To tell you the truth, when Qin Tian said that he had taught the little Lord of the Shen family a lesson, Zhu Yu was worried for a while when he heard that he had offended the Shen family. Moreover, this guy didn't just bully him. He took another two billion yuan. This is fatal!

"Shen's company won't bully us, won't you?" Some serious said.

"It's OK. When are you so afraid of things? Is this the beautiful woman who bravely goes up in Wuzhong of three cities?" Qin Tian said helplessly.

"Ha ha, it's not a fight. To be honest, master and I can help you. But if they are oppressed by business, it's not so easy to do. My master and I are penniless people!" Zhu Yubei teeth clenched red lips, she found that she has now deeply integrated into Qin Tian's life, really do not hope that he will have anything, after all, this is the case now, no one wants anything wrong!

Zhu Yu's face is such a caring look. In fact, this expression has been clearly seen by Qin Tian. He secretly feels funny, but on the surface, he says seriously: "I said you may not believe it. I have more money than the Shen family, not to mention the help of the Lin family. I'm not afraid of commercial bullying, let alone I haven't used it To the power of Songshan! "

"Anyway, I always feel that people will definitely make an attack. Don't say I didn't remind you then!" Zhu Yu reminds said, the look in the eyes is full of blame.

This guy has offended the Shen family so hard. If you are an ancient warrior, people will find more powerful people. If you are a businessman, they will jointly suppress you. Isn't it normal? But he still looks like I have influence in Songshan. Can you use those forces in Songshan now? It's impossible. I don't know how big this guy's heart is. I don't even care!

Qin Tian looked at Zhu Yu's big eyes and said with a smile, "Zhu Yu, don't worry. The Shen family would like to be far away from me now, and dare not to get close to me. However, I still appreciate your concern very much. Ha ha ha!"

"You fart, who concerns you, shameless fellow..." Zhu Yu's pretty face could not help but appear a flush, cunningly said, "I am afraid you die, no one to take care of Xinran, don't look like I can help you anything, I am very busy!"

Qin Tian smiles seriously. Zhu Yu is just looking for an excuse. How can he not know about it?

He suddenly remembered that Lin Xiaoyao was jealous of himself before. What can be imagined is that the girl's heart should be as if there was nothing in her heart, showing that she had that kind of intention towards herself!

"Cough, Zhu Yu, if I have a chance in the future, I will take you to see these powerful figures in the imperial city. It's definitely not just for you to be an assistant!" Qin Tian said with a smile that he didn't need to say more about this problem, because this is a way to repay Zhu Yu himself!

The Shen family is really powerful in the imperial capital. They are the whole Taiheng group, which is not easy to deal with. In the next sentence, she will collapse directly.

"Seriously, it's not only the Shen family, but the Huangpu family in the East Island is the most serious one I offended this time! I have killed the young master Qin Tian zhengse said.

Zhu Yu is speechless directly. This is a company with great influence in China. Now Qin Tian has been bullied by him. What a terrible thing!

Qin Tian went to Yancheng and offended so many people. Is he looking for death or something?

In addition, I think that if they know me, or if they want the development of some nearby cities such as the imperial capital, they will deliberately pass through my hurdle. Otherwise, it is impossible!

"Are you bragging? Huangpu family, are you sure you need to be afraid of you

Zhu Yu was stunned for a moment. Some of them couldn't imagine what they only heard. Could it be that the people of Huangpu family knew the power of Qin Tian, and then they didn't dare to get close to him or provoke him?

If all this is the case, he is worried that Qin Tian will be seduced away by the Huangpu family of Dongdao. In this case, it will be difficult to do, because if the emperor loses the existence of such a great God, there will be no order in some things here in the future.

Although Qin Tian is not a person who can shake the four sides, his strength has proved that he is feasible. He has the ability to set off a storm in the imperial capital!

Qin Tian is a very representative character for Chinese ancient martial arts. He is the future talent of Chinese ancient martial arts. If Qin Tian is taken away by the people of Dongdao, it will be a great loss for Chinese ancient martial arts. This is an indisputable thing!

After all, the Huangpu family is a kind of existence that can freely spend more than a billion yuan in China. If we still want to let them kowtow now, there may be more money in the future, and more things will be used or targeted at Qin Tian!

To put it bluntly, either to win over and make use of, or to be the enemy, is nothing more than these two results and things, there is no other choice!Actually, Qin Tian didn't think so much. When thinking, Qin Tian was worried about it. Of course, Qin Tian laughed with a little speechless, "Zhu Yu, don't think too much. I have nothing to do with Huangpu family. Instead, they provoked me. When they fought again, they would not dare to rush up and kill me directly, because their most powerful genius wanted to harm me I, but I killed myself, it's normal, and it's something everyone knows! " Qin said.

"Qin Tian, you are a big devil. You still don't provoke these people in the capital of the emperor!" Zhu Yu gave Qin a big white eye, in fact, her heart is some complex mood in it, and I don't know why she suddenly expressed concern about Qin Tian. This kind of emotion is really wrong!

"Why did you suddenly scold me?" Qin Tian saw that women were not angry scolded themselves as the devil, and suddenly they were also some ignorant!

Zhu Yumei's eyes were full of water, which was a kind of resentment. Finally, he bit his teeth, and seemed to have decided what to pay attention to. Then he said, "say you are stupid, you are crazy, you don't understand. The complexity of emperor capital is not imaginable. Many powerful high hands are no longer imperial capital, but they can come back at any time! You have offended a family inside and outside the black. Do you know what this means? "

"What does it mean?" Although Qin Tian said along her words, but some of the hidden speculation in her heart what she wanted to say! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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