But it's not just these two people. They are followed by an old man and a young man. The old one is wearing a Tang suit, which seems to have a sense of immortality. As for the young man, this is a handsome suit, which is a template for successful entrepreneurs. They follow Niu Gen and Xiao Nan Nan and other people and walk directly towards Qin Tian here!

Qin Tian couldn't help narrowing his eyes when he saw the visitors. The old and the young behind Niu Gen should follow her. If not, they would not appear here together!

Who leaked the news that he was here? Is it because of live broadcasting?

This fan of shangguanfei, Shuiyou also has Lei qianjue? That would be interesting!

Zhong Xiao, the chairman of Dongchen medicine, and Zhong Yao Zu, who is known as the God of medicine in the imperial capital, came here. They once framed Li's group for some things.

That time or because of the listing of Fuyuan Dan, think of this thing, Qin Tian's expression is naturally some not very good-looking.

Seeing the people of these underground organizations come, the water friends of shangguanfei unconsciously disperse, because they can see that this kind of people are unworthy, and it's better not to provoke them, because they don't know why to die!

When Shangguan Fei saw these people coming to occupy the field, he was immediately upset. But he came to support his fans. How could he be bullied?

Although it's the bad people who come here, and these people are all big and big. They look so big and powerful, aren't they?

But shangguanfei, for the sake of face, still yelled at Zhong Yaozu, "old man, it's great that you invite bodyguards? Do you dare to hinder me from doing things? Believe me or not, and let you be on the news? "

Zhong Yaozu came to apologize and make amends to Qin Tian in person this time. After all, it is not easy to find him once, and it still needs to be supervised by Niu Gen and others!

At this time, the small South South and other people are also cold eyes toward shangguanfei and others to see the past, the moment directly let them admit counseling, completely dare not close to come over, don't dare to say a bullshit!

Zhong Yaozu only came to Qin Tian in particular today. He just looked at Qin Tian, arched his hands, and then said, "Dear doctor Qin, Zhong made a special apology to you because of the competition with Fuyuan Dan before."

"Isn't it? Your Dongchen group and our Li group are incompatible. It's not a good idea to apologize? " Qin Tian looks indifferent to say.

"Ha ha, doctor Qin, it's not necessary to fight against each other in business. Since we can compete, we can cooperate." Zhong Yaozu said with a kind smile, "but I see that Mr. Qin is in some trouble now. I'll help you solve it first and then cooperate?"

The simple conversation between the two really shocked all the people present, showing an incredible look. When looking at Qin Tian, it was like looking at a monster. Who is this guy?

Does his identity seem too scary?

What's more, they were surprised that the old man in front of him was the famous God of medicine, Zhong Yaozu of Dongchen medicine. The appearance of this guy made many people dumbfounded.

Many people know that the tonic market, the rise of Dongchen medicine, is all due to Zhong Yaozu's research and development of many tonic herbs, so that the rise and development of Dongchen medicine now.

Seeing that this big man actually came to find Qin Tian, many people here understood that this young man was definitely not a simple existence. Moreover, from the conversation between the two people, Zhong Yaozu seemed to have great respect for Qin Tian. What's the reason?

Is it a little too scary?

This level of big people should be so respectful to Qin Tian, which is some unimaginable existence!

Shangguanfei was surprised to see this place. If it was Shen's group or Lin family in this city, he knew about it, but it also had something to do with it. He just didn't expect Dongchen group, which made them confused.

This guy seems to be a partner of Dongchen group. Otherwise, how could he get such a sincere invitation and visit from the Zhong family and his son?

So this makes him have to think about it, whether he still want to continue to live Bo eyeball?

Is this kind of thing really good?

You should know that he is not afraid of heaven and earth, like Dongchen group, such a large company, he will not take the initiative to provoke.

However, these fans of shangguanfei feel that shangguanfei is powerful. After all, this is the owner of hundreds of fans. Who are they afraid of?

Therefore, more than 20 fans of shangguanfei said to shangguanfei: "Feige, we support you. If the people of Dongchen group want to bully you, we will expose them live!"

Shangguan Fei's look was a little embarrassed. He felt that if he exposed Dongchen group, he was afraid that although he could get the live traffic, he would be retaliated by the other party. What's the use of being an anchor no matter how powerful he is?You don't see that these people have even cooperated with these underground organizations. Is this what they can compare with?

Without waiting for shangguanfei to say anything, the fans of shangguanfei couldn't help crying out, "old man, some time ago, we exposed your Dongchen group's defamation of a pharmaceutical enterprise. Do you remember? Now you're doing it and beating people up? Do you want to continue to make headlines for you

Hearing the speech, Zhong Xiao on one side could not help frowning. He whispered to his father: "this is a local online star of the imperial capital, with millions of live fans!"


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