Seeing so many people come in, the manager of the restaurant is even more distressed. He feels that he is going to be finished. It is absolutely impossible for him to muddle along!

This is a job to lose, and the restaurant is going to be ruined, what a terrible thing?

All the people in the restaurant are in panic. They all know that these people must come to find Qin Tian to settle accounts, but duzhiyi is watching!

Although many of the people present are dignified figures, but at this time can only be counselled, this weight level of anchor, really not they can afford!

Qin Tian saw shangguanfei calling for more than 20 people to come over and directly surrounded their dining table. He also frowned. What Shangguan Fei really didn't know, did he really think these people could be their opponents? Take yourself seriously, don't you?

As a public figure, the anchor still has a great influence on the society. If he is so unscrupulous, it is really too miserable!

There are many big anchors who are directly blocked because they have no cover up or do some other things. Therefore, their live broadcasting platform is not a sword of the Shang side. It may be a nightmare of their destruction. It is a matter of no choice.

If the plot is serious, the bad impression of the anchor will be named by the official, some official media as a negative teaching material, and then it will be infamous, no longer pay!

So Qin Tian felt that this official flight seemed too much. Did he really think he could do whatever he wanted?

"Boy, you just beat our brother Fei badly? You still have the heart to eat? "

"I admire you very much

Looking at Shangguan Fei one by one, some of them are even more angry!

"Do you know who our flying brother is? Is that what you can provoke? Are you looking for death? "

"If you dare to beat us Feige, you just want to die. I see how you can muddle along in the imperial capital!"

All of a sudden, these people who dare to come from all over the imperial capital criticized Qin Tian one after another. For a moment, it was like spitting on Xingzi to scold him to death, which made him fly up!

Qin Tian didn't take this matter to heart at all. He just felt a little noisy. He said coldly, "shangguanfei over there, I advise you to let these innocent fans get away quickly. I don't want to hurt the innocent. Don't come to watch me eat. Don't bother me!"

Shangguan Fei didn't expect that he had brought so many people. Qin Tian dared to talk like this. He was so angry that he said: "you dare to beat people and dare to be arrogant? Now, I'm going to make an apology to me, pay for the medical expenses, the delay expenses of my live broadcast, and the selling expenses of my fans, all of which need you to pay. If you don't give it, I will definitely kill you! "

"You are also the emperor's capital. I have so many fans in the imperial capital. I can make you half dead at will and can't get along with it!"

"Feige, I'm an intern in DIDU TV station. If you say a word, I'll write this news and send it back to you. I'll make sure that this guy's reputation is known to all."

At this time, a tall and thin man in the fans said excitedly, and asked to take the initiative to say.

Shangguanfei looked at this guy and didn't know him, but he couldn't help but give up his thumb. The young man was flattered. His idol praised him face to face. It's worth coming here today!

Other fans also opened their mouth one after another, saying that they had a way to get rid of Qin Tian and vent their anger on Feige!

Shangguanfei had so many fans supporting him, and his face was pleased, "boy, if you pretend to me again, you will die. First kneel down and apologize, everything is OK!"

See them like this, Li Xinran silently looking at the mobile phone, the mood of eating is also no longer. And Qin Tian is sneer not language, still drink wine, it seems that the mood has not been impressed at all!

Isn't that nonsense? Asking him to apologize, that's crazy, isn't it?

Shangguan Fei thought Qin Tian was stupid. He couldn't help looking at Li Xinran, who was very outstanding in appearance. Then he sat on the ground and pointed to Li Xinran and said, "beauty, your husband is such a scum. It's a waste of money to marry such a person. Now he's beating people and breaking the law. If you plead for him, we may consider not letting him pay for your face So much

With his words, the 20 water friends all looked at Li Xinran, and they were all attracted by his beautiful appearance. The beautiful women seen in the anchor room were so unique!

Li Xinran is still like an iceberg that will not melt for ten thousand years. It's so cold that I don't care about shangguanfei and his fans. He still sits there coldly, looking down at his mobile phone.

Just when Qin Tian wants to open his mouth to let them go, there is a commotion outside the door of the restaurant!

I saw a group of tall people, wearing a uniform came in, led by two people, even Niu Gen and Xiao Nan Nan!

This is the boss of Hongxing club. This place should be under their jurisdiction. Otherwise, the manager of the restaurant would not recognize Lei qianjue and give Qin Tian a single golden card! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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