At this time, the customers were thinking, because they were all from rich and noble families. It was really shocking to see such a beautiful woman as Li Xinran. They had never seen such a beautiful woman before. It was so shocking!

One by one, the men in suits and leathers were about to stare out of their eyes. There was a spark in their eyes. They looked envious, envious and hateful.

Then they are directly confused, the whole person is also some don't understand, this big beauty should like Qin Tian this kind of dress is so ordinary person!

Such a combination of men and women is really too ugly, and soon they think of another possibility, that is, Qin Tian may be an upstart, and don't know what is the temperament of rich children, so they will get the maintenance of another beautiful woman!

Otherwise, the real rich second generation must have that kind of style and taste. Otherwise, it is impossible to eat this kind of Western food in such ordinary clothes. In a word, the nouveau riche don't care about the image, but they like to pretend to be forced!

Of course, some people also speculate that Li Xinran is Qin Tian's friend or sister, so she brought him to see the world!

They prefer to believe in the second thing. In the face of these speculations, Qin Tian doesn't care. People of his identity don't care about how new people see themselves. They are used to it!

On the contrary, they are angry and angry, and the corners of their mouth touch the bottom of the lake. These men's eyes, he can see clearly. Since they like to be jealous, let them be jealous. This kind of thing is like this. If you pretend to force yourself, let yourself bite your teeth. I don't need much nonsense anyway!

You are jealous of me and don't need to pay attention to you. You don't like me, but you can't bite me.

Qin Tian with Li Xinran in a window position to listen down, and then began to order!

This is still in front of them is the restaurant waiter, looking at Qin Tian's side of this beautiful woman is also a flash in front of them, but they also understand that the man who can wear so ordinary to come in for dinner must be the invisible man, and they dare not refuse to treat him!

"This gentleman, you have a look first. You can tell me what kind of drinks you need. We have many famous wines here. You are welcome to buy them!" The waiter said seriously, this kind of thing is really no problem, they want such a situation.

"But if you don't have enough money, don't make a random choice, because these are imported western wines!" The waiter still said aloud, for fear that Qin Tian didn't have any money, but he came to pretend to be forced!

Qin Tian had no way. In order to avoid trouble, he took out his golden card again. When he saw the white gold card, the waiter suddenly realized. What else can be said about this kind of thing?

People can come in is this kind of identity, absolutely not you can despise the existence, now you squint at others, this is not looking for death?

He would like to directly put on a respectful look, slightly lowered his head and said: "it's the big boss. I'm glad to meet you. The most expensive wine is here. You can have a look first."

In his heart, Qin Tian is regarded as a kind of top-ranking young man. He takes his girlfriend out to eat. Some young masters like to pretend to be poor, so his general style of conduct is different from that of others. It is understandable to wear casual clothes when he comes out!

This is a western restaurant. The consumption is certainly expensive. However, due to the high demand, customers are always in an endless stream. When ordering food, they are deliberately waiting for more than half an hour. However, because qintian is a special customer, he directly asks the kitchen staff to prepare dishes for them in advance!

Li Xinran saw that Qin Tian was so considerate and the waiters were taking good care of her. She was also satisfied with her look, because she knew that her man would be a man of honor if she went anywhere!

After ordering the dishes, Qin Tian looked at Li Xinran and said, "do you want to drink some? Just a little bit. Don't worry

Li Xinran was looking at the man with horror on his face, thinking how this guy could have such a supreme card. But when he heard that he allowed himself to drink, he could not help but feel a joy, "then I'll have a drink!"

She now more and more like such a free, unrestrained style of Qin Tian.

Soon they ordered tens of thousands of red wine, and the dishes were served directly. Many of the men waiting to serve were shocked. It was Raffi in 1982!

This guy is really a nouveau riche. What makes him wear casual clothes and serve food in advance?

And this guy doesn't need to make an appointment, which makes them feel speechless and embarrassed. They are all famous people, but now they can't help seeing someone get more preferential treatment than them!

Several people began to greet the manager of the restaurant, pointing to Yunfeng and Su Qingmu over there and saying, "why did they just come in and serve? We've been waiting for nearly half an hour! ""You mean, they have the golden card, which is why we have to serve them in advance!"

The restaurant manager's words made these people who looked down on Qin Tian suddenly look muddled, and they were all a little shocked. This guy even had the most precious platinum card that the restaurant, large or small, was distressed by?

This kind of card is only available to some underground magnates or organization leaders, but this guy can be kicked in his hand now. What is his identity?

For a moment, when we look at Qin Tian, we all seem to be looking at a monster. Many of them are depressed, but there is no way.

Some people who don't know why are still protesting, but the protest is invalid!

Many men have some blame meaning, think how to go up and chat up Li Xinran, this beautiful woman?

Looking at such a beautiful woman is really a feast for the eyes!

A lot of people look at Li Xinran's graceful figure. When they sit there, their eyes are hot, and their life style is gone. They are a little unhappy looking at Qin Tian, hoping to eat it directly and replace it!

But no one rushed up to chat up, and more people were guessing what Qin Tian's identity was.

Is he the son of the restaurant owner's relatives and friends?

However, many people understand that Qin tianjiyou may have been mixed up and supported by some people on the road. Otherwise, how could they be so arrogant? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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