But Zhu Yu's answer really surprised Qin Tian. She said with a smile, "it means that you need to embrace me and my master more. We can definitely spur you. You can rest assured."

"This is the case now. After a certain extent, what you get is such a kind of thing, because what you can understand now is just this, but what you don't understand is still behind."

For Zhu Yu's advice, Qin Tian was a little speechless, but he also said with a smile, "well, I'll depend on you. Don't leave me alone one day!"

Smell speech, Zhu Yu's face also showed a burst of embarrassment, face a little red, see the girl like this, Qin Tian can't help but stretch out his hand to touch his face, and then positive color said: "you don't worry about ah!"

"Why do you pinch my face all of a sudden?" Girl, subconsciously retreated.

Qin Tian couldn't help showing a trace of love and said with a smile to the girl, "I'll just touch it and see if you have a fever."

"You just have a fever, I just blush!" Zhu Yu didn't have a good breath.

Qin Tian said with a smile: "I know your worry, I also know that you are under great pressure. It's better to come to our house and do yoga with my wife after work!"

"Do yoga with Xinran?" Zhu Yu immediately laughed and said, "is this suitable?"

"It's just to let you relieve the pressure in your heart, so I suggest you come and have a try. It's also to connect with each other!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Fart, I think you want to see my figure? Come on, who else? " Zhu Yu asked directly.

"Lin Xiaoyao, my sister-in-law!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"Well, I can't afford it. People are so beautiful. When I go, I look like a girl!" Zhu Yu lost interest in the moment, as if he went to the United States, and the two women in front of Qin Tian showed his beautiful figure, which is unimaginable!

"You're not bad! What did you say you lost to Lin Xiaoyao? " Qin Tian asked with a smile, now in the office, idle also have no problem, as much as chat, see this girl in the end is not to oneself have so little meaning!

Zhu Yu rolled his white eyes and said faintly, "sister Xinran, that's the country and the city. Lin Xiaoyao is a fairy coming down to earth. They are very beautiful. It's strange if I don't compare with them!"

Qin Tian felt the jealousy and helplessness in the woman's beautiful eyes, and his smile also became a little gentle: "Zhu Yu, in fact, you are also very beautiful. Your body practices martial arts all the year round, and there is no fat at all. Your body will not lose to Xiaoyao at all!"

"How do you know that Lin Xiaoyao has a lot of flesh?" Zhu Yu rolled his eyes out of anger.

Hearing this, Qin Tian couldn't help laughing, and then the immortal spirit came into his eyes and approached Zhu Yu. His eyes could not help but glance at her, "Miss Zhu Yu, what do you say? Of course I can see it clearly! "

"Don't look at me like that, you rascal Zhu Yu's expression is like a red apple. It's really rare to see her so shy. After all, Zhu Yu has always used a strong female image to show people. Now it's a little strange!

But this is the office, the woman will soon be able to retreat directly, Qin Tian directly forced the woman to the wall, and then put his hands in the past, Zhu Yu directly fixed in the original place.

Zhu Yu's heart rate suddenly accelerated, Bei teeth clenched her red lips, staring at Qin Tian, her eyes like water, gently trembled, just like a young girl in love!

"Well, I'm just testing you. I didn't expect you to be so nervous!" A word from Qin Tianxia made Zhu Yu feel relieved.

Looking at her a kind of relieved look, from the previous kind of coquettish and lovely appearance, into now a kind of flowery beauty's appearance, is also some funny.

Zhu Yu could see that the girl's eyes were full of tenderness and pity. He put out his hand to touch the girl's head and said, "I know what you think. Your worry is a little bit more than usual. Thank you for your concern for me!"

Zhu Yu immediately made a big red face, and then said with a gloomy look: "anyway, I will never be sorry for Xinran sister. Don't think about it. He has such a strong ability and a very down-to-earth job. You big lecher, you don't know what trouble you're causing outside, what have you done behind her back!"

"So if I'm not a good man, some women are still fascinated by me?" Qin Tian said with a smile.

Zhu Yu was said by Qin Tian as if he had been awakened. He was not angry and said: "hum, I will never like you!"

Zhu Yu, who was originally a little emotional, was awakened in an instant. He blinked directly and turned to work!

Qin Tian is also busy with his own business. He sneaked into the president's office when he was close to work. He saw Li Xinran still working at his desk, making phone calls from time to time, or tapping the computer. He was so busy that Qin Tian couldn't help but feel a burst of heartache!Even Li Xinran didn't find that even when he came in, he still devoted himself to his work.

After the woman was busy, she found that Qin Tian was leaning on the sofa and looking at her with a smile. Li Xinran showed a shy look and said with a straight face, "Qin Tian, you don't say a word when you come in. It's like a ghost!"

"You are not silent, but you are too focused on it. I don't know what to say. You work so hard!" Qin Tian smiles, his eyes full of care, "wife, you look so tired, don't you think you don't want to be president, but to enjoy life? After all, you are pregnant

It's a waste for a beautiful woman to devote herself to such a job with her pregnancy. Don't devote all of her life to her work and career. It's a waste!

When Li Xinran heard Qin Tian's words, he immediately gave the man a look, and then said seriously, "if I don't become the president, such a large company or a newly established company, who will be responsible for the thousands of underground employees? If you really want to kick me, you can promise to be the vice president!

"Forget this one!" Qin Tian was said by a woman like this, but also teased up, it is better to find a more powerful person!

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