All the people present could not help talking about it, because they were some powerful people. They knew the upper class of the imperial capital very well. They knew that Dongchen group was a big enterprise. Generally speaking, it was not easy to be provoked!

What's more, Zhong Yaozu, also known as the God of medicine in name, should be a very normal thing for them to cooperate with each other. But what's unusual is that the Zhong family and his son came to Qin Tian to cooperate with each other. What's more, they were shocked by the ridiculous way of cooperation!

"Mr. Qin, I have brought all the contracts for this cooperation. If you have no opinion with Mr. Li, I'll show it to you first!" Zhong Yaozu said, let his men send the contract model to Li Xinran and Qin Tian's table!

At this time, everyone was stunned. Many people were thinking about who this young man was. He even let Zhong Yaozu, the God of medicine of Dongchen group, come here and offer such a high price chip. It's amazing!

They also speculated that Qin Tian was an underground boss. Dare you, this guy is just an entrepreneur in his twenties?

What's more, he is still a genius in medicine and medicine, which is incredible!

What's more, many people's ears are sharp, and even have heard the words of "Fuyuan Dan". Is Fuyuan Dan produced by their enterprises?

That's amazing. It's just a shocking level, which makes them feel very surprised. It seems that they have never seen such a scene before, but now they all see it. It's amazing!

I can even see two famous pharmaceutical enterprises in DIDU. One is the old famous brand of DIDU and the other is the emerging overlord. Their cooperation mode is actually like this. Many people feel it is incredible!

Li Xinran saw that the people of Dongchen group also named her, and let her look at these cooperation documents. Without waiting for her to say anything, Qin Tian said coldly: "you used to aim at us like this before, but now you are cooperating again. Do you take yourself seriously? To tell you the truth, we can't look up to the resources of Dongchen hospital. We can find more powerful partners. You don't deserve it! "

Boom -

at this time, the audience could not help but send out a burst of exclamation. When looking at Qin Tian, he looked incredible. What was this guy talking about?

He even said that Dongchen group is not worthy to cooperate with them. Is this too arrogant and crazy?

Dongchen medicine is second only to Lin's pharmaceutical company in the imperial capital, but now Lin's medicine has been reformed, so its strength has declined a lot, and it has sold out the largest pharmaceutical company and some industries of Lin's.

So now the largest pharmaceutical enterprise in the imperial capital is Dongchen group.

This is such a pharmaceutical enterprise in the eyes of Qin Tian, a young man, who is not qualified enough. It's really incredible!

Zhong Yaozu said with a smile: "Mr. Qin, fly legs are also meat. In the imperial capital, we are the largest pharmaceutical enterprise. We have the best partners. As long as we cooperate, not compete, we believe we will win-win. If you want to achieve the hegemony, you need to forget the previous resentment and competition, return to the negotiation table and cooperate together

"Mr. Qin, I appreciate your talent. I sincerely want to apologize. I sincerely want to cooperate with you. I don't have any hypocritical thoughts. I know that the imperial capital is definitely not a place to satisfy you. Your ambition is the whole northern four cities and even the whole country. How can Mr. Qin satisfy his ambition? "

"But the premise of going out is not to win the imperial capital? So cooperation is the best choice, from the perspective of enterprise development, not personal resentment! "

Zhong Yaozu so sincere words, let Li Xinran can't help but move in the heart, she naturally also think this method is feasible, just do not know Qin Tian will agree?

Zhong Yaozu felt that with his own qualifications and strength, Qin Tian could be moved. To stimulate Qin Tian's interest with the emperor's map of hegemony, this is a way to attack the heart with the highest interests!

After saying that, Zhong Yaozu also looked at Qin Tian with a look of arrogance and arrogance, showing no doubt!

He didn't believe it. Could such a young man still sit still?

However, Qin Tian is still calm, sitting there, his face is very calm, calm like water, light said: "I said, we you Dongchen group has nothing to talk about!"

Dongchen over there all of a sudden are frowning, this young man is really too proud, even flatly refused them, so that their hearts immediately have anger, this anger or unconsciously run up!

Rao is their sincerity again, face this kind of rejection way also can not withstand, ah, face how can hang up?

There are so many upper class people in the restaurant. Everyone is watching. How can Qin Tian's attitude make them step down?

Zhong Xiao makes a look at his father. They are powerful business giants after all. Their determination and cultivation are very strong. If they can cooperate with a master of Qijing, they will definitely have great interests for Dongchen group!Therefore, he first held back his anger, pondered for a moment, and then made an offer that he thought Qin Tian could not refuse. "If 10% of you are not willing, we are willing to give up 30% of the shares for Mr. Qin to buy!"

As soon as this word came out, the whole restaurant immediately became agitated. The cooperation mode and the guarantee of 1 billion yuan are very powerful!

Is there anything more attractive than giving up 30% of the shares?

This is equal to directly let you share the stolen goods with us. In the future, this is not a partner, this is my family!

A 30% stake means that there may be more than 2 billion earnings a year. This level is really not something that people in the restaurant can despise!

The richest of them were only a few hundred million, but Qin Tian's value seemed to be more powerful than them!

It has to be said that the conditions offered by the chairman of Dongchen group are really too enviable, which is also hard to refuse!

This time, everyone thought Qin Tian would not hesitate to directly agree.

Even Li Xinran is also directly shocked by the chairman of Dongchen group. He looks at Qin Tian with a pair of beautiful eyes and wants to know how he can do it?

Why can it be so respected by Dongchen group? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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