As a underground bearer in Songshan City, Fangzhen eats black and white, and naturally spreads all over many black and gray industries. Tengwangge is one of them.

And Fang Zhen, the two words, all people in the field have not heard of, is that so-called only heard, but never had the chance to see the figure.

When I heard that mabowen actually called Fang Zhen, several female teachers had started to shine their eyes. If I could know Fang Zhen through this line, even sleeping with mabowen for a night!

Mabowen takes out his cell phone and dials a phone. After the other party is connected, mabowen directly says, "Hello, Lao Fang? It's me, blog, what is tengwangge tonight, leave me room 1 with Tianzi. Yes, this room must be left to me tonight! "

After hanging up, mabowen shrugged his shoulders easily: "get it!"

"Wow! Ma Ge, you are so powerful, you really know Fang Zhen! "

"Look at the tone that mago Gang just spoke to Fang Zhen, which means that the two people are not familiar with each other!"

"Ma Ge, we have a talk tonight..."

Mabowen patted Qin Tian on the shoulder and smiled: "brother Qin must come tonight, otherwise, with your income as security, I don't know if there is any chance to go in this life!"

"OK, sure." Qin Tian also smiles and agrees, since someone invites to eat, why not go?

Li Xinran felt that the atmosphere was wrong, so he said to send Qin Tian to the security room first. When they walked out of the office, Qin Tian suddenly asked, "he is chasing you?"

Li Xinran nodded helplessly: "it's half a year old. Every day, like a fly, are you really going tonight? It seems that he does know Fang Zhen. "

"Go, of course, or we both have to spend money on dinner. How can we not go if someone asks such a high-end place as a big head?"

Looking at Qin Tian's look of expectation, Li Xinran smiled and didn't speak, and thought that Qin Tian had not been to such a high-end hotel. He wanted to try it. Li Xinran also expressed his understanding.

After Li Xinran and Qin Tian left, Ma Bowen went to an unmanned corner by himself, and took out his mobile phone and took a deep breath. He did know Fang Zhen, but he saw Fang Zhen once, licking his face and saying a few words. The other party didn't know himself.

And what he just called was not Fang Zhen, it was 10086.

At this moment, mabowen trembled and dialed Fang Zhen's phone, and asked a very cold question: "who?"

"Hello, sir. I am a blog. We had dinner together half a year ago. I want to trouble you..."

Fortunately, Fang Zhen was lazy to take care of such a small man. After mabowen asked, Fang Zhen gave a sound and hung up the phone. After the call, mabowen's back was soaked with sweat.

The shadow of man, the name of the tree, square earthquake really has this oppression.

The public security of the university is very good. Most of the students who have been to the university are adults, and few of them will have anything to happen. So Qin Tian stayed in the security room for a whole day, and he would be on the Internet when he nagged with the rest of the security guards.

Qin Tian is young and new. Several elder brothers take care of Qin Tian. He tells Qin Tian about the school gossip, such as the girl's bed lost in. Clothes. Last time, a school leader drank more nerve examination for her bedtime in the middle of the night, even at noon, some male students could bring the female guide back to the dormitory for one noon and so on.

Qin Tian listened to it very much, so he was short of a little wine and rice. But Qin Tian found that there was a big brother who was not young and was sitting by the bed, and was unhappy.

Qin Tian pointed to the big brother, and asked the people around him, "how can the big brother look unhappy?"

The security guard around Qin Tian looked up and sighed: "that is the captain of our security department, brother Jiao. His daughter has not known what kind of illness has been recently. He is in bed and sometimes he doesn't know anyone. It costs a lot of money to see the doctor, and it doesn't work. It's a good girl."

"Jiao, don't sit there. There are new people coming here to talk!"

Jiao Cheng also knew that he was really a bit slow, and he squeezed out a smile and came and sat next to Qin Tian: "the boy is not right. Elder brother is really a family thing, and he didn't talk to you."

The old brother looks very simple. From this simple person, Qin Tian can always see his father's figure, all honest people. But he doesn't care about it, and he says, "brother Jiao is relieved, so that the disease of Qianjin can be cured. Just I can understand it a little bit. I can go to see it some day."

For Qin Tian, Jiao Cheng did not report any hope, but did not believe Qin Tian. After all, he visited so many places and saw too many doctors and could not. But Qin Tian was just a small security guard. What could it be? But I still say thank you.

Several security guards heard Qin Tian said that he would see a doctor, and immediately came to the topic: "elder brother, you really can see a doctor?"

Qin Tian nodded: "understand a little bit."

"Come on, how about you looking at me?" A security guard is leaning forward, and a little interested.

Qin Tian scanned the appearance of security, dry and sparse hair, no luster, swelling eyes, body fat, said directly: "every morning to get up obvious dry eyes symptoms?"The security guard listened, thought about it carefully, and then patted his thigh: "yes!"

"Afraid of the cold, and cold hands and feet."

"Lying in the trough, yes, we all feel the appropriate temperature, but we are shivering, and if we catch a cold, our hind feet will be cold."

See Qin Tian continuous said in the situation, the rest of the people immediately came interested.

Qin Tian nodded and blurted out: "you are kidney deficiency, brother. The most obvious manifestation of this is that one day is worse than another."

This time, the security guard was completely confused. He grabbed Qin Tian's arm, as if he had grasped the straw: "brother, help me quickly. What you said last night was only three and a half minutes. My wife didn't let me into the bedroom all night!"

What the security guard said directly made the others laugh and one said a few sarcastic remarks.

Qin Tian couldn't help laughing. He wanted to make a few sarcastic remarks. Later, he thought about it. How about himself?

After thinking about it, Qin Tian said, "the medicine is three parts poisonous. You don't need to take medicine. Go to bed early every day. Soak your feet in hot water for 15 minutes before going to bed. Press the soft foot Yongquan acupoint. It's too Chong. Then buy some eel stewed soup to drink, and it will be well conditioned in half a month."

After hearing this, the security guard quickly wrote it down. Qin Tian also showed Qin Tian more or less some help.

Looking around, Jiao Cheng finds that Qin Tian really seems to know some medical skills, and has a trace of expectation in his heart. Qin Tian also knows what Jiao Cheng is thinking. He comes up and pats Jiao Cheng on the shoulder: "brother Jiao, don't worry. Your daughter must be OK."

Jiao Cheng says thanks with gratitude in his eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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