In the evening, Qin Tian comes to Tengwang Pavilion in Li Xinran's BMW. Ma Bowen drives a Mercedes Benz big g. it seems that the family still has some foundation. Nowadays, slag man drives big G, slag woman runs e, slag man irons tin paper, slag woman big wave.

About a dozen people came to the party, all of whom were medical school teachers. Ma Bowen was very confident. When he entered the hotel, the front desk politely asked, "Hello, sir, we have the VIP system here. Please show me our VIP card."

Ma Bowen waved his hand: "my surname is Ma, and my name is Ma Bowen. I just called Fang Zhen to book Tianzi No.1. Please arrange it for you, miss."

With that, Ma Po Wen also took out his mobile phone and took a look at the phone record to the front desk. Fang Zhen's telephone number was very easy to identify, and there were all 8 in the back. When the front desk saw that it was Fang Zhen's phone number and the duration of the call was 23 seconds, he said with a smile: "OK, sir, please come inside!"

The polite performance of the front desk gave Ma Bowen a great sense of achievement. Several people sat in room No. 1, which was regarded as one of the luxurious private rooms in Tengwang Pavilion. It was about 100 square meters. In addition to the dining place, there were some simple entertainment facilities, and there was a large French window behind it. The scenery was very good.

People who can eat in this place are usually rich or expensive.

Ma Bowen waved his hand: "you can order whatever you want. I have friendship with Lao Fang and can give you 20% discount."

The last sentence is Ma Bowen's boasting. Anyway, he can't get 20% discount. This meal is worth 100 thousand yuan. If you put blood into Li Xinran's face and pretend to be forced, Ma Bowen thinks it's worth it.

Even if Li Xinran was not chased to her hand, through her personal contacts and financial resources, several female teachers present could sleep more than three at least when they went back home!

The more he thought about Ma Bowen, the more happy he felt. He turned the menu to Qin Tian and said with a smile, "Qin Baoan, today is mainly for you. You can order more dishes. After that, the public security problems of our school will depend on you."

Ma Bowen's words directly focused on Qin Tian. There are still a few people who have not seen Qin Tian. They all suddenly realize that they are angry and gloating.

Li Xinran is also a goddess teacher in medical school. She married a security guard.

At the same time, there are also a few women teachers who are usually jealous of Li Xinran. They are not happy in their hearts. What's wrong with the goddess? What's wrong with a big chest? What's wrong with the money at home? Not married to a loser.

Qin Tian took over the menu and looked through it solemnly. From time to time, he asked Li Xinran what he wanted to eat. Li Xinran took a look at the menu and casually said a few dishes.

Some people at the table could not help but start to say sarcastic words: "look at that poor look, but it is really bitter, we are happy."

"Yes, it's better to be our brother ma. We are handsome, have a good family background, and have a wide range of contacts. He Xinran is just a talented woman."

This wave of flattering Ma Bo Wen is a little bit lost in the north, hit a ha ha, casually asked: "by the way, Qin Tian, our school security guard, how much is a month?"

"Three thousand two." Qin Tian said truthfully.

"Well, in Songshan City, what can I do with 3200? Well, I'll say hello to Lao Fang and let you come to this hotel to be a waiter. It's seven or eight thousand a month!"

Qin Tian sneered. He wants to be a waiter here. Does Fang Zhen dare to?

Seeing Qin Tian's silence, a female teacher sneered: "tut tut Tut, I want to go to the top. I don't have to stammer to form blog posts for such a good opportunity. Don't ask for blog posts in private after the party."

The female teacher called her blog posts one by one. She leaned close to Ma and rubbed Ma's arm with her own big waves, which made Ma Po Wen very happy and wanted to touch it twice.

Li Xinran some can't see past, facial expression is some ugly: "where my husband works does not need you to care, this is our private matter."

"Die, face and suffer."

"Yes, sometimes when it's time to bow down and ask for help, you have to bow down."

"Come on, Bowen, I'll have a drink with you. Can you show me Fang Zhen in the future?"

A female teacher blinked at Ma Bowen. It seems that the meaning is obvious. You introduce Fang Zhen to me. Tonight, people will play whatever you like.

Looking at these women who are teachers, Qin Tian has some disdain. Your students know that you are all so free behind your back. Dangling?

Li Xinran also wanted to say something, Qin Tian pulled down a hand at the table, indicating Li Xinran not to speak.

From the beginning to the end, Qin Tian has not put them in the eye, but just a clown.

At this time, Qin Tian suddenly felt that his phone rang. He picked up his mobile phone and looked at it. It was a strange number. He stood up and said that he wanted to go out and answer the phone. Before he could wait to leave, someone said, "why? Can't stand the blow, want to run? "

"No wonder it's useless. I can't stand the blow. Even my wife doesn't care. I run by myself."

Qin Tian's mouth twitched, but he had to find a corner to answer the phone. It was a strange number, but when he heard the other party talking, Qin Tian knew who it was.Are you free, brother Qin? I serve Tengwang Pavilion, please have a meal

The speaker is Fang Zhen.

Qin Tian was a little funny. He didn't expect that Fang Zhen would invite himself to dinner at this time, so he said hello.

After getting Qin Tian's promise, Fang Zhen politely hung up the phone: "OK, don't disturb brother Qin. We'll see you later."

Back on the table again, the dishes are almost ready. After Qin Tian comes back, people are too lazy to laugh at Qin Tian. They are more fawning on Ma Bo Wen.

Just a few minutes after a meal, the door of the private room was suddenly opened, and there was a lot of noise outside.

"Come on, come on, don't eat, clear up, get out of here!"

Teachers who eat normally are shocked. They have never seen this world. Many people are outside. They all look forward to Ma Bowen.

In fact, Ma Bowen was a little confused. However, he pretended to be calm and motioned that everyone was OK. He stood up and went out and said, "what's the matter? Who are you?"

"Don't worry about the dinner party. Don't worry about your dinner

The speaker, wearing a Zhongshan suit and named Taikun, is the core figure around Fang Zhen.

Ma Bowen was stunned. He put his arm around Taikun's neck and was about to go out. He said quietly, "brother, give me face. I'm going to invite my colleagues to dinner. Can I go after eating?"

"Who are you brothers with? Master Zhen said that no matter who is there, they will be cleared. Can you and I disobey him?"

Taikun pointed to Ma Bowen's nose and scolded. He didn't give Ma Bowen face at all. People at the table saw this scene. Several female teachers said, "Bo Wen, don't you know Fang Zhen, give him a call."

"That's right. Call Lao Fang and ask him what he means."

Ma Bowen's face is a little difficult. His friendship with Fang Zhen is a fart. How can people give him face.

In fact, it's Ma Bowen's back. Fang Zhen didn't plan to come here for dinner. When Ma Po Wen called for help, Fang Zhen agreed to it. Later, Fang Zhen suddenly thought of Qin Tian's extraordinary qualities and felt that he had to flatter himself, otherwise he would be the enemy.

As a result, Fang Zhen quickly called Qin Tian and said that he had dinner.

However, Ma Bowen also wants to run into luck. Shaking his hands, he takes out his mobile phone and dials a call to Fang Zhen.

"Shock Master Zhenzhen, my blog, we haven't finished our meal in that room... "

Speaking of this, perhaps because he was too nervous, Ma Po Wen accidentally pressed the hands-free button and listened to Fang Zhen's roar: "eat your mother, I'll break your legs if you don't roll away!"

And this sentence happened to be heard by all the people on the table, and they were all shocked.

Fang Zhen said that breaking their legs was not a joke.

The female teacher who rubbed Ma Bowen's arm with her chest just now was very difficult: "you Don't you have a good relationship with Fang Zhen... "

Ma Bowen turned around and sighed, "don't eat, let's go."

Taikun looked indifferent and played like a fool: "all right, get out of here. I have to clean up after you leave. What Zhenye is entertaining today is not an ordinary VIP."

All the people present were very envious. They didn't know what kind of people they were, so that Fang Zhen could pay so much attention to them.

When almost all the people on the table stood up, Qin Tian opened his mouth slowly.

"Go back and tell Fang Zhen that we are not going to move out of the private room."

Qin Tian's words, all people are confused, including Li Xinran around.

Taikun had not seen Qin Tian, so he didn't know who Qin Tian was. He looked at Qin Tian with great interest: "boy, do you repeat what you just said to me?"

"I said, this private room, we are not going to let out until we finish eating."

Qin Tian looked at Tai Kun, word by word, calm and self-contained.

"Are you crazy? It's Fang Zhen. Don't take us if you want to die!" Ma Bowen was completely flustered and yelled at Qin Tian with his red neck.

And for this offend Fang Zhen's behavior, the rest of the teachers are also afraid, want to go quickly, afraid to pull themselves into the water.

Taikun directly ordered the younger brothers to close the door: "come on, don't let it go. Nobody's going to leave today!"

"Are you stupid? What do you want to do with us? Is it time to pretend to be forced? " Ma Bowen's eyes were already red. He yelled at Qin Tian again, and then he begged for softness toward Taikun: "this brother, he won't let us. Let's go now."

"Yes, yes, yes, we will go away and never come back again!" Several teachers followed.

Taikun did not pay attention to them, but kicked a stool, went to Qin Tian, took out a dagger in front of Qin Tian, and played: "I asked you once, roll or not?"

Qin Tian glanced at Tai Kun and said calmly, "you are not qualified to talk to me. Let Fang Zhen come by himself and tell him to bring some VIP cards when he comes." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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