General Zhu Yu is really confused. What does Shen Qianxi mean? Does she want to cooperate with Qin Tian or what?

He even said something serious. It didn't sound like it was meant to be fabricated. It was like a real warning to Qin Tian!

But Qin Tian can hear it all the time and scold here. The killer organization of Gabriel is really terrible, but I don't know why she can't mention any worry in her heart, because it seems that there is nothing to worry him about, as if all this has not happened, and it will not happen!

Qin Tian didn't have any nonsense, and said coldly, "Miss Shen, who are you? Why don't you suddenly tell me about Gabriel? "

"Well, sister, I was kind enough to remind you, understand? How can you be so indifferent to others Shen Qianxi is also with a trace of smile, smile with a sad color, let a person listen, even if it is tough heart will be melted away!

But Qin Tian didn't relax his vigilance because of this matter. He still said coldly, "if you can know that the person I killed is Kennedy, there are only so few people. Are you the one sent by Gabriel company for revenge?"

"No, I'm not. I'm just a weak woman. I'll introduce you to a sister!" Said Shen Qianxi waved to the outside, came into a beautiful woman as charming, looking at it seems that this is very obvious!

"I'm sorry, Miss Shen, your meaning is too obvious, but I don't care. I won't be interested in beautiful women!" Qin Tian said speechless.

"This is my friend. I'd like to introduce it to you, but you don't like it?" Shen Qianxi took the silent woman and sat on the edge of the table, and didn't know what it meant!

Qin Tian couldn't help looking at this woman and became serious for a while, because he smelled that I was the same as Shen Qianxi on this woman. Now he finally understood why there was such a strange fragrance on Shen Qianxi's body!

This fragrance is from the fragrance of the woman around her, and this woman is the unexpected guest, which is interesting!

"Mr. Qin, to be honest, I come to you to cooperate with you. You may not like beautiful women, but it doesn't matter. We can still cooperate!" Shen Qianxi said.

"Hehe, is it necessary to use so many beauties to cooperate with me? I'm sorry, I don't want to eat that! " Qin Tian also gave a cold smile.

Shen Qianxi was immediately teased by Qin Tian, which was giggling, Jiao body disorderly trembling, it seems that more charming up, really someone endless ah!

"Doctor Qin, you are really good at joking. Our sisters like you so much. I decided to give you a bigger surprise because you are so cute."

Shen Qianxi said this, ambiguous to the extreme, people do not know that she is a woman of the same dust!

In fact, this is the eldest lady of the Shen family. It's just incredible!

Zhu Yu looked at Shen Qianxi's side, there was such a big beauty, her face turned black in an instant. How could this woman talk like this?

She immediately began to question with some displeasure: "you don't want to seduce Qin Tian. It's useless. No matter how many women you call to your side, it's useless!"

Zhu Yu is also Dai eyebrow tight frown, the face has turned black, this woman talks so dissolute, she immediately said with displeasure: "you don't seduce me, please leave here!"

"Little beauty, you really misunderstand your sister. The so-called work of matching men and women is not tiring. I saw doctor Qin in trouble, so I brought a beautiful woman to help him through the difficulties!"

"Girl, what do you do Shen Qianxi looked at Qin Tian in front of him and said.

"I am the senior resistance of general manager Shen, responsible for the cooperation with Mr. Qin, so I hope to have a good cooperation with Mr. Qin!" The beauty that calls a little girl doesn't mind at all, Qin Tian says with a kind of surprised vision now.

What else does Zhu Yu want to say? Qin Tian motioned her not to rush people, so he continued to ask, "what do you mean, do you want to help me connect with the two billion dollar business, or do you want to help me through the affairs of Gabriel assassin company?"

"Yes, especially at the back. I think I can have a good chat with Mr. Qin." Xiaoniu smiles and picks up the wine cup, but Qin Tian doesn't pay attention to her.

Qin Tian looked at the two women in front of him who deliberately dressed up and looked at the brilliance in their eyes. He said helplessly: "this time, it must be troublesome, so I can help you through the difficulties. This is really a very difficult thing to do. Therefore, with my understanding of Gabriel company, I can help you completely!"

"Hehe, do you think I need your help? Can I say that you have ulterior motives by volunteering so much? " Qin Tian said with a smile.

For Qin Tian's distrust, Xiaoniu is not in a hurry. Instead, she stares at Qin Tian with a kind of brilliance in her eyes: "this time, Gabriel is sending the general manager of Asian Fang Fang, one of Gabriel's five trump card level mercenaries. The name is Felix, known as the body of black iron. Just these names, you know something is wrong?""Now I can tell you that this Felix has entered China, and you are not good enough for this?"

"Black iron body? This is very strong. The kind of fire can not be burned to death? Felix! " Qin Tian said with a smile, looking directly at the cold eyes of the girl, so firm eyes let the other side also some dark heart tremble!

At this time, the girl was so sharp that Qin Tian looked at her cheeks red, but she didn't know whether she was shy or fake shy. She covered her mouth directly, and he smiled: "yes, so you should be afraid?"

"Tell you, I am returnees, or how can I be senior assistant to Shen Zong?" The girl also smiled proudly.

"I think both of you have problems, which are more frightening than those terrorist organizations overseas!" Zhu Yu said with no good will.

"Ha ha, why is it difficult for a woman to be a woman? We all appreciate the talent and status of Qin Shenyi, so it is normal to show some of our heart and anger now! " Shen Qianxi smiled softly.

"But one thing is that it is difficult for Mr. Qin to deal with Gabriel's killer by himself. I would like to help, but my charge is very high and it needs 50 million!"

"50 million?" Zhu Yu said nothing, "why don't you rob!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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