Li Xinran is also full of shock, incredible looking at Qin Tian in front of him, with his strength does have this qualification, but do not know whether he will cooperate with Dongchen group!

After all, others don't know Qin Tian, but she still knows it. He still looks pale and says: "I dare not be interested! Let's go. Don't disturb our meal. We've been disturbed by people all the time. It's very uncomfortable! "

For a moment, the whole audience was stunned, one by one looking at Qin Tian in front of him, did not expect that he would directly refuse without thinking!

Li Xinran saw his man so overbearing, a pair of beautiful eyes is also wave light flow, the heart for a burst of surprise.

He is not affected by the appearance, is simply too amazing, this kind of man is able to achieve great things!

The power and interest temptation of Dongchen group can't move Qin Tian. He does his own things like this. He doesn't care what others think. Even compared with him, it's more important to eat with her.

This is the reason why Li Xinran's heart moved. In short, men are really too overbearing and unreasonable. Many people are shocked and even shocked by it!

At this moment, Li Xinran found out that eating a meal was like eating honey, and his heart was very moved. A little sweet smile appeared on his face.

On the other hand, Dongchen group Zhong family father and son's face has been very ugly, they have been under the pressure of the entire Dongchen group, decided to give Qin Tian such a big advantage, even willing to sell shares, let them become the master!

I didn't expect that Qin Tian, a young man, would not be moved. This guy is really incredible and overbearing!

Looking at Qin Tian like this, Zhong Yaozu shook his head helplessly. He was very disappointed, angry and disdainful, and his face became gloomy!

Gentle township is a hero tomb, Qin Tian is such a small son, it is really some difficult to achieve great things!

Because cooperation is win-win, but he still doesn't cooperate. Can't 30% of the shares let him give up the past?

After all, the slander was not successful. In a certain sense, it did not cause any loss to Li's group!

"Well, let's go." Zhong Yaozu can't help it. Tieqing turns around and leaves.

Zhong Xiao also looked at Li Xinran and Qin Tian with a gloomy look. Without muttering, he followed his father and walked away.

Although he was very afraid of Qin Tian's strength in martial arts, they believed that in the future, they could surpass them in the future.

Today's Qin Tian did not accept the cooperation invitation of Dongchen group, but also made Zhong Yaoshen lose his reputation, which made him angry in his heart. He felt that Qin naivety was too small and could not achieve anything!

Qin Tian laughably looks at them these people, the wind and fire came, and then left, the eyes fell on Niu Gen and small South South body!

"The men you brought?"

"Mr. Qin, we think this is a good thing for you. After all, such a large company is looking for cooperation, so we brought it to you in person..."

"Yes, I didn't expect master Qin to refuse. It's because we have a lot of things to do. We will never let people disturb Mr. Qin easily in the future."

"Just know it. Get out of here." Qin Tian doesn't want to worry about these with them. He doesn't want to be disturbed.

Watching everyone go out, the restaurant is quiet again.

At this time, no one dares to disturb Qin Tian and Li Xinran any more. Even when they look at him, their eyes and expressions become extremely respectful.

Li Xinran said: "it's right not to cooperate with them. Dongchen group will only recruit black men for our company. They have no social opinion and pressure. We still need face. How can we cooperate with them?"

"However, I know that the Zhong family and his son know a lot of people in the road, and some cruel ancient martial artists have been exchanged. So today, you have ruined the reputation of that medicine God. Naturally, he can't let you go easily. You should be careful in the future."

Li Xinran in this period of work, often heard the negative news of Dongchen hospital, either with what partner brain collapse, or was reported. And their style of doing things is also more extreme, only the kind of ruthless interest.

However, these illegal acts of them have not been caught by anyone, and it is difficult to catch the clues. The means are simply not general terror!

Qin Tian said with a relaxed smile: "compared with them, they must think that we are more difficult to deal with. After all, I am a loner. Their whole Dongchen situation is worse than us. So if we want to compete with us, we are not afraid whether it is to take force or develop commerce!"

"This kind of competition is not good for us, but there is no way. Since they are willing to do so, it depends on who loses more and who suffers more!"

Li Xinran also looked helpless. "I know you are very powerful, but it's easy to hide the open gun, but it's hard to defend the secret. The means of Dongchen group are extremely despicable. All kinds of dirty means emerge in endlessly. In short, you should be carefulFor Li Xinran's kind reminder, Qin Tian smiles. In fact, there is a Shen family. Now they are under great pressure in the imperial capital, but how about that?

Qin Tian said with a relaxed smile in his eyes: "I will be careful. Today is a good day for us to have dinner. How can we let irrelevant people destroy the atmosphere?"

"So don't talk about Dongchen group. It's useless for us. Why don't we talk about something else! For example, when a baby father is a baby

Smell speech Li Xinran's pretty face can't help but emerge a smile, "you ah, is a big thick man, really need to know to take baby these?"

"Isn't that nonsense? This is our first child. I have to be coarse and fine Qin Tian said with a smile.

Smell speech, Li Xinran can't help but roll eyes, "the first, how many do you want?"

"How many, how many, how many?"

Smell speech, Li Xinran's face is more red, do not know what to say, this guy is really too annoying.

Qin Tian drinks Lafite leisurely, but in ten minutes, they are full and ready to go out for a walk.

The restaurant manager gave them a 50% discount. After paying, they walked out of the troubled European restaurant hand in hand.

"Where do you want to go, wife?" At the door of the restaurant, Qin Tian looks at the time when the sky is just getting dark. Everyone is just eating out and shopping!

Li Xinran shook his head and said, "I've drunk a little wine. You can send me home to help you."

"All right." Qin Tian put his arm around the woman's small waist and walked towards the car in the surprised eyes of everyone in the restaurant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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