelling, Zhu Yu looked at the situation was not right, and rushed out to call Mr. Li to explain the scene.

Su muyue is secretly thinking of a way, she knows that today no matter how to keep Qin Tian, to say the least, he can not stay in Li's Hospital, but also can go to their company's pharmaceutical department.

"Do you want the old man to die or do you want him to live?" Qin Tian was cold and stable, and a powerful momentum exploded in an instant, which made everyone feel a sense of awe at the bottom of their hearts.

Taking advantage of everyone's reaction, Qin Tian directly pressed his hand on the patient's heart, and then lifted the patient's back with great movements, driving his back up with the strength of his waist!

Then he put him down again, holding the old man's chest with his hand, and pounding his right hand on his back.

The actions of these columns are so fast that everyone is confused. No one dares to stand out, because Qin Tian's skill just now let them see what is terror!

When Qin Tian laid the old man flat on the ground, he pinched the old man's Baihui acupoint, and several drops of blood flowed out.

After finishing these actions, Qin Tian stood quietly on the ground looking at the old man.

The family members of patients in filial piety and some masquerade thugs all look shocked. They don't know what Qin Tian is doing?

And the surrounding audience also took out their mobile phones to record this scene crazily. What's more, this one-off action is put into the camera, which is frightening enough!

When the time comes to install some titles casually, what chief physician of Li's medicine, delusion to bring the old man back from the dead with reckless means, simply laugh off big teeth and so on.

However, when the crowd was noisy and shocked, the old man lying on the ground suddenly heaved his chest, and then coughed violently. He suddenly woke up!


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