"Little beauty, don't be so irascible. You will greatly reduce your image. Do you know what a woman is most important? When you have a certain figure and appearance, if you do not have temperament, then you are still not a beauty! "

"So, this is the difference between a bar girl and some beautiful women. The formation of temperament is directly related to a person's personality and the surrounding environment." Shen Qianxi's light smile.

The meaning of this is very obvious, that is to say, I have temperament, but you do not mean, I want to let you pay attention to a point, you do not have any opinion?

Zhu Yu couldn't help but roll her eyes. She has been practicing ancient martial arts for a long time. What kind of temperament does she need?

Obviously, it is because of her beauty and natural ingratitude. Because she is the eldest lady of the Shen family, she is very luxurious in her dress, so this is her temperament?

Besides, a person's temperament is not just like this, I Zhu Yu has his own domineering temperament, can't it?

Of course, a lot of times, men like Shen Qianxi's temperament, but the bar here's rich and handsome, as long as you look at the good figure, good appearance, you will feel good!

As for Zhu Yu, if she was changed to Shen Qianxi's position, and she was also the eldest lady of the Shen family, and she did not practice ancient martial arts, her temperament would certainly not be worse than that of Shen Qianxi now!

It is true that environment can make a person, which is a very interesting thing, but also a very interesting thing!

But Zhu Yu's heart is very helpless, his previous Zhang Min did not make profit from Qin Tian, now he is honest, because they want to deal with the Lin family, they also need to buy qintian this mountain, and they do not seem to have this ability!

Now the Shen family is not easy to deal with!

Qin Tian did not know how much strength to deal with him and their company, all this situation has become a little bad up!

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