At noon, Qin Tian and Zhu Yu eat out and are ready to start towards gambling stone city. The girl looks at Qin Tian reluctantly.

"I still don't like to take you to the gambling stone city of Li mubai's house. If you go there, something will happen." The girl murmured.

"Who said that I went to make trouble. If I was such a person, would you come to dinner with me? I'm going to make money! " Qin Tianli naturally said with a smile.

"If you go to gambling stone to make money, do you have the talent in this respect?" Zhu Yu widened his eyes and looked at Qin Tian in disbelief.

I don't know why, looking at the big eyes in front of the sister, that lovely appearance, let Qin Tian can't help but smile!

"There are so many things I can do. You'll find them out."

"What's so powerful? You don't say you're good there, are you? "

Hearing the girl's words like this, Qin Tian was helpless and didn't joke with her.

"By the way, is this festival held in gambling stone city of Zhou family?" Qin Tian thought of the important things to wait for.

Zhu Yu nodded and said: "yes, this is a commercial activity on the surface, but because it is in the gambling stone city, so it means to let everyone go to the gambling stone city. This gambling stone city belongs to Zhou Muchen's family. To put it bluntly, it is to make money. There is more money to be gambled in and less money to be sent out."

"Gambling is like this, a knife is poor and a knife is rich, it is a gambling stone!" Qin Tian said calmly.

"Do you know the gambling stone?" Zhu Yu blinked his big eyes and asked curiously.

"It's OK, but I'm sure I can make money!" Qin Tian thinks that he used to be a killer for Hongxing and a fake boyfriend for LAN Yanling in order to make millions. Now he has a perspective. Isn't it like digging into the bag to make money?

Seeing Qin Tian's self-confident expression, and then thinking of his background, anti heaven medical skills and super strength of ancient martial arts, he was even more impressed!

Zhu Yu has seen a lot of childish brothers, all relying on their own family money, look down on the poor, do whatever they like outside, such people really should despise.

Qin Tian was different, and his family was in decline, but he used his talent to make money. He did not retreat in the face of such powerful powers as the second generation of rich childe. This spirit is what she likes and respects.

With all these considerations, Zhu Yu found that the man sitting beside him was more and more in line with his own appetite!

The city is a violent industry, this time the gambling stone Festival is absolutely fair and just. Whoever has the ability will take the money away from here. It is a matter of course!

But Zhu Yu also had some other ideas, because although she had seen Qin Tian's magical ancient martial arts skills, she had not seen his stone gambling skills!

After all, gambling stone needs many years of experience to become a master. Qin Tian is still so young. She doesn't believe she can master gambling stone?

What's more, if he didn't know his life experience before, everything would be reasonable. Since he is the descendant of the miracle doctor, how can he understand gambling stone?

You know how many people have been ruined in the casino. This is not really alarmist. Moreover, if you want to go to the gambling stone, you have to take a lot of money with you. This is why Zhu Yu's father and daughter said that they were not willing to pay enough.

Usually Zhu Yu seldom extravagant waste, this time Qin Tian wants to play, then follow him well, millions are not a problem, whatever he loses!

Zhu Yu and Su's family are already in such a state of mind, so when she is ready to arrive, she still wears beautiful eyes and smiles and asks, "Qin Tian, how big do you want to play this time?"

"As much as you want, I just want to see how big he can play here!" Qin Tian sneered.

"Ah? Is that a lot of money? I have a card, maybe only five or six million... "

"I don't need your money. I have enough money here. The maximum cost is not more than 100000!"

"Ah? All right Zhu Yu also laughed, thought Qin Tian would bet a lot, but didn't want to be so little.

Although she has not played with gambling stones, she also knows that gambling stones must be purchased. The raw stones are cheap with thousands of yuan, and the expensive ones are more than 100000 yuan!

Moreover, there are great differences in gambling methods. There are all raw stones, and some are edge cutting. The more expensive the raw stones are, the more likely they are to turn green. If Qin Tian had 100000 yuan, he might not be able to buy any raw stones, hoping to make money back!

"Don't worry about it. If you have a better raw stone with a higher price, I can buy it for you. After all, you have helped us too much!" Zhu Yu said politely.

"No, I'll do it myself. 100000 is more than enough!" Qin Tian didn't want to use Su's money.

"All right." Girl mouth emerged a trace of bitter smile, thinking in the heart, wait until you lose 100 thousand, can not be embarrassed!

An hour later, they came to the gambling stone city where the festival was held. It was a spacious indoor Convention and Exhibition Center. It was a bit of a shopping mall. The shops displayed that style, but the decoration and dressing standards were very high everywhere!

There are guardrails and various high-tech display platforms between the exhibition halls, as well as the etiquette Miss and security guard, which seems to be very high.

After all, most of the people who come here are not short of money. It can be said that the Zhou family has laid down their blood on this stone gambling festival once a year!But even so, holding this festival is a sure bet. After all, the form of gambling stone is to buy lottery tickets, but the cost and winning probability are higher.

And this is the scene of direct solution stone, revenge is in the moment, which makes people feel more exciting and excited.

Entering this huge conference hall, Qin Tian scanned the past and found that the exhibition halls on several floors were like shopping malls. The exhibition halls around were so magnificent!

The higher the level of the exhibition hall, the higher the price of the exhibition hall is. It's terrible!

The original stones on the first floor are all directly piled where they are. It's just a trifle to give some amateur gamblers a good time. The price of the top floor stone is millions!

The price of a stone is higher than that of ordinary jadeite. It's incredible!

"Wow, it's so big. It looks like there's not a million to go around." Zhu Yu said with a smile.

Qin Tian also nodded. Qin Tian felt that his 100000 cost was really a little low, but what he said really needed to be cashed in. He couldn't slap himself in the face!

As they walked, they suddenly saw a familiar figure in front of the reception desk. It was Zhou Muchen, the young master of the Zhou family.

He also saw Qin Tian and Zhu Yu walking side by side. When he saw Zhu Yu's beautiful makeup, his eyes lit up. But then he saw Qin Tian, but his eyes showed a touch of shock!

Last time, I can still remember what happened in the bar box. He was so scared that he didn't expect that the God of death came again today , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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