Wake up?

The patient woke up coughing from the ground!

"Oh, Dad, are you really awake?"

At this time, a group of real family members of patients rushed to the old man, while those who were wearing filial piety clothes were shocked and looked at, which was incredible!

Did you save Qin Tian?

The audience is also shocked, holding the mobile phone hand froze, they wanted to see a joke, suddenly appeared this scene, let their mood and thoughts have no time to respond!

"Wow, my husband is so powerful, so wonderful!"

Li Xinran couldn't help looking at Qin Tian with adoration on her face. The proud voice couldn't help crying out. She suppressed for a long time, and now she has a perfect release.

But Lu Yuhe and other doctors stood behind one by one. At this time, they could not help leaning up and looked at the old man curiously, not knowing what had happened.

How many people are discussing the scientific basis of Qin Tian's series of actions just now?

Why is it that simple acupoint impact can bring the patient back to life?

Shock, full shock!

"I don't know. How could I be here?" The old man who wakes up looks at the scene with surprise!

It was obvious that there were so many people and he was still lying on the ground pitifully. Such an occasion scared him. It was strange.

"Dad, what's the matter with you? How come you suddenly see a doctor in the hospital and you die when we come here?" A middle-aged man asked in tears.

"I don't know. I was in the infusion, and then I saw a few people come in and change my dressing, so I went to sleep!" The old man sighed.

Hearing this, Qin Tian sniffed out a trace of conspiracy, and then asked coldly, "master, do you recognize the person who changed your dressing before you went to bed?"

Said Qin Tian pointing to the presence of these expressionless fake family members asked.

"Dad, he saved you. He is the chief physician of Phoenix hospital!" Family members reminded.

"Ah, it's you. You are so talented at a young age. Thank you!" The old man squinted at the people in front of him who were not his family members.

He is not stupid. His family must have died for him, and then came to the doctor to make trouble. The problem may lie in the person who changed his dressing.

At the sight of the old man, two people directly lowered their heads, and one directly stepped back, as if afraid of being seen by the old man!

These subtle movements gave Qin Tian an income under his eyelids. He said coldly with a smile: "stop, don't retreat!"

The words said, these people are very embarrassed for a moment, do not dare to move, as if they are the trial of criminal villains, shameless!

"I don't remember. It's like two men in white coats. I was in a coma after changing the dressing!" Said the old man.

Said here, Lu Yuhe instantly aware of the existence of the conspiracy, at the moment to the people around him said: "to check the monitoring, to see if you are the two doctors in our hospital!"


We suddenly understand that the old man's feign death is a conspiracy, that is, someone wants to use him to cure the trouble, and then discredit Phoenix medicine!

For a moment, we all looked at the people in their filial piety clothes and the middle-aged men and Wang Qi who had fallen on the ground. They must have led this matter!

"Let me ask you, are these people asking you for help?" Qin Tian looked at the family members around the old man and asked seriously.

Because it was Qin Tian who saved the old man. When they looked at Qin Tian one by one, they were respectful and grateful. They did not lie. They pointed to Wang Qi and the middle-aged man and said it was them!

"What? Are you not honest with me? " Qin Tian looked down at the two leaders on the ground who were beaten to internal injuries and were afraid that they could not afford it.

"What's the matter? We'll pay for the broken equipment. If the patient comes back to life after feigning death, there will be nothing wrong with it." The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and said that the people behind him helped him up.

"Is it just compensation? Do you want to leave like this when you are exposed for such a disturbance? " Qin Tian looks at them with deep cold color.

"That is, you are not allowed to leave. We will call out the surveillance video and the police will come. You can go and defend yourself with the police." Lu Yuhe snorted fiercely again. She was a strong woman.

Wang Qi was a little bit confused, but he saw many occasions like this, but he said arrogantly: "boy, you are crazy. I said that I am from the iron blood hall. You'd better let us go!"

"OK, I'll beat your legs and feet and let you go. How about that?" Qin Tian said that the king seven walked past!

These people were scared to step back a few steps, but they were already on the wall, and there were people outside, and the hospital security guard was not easy to run away!

More importantly, Qin Tian's speed is so fast, can they escape?

Also with the injured middle-aged man and Wang Qi, this is the rhythm of looking for death!"Boy, I am a confession today. You will wait for me!" Wang Qi collapsed and spit out a blood curse.

Qin Tian knows that they are only bullets, and they may not know the real people who robbed them. But Qin Tian can probably guess that it is Liu Hongfeng or other enemies. Who knows exactly is not known!

After all, his enemies are too many, one hand can not count, it doesn't matter who, as long as the other party dare to come, he will let the other party pay a greater cost!

At this time, there was a sound of sirens outside the hospital. Qin Tian knew that the police had come. He didn't like to waste time in and walked in the direction of Li Xinran!

"Qin Tian, you are really too strong, how to know that the patient is pseudodead?" Li Xinran, who also studied medicine, jumped to Qin Tian and asked about it.

At the same time, it was seen by many people around. Everyone looked at Qin Tian curiously, which is clearly the answer they want to know.

"I know if I look at it, or how can I be a doctor? Go, leave here, I don't want to do a record or something! " Qin Tian took his wife's hand and went to the company.

"Mm-hmm, I have business and activities at the side of gambler city in the afternoon. My friends in the capital have asked me again. But I'm not convenient. You can bring Zhu Yu with me. You two represent us to join us!" Li said with a smile.

"Then it must go. Isn't gambling city like Zhou murchen's? We have to go and see! "

"Do you know the young master of Zhou family?" Asked Li in a surprise.

"Ha ha, I have seen you once!"

Qin Tian smiled at it carelessly, and Zhu Yu came back.

"Xiaoyu, you come back just right now. Now the medical trouble has been solved. In the afternoon, you and qintian go to gamble city to participate in business activities. You two should go out together and be invincible!" Li said with a smile.

"Sister Xinran, don't you go?" Zhu Yu is trying to say what, but see Li Xinran big belly also smile, "OK, you should pay attention to safety at home!"

"Rest assured, Qin Tian has found someone to protect me! After the company went out to activities, all kinds of things let you and Qin Tian go, you are not the assistant president? Go to exercise! " Said Li Xinran.

"All right!" Zhu Yu had to agree to it.


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