Thinking about this, many rich second generation and some rich people have revealed a kind of feeling of the world atmosphere. This kind of vulgar people mixed in the road is really unbearable. They all think that they can come in to this top European restaurant to eat, and their style will become higher?

Qin Tian clothes did not care at all, smiled at Li Xinran and said, "wife, you are so beautiful, every time you come out, these male cattle, all look at you, and then look at me very despised, as if they were going to kill me!"

"You're starting to talk!" Li Xinran stared at him, and he looked like a frost. He felt a little bit of shame and joy in his heart. He settled down and said, "you come here to eat in a casual dress like this, which must attract people's attention. I can't blame me all?"

"Well, it seems that I am despised for a reason. I don't blame you. This is really a matter of no way. Next time I want to come, I will go and make a few sets of clothes!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

Li Xinran also smiled, "I am not a person who wants to face. You wear anything. I like it. Besides, we are not just a little couple in love. Don't care what others think. We don't need to care about other people's opinions!"

"Wife, you say as if I was insincere and very aggrieved. No, I must give you a big surprise next time! " Qin Tian has been inspired by the kind of self-esteem of men, facing this beautiful wife, how can he be so insincere?

Li Xinran saw Qin Tian saying this very seriously, the face of the frost color has decreased a lot, smile is also a little more, light said: "then I will take you to surprise us? By the way, you haven't told me where you got this kind of top gold card? "

Lin Xiaoyao knows the origin of this card, but Li Xinran does not know. She is very curious that Qin Tian's strength can recognize various big people. But after all, this is the emperor and the city. And the people with the most respected white gold card will surely be the dominant position of one side. What is the relationship between this kind of person and Qin Tiantian?

In this case, Li Xinran had to wonder, because she really cares about what the man is busy recently, so if she asks, it is a kind of investigation and concern to him.

Seeing Li Xinran's curious appearance, Qin Tian directly said his experience with Lei Qianyao. As for how Qin Tian was associated with such a person, Qin Tian didn't say it carefully, just said that he and Zhu Yu went to the martial arts competition. Any Lei qianyun respected him and gave him a card, and there would be some cooperation in the future!

Li Xinran listened to it, and there was a strange color in his beautiful eyes. He didn't expect Qin Tian and Zhu Yu to participate in the ancient martial arts competition, which was interesting.

If Lei qianjue, the local big man of the capital, is awed, Qin Tian is really mixed well. She is really surprised by the man. This feeling is really a little different and very happy!

This man, in the emperor, is really one after another surprise to herself, she even felt incredible!

"Husband, I think you should be famous for the whole capital if you go on like this!" Li said with a smile.

"Cough, I am very low-key, otherwise, our group door now will be trampled down!" Qin Tian said with a smile on his face.

Actually, he is right. Now he has become famous. The underground big men in these cities know him. Many people admire and admire them. This is a master who makes the enemy awe the most!

What Qin master, what God of Qin, what evil emperor and so on, various names have been said in the Jianghu, and they are spread in various cities.

Unconsciously, Qin Tian has become the legend of these cities. Lei Qianyao and Jiangfeng, as well as some local hidden masters, all the big organization guys want to know Qin Tian and want to climb up some relationships.

Only a lot of people just heard of his name, and they never saw anyone at all. They didn't know what his real face was. For example, the famous aristocrat door eating in these European Western restaurants must have heard about the name of Qin Tian, but no one has ever fallen into a legendary character like this.

Otherwise, don't say they eat here and watch Qin Tian, and reporters will follow to the end of the siege.

Li Xinran smiled and said, "you fellow, your kung fu skills are always so honest and don't want to be famous. It's so low-key. It's very different from your previous show of courage!"

"Ha ha, people will change. I am not the kid who was born in the first place. I don't want to be too troublesome now, because people are famous and there are always some problems. These are not what I want!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"I am thinking about how to care for you, how to make our children born safely, and then develop our leaves in Dilu. I have no interest in other things!" Qin Tianyue said.

He knew that even if his strength was ever stronger, he could not act in such a high-profile way. It would cause the attention of the national level forces. That is a very troublesome thing!Because you do not know what is waiting for you, some troubles are really unexpected, this is very troublesome, in short, the result is uncontrollable existence!

However, Li Xinran can also understand Qin Tian's practice, and also very admire his extraordinary ability to get rid of vulgarity, but he does not show his personality at all. He has such a state of mind at a young age. He is really rich and noble like clouds, and ordinary people can't have such a state of mind!

Two people are laughing and chatting about the underground of the imperial capital, talking about what Qin Tian has recently met and heard. They are very happy and relaxed. This kind of feeling is like a young couple. It has that kind of atmosphere!

However, because it is a good wine, Li Xinran also wants to drink. After drinking a glass of red wine, Li Xinran's face is slightly red. It looks so beautiful and moving. With such brilliance, Qin Tian is also moved!

When the men around see this scene and see this beautiful woman, they are so wonderful and alluring. They are just natural beauties!

Just when some of them were ready to stand up and want to chat up, a few people came out of the door of the restaurant. Their clothes were very fashionable and trendy. They looked fancy and out of place with this restaurant!

These people's eyes wantonly scan in the restaurant, even the restaurant's waiters can not stop! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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