After a few seconds, the little girl began to speak, and a smile appeared on her lips. Then she said, "I didn't expect that there was such a super beauty master living in Qin Tian's home. It really surprised me!"

Facing the enemy, the girl continued to praise Lei Qiuling's appearance as if she was very comfortable, as if she didn't regard her as an intruder at all. Tang Qiuling could not help but look pale, frowned tightly and asked coldly, "who are you? What do you want?"

"Ha ha, I said I was a flower picking thief. Do you believe it?" Girl charming smile, as if a lovely girl in the same, let people completely do not feel where the murderous spirit is!

Little girl is not in the mood to listen to her say these, wearing black tights, want to enter Li Xinran's bedroom, obviously is to Li Xinran feel very disadvantageous!

"Stop, that room is not for you to enter. I advise you to pass my level at last." Lei Qiuling said impolitely.

After the voice fell, Lei Qianli's delicate body had moved quickly, and in an instant, she was in front of the girl's body. A jade palm, like a knife, directly slapped at the girl's body!

In the dark environment, matched with Lei Qiuling's exquisite and incomparable palm technique, the girl's heart instantly soared out a kind of extremely dangerous signal and feeling. This feeling is that the woman in front of her is not poor in strength, but still very strong!

Fortunately, she had been prepared before she came, so she had some expectations in the face of this kind of thing. When Lei Qiuling slapped her hand, she didn't retreat. Instead, she just gave a slight shock back, which directly scared Lei Qiuling's palm out!

Then this has not been completed, a palm force toward Lei Qiuling's facade directly in the past!

Just smelling such a wonderful fragrance, Lei Qiuling's is smooth, feeling a bad feeling!

Because the other party's palm slapped over is a wonderful fragrance, this fragrance makes him feel very bad, instantly closed his eyes and nose, but it seems to be very late!

For a moment, her eyes were dark, the whole person fell directly on the ground, soft and soft, consciousness is also gradually become blurred, and listen to the ear is the chick that elated laugh!

"I hit rosemary, even if you are a person with high martial arts and strong internal strength, you will not resist my palm!" The smile on the girl's face is even more proud!

Yes, she is not a person sent by Shen Qianxi, but a master of poison diexiang invited by Zhong Xiao of Dongchen group. This task cost them 50 million yuan!

So in order to kidnap Li Xinran, she met Qin Tian in the bar for a while, because she was confident that her poison diexiang could blur Qin Tian, an expert!

Unfortunately, she did not succeed, so she pretended to be Shen Qianxi's assistant and left with a contact information!

So what she can do now is kidnap Li Xinran and do what she wants to do most. This is the most important thing at present, and also the most important thing for him to know how to do!

The power of dudiexiang is their beauty killer, which can let you mix with all kinds of things. In your life, you can enchant people with these special exotic drugs, and then everything can happen!

So their mission has never failed, and underground circles around the world have a great reputation.

She looked down at her young and beautiful face and said with a smile: "tut Tut, it's a pity that such a big beauty is such a beautiful face!"

"What do you want to do?" Lei Qiuling breath is very weak said, slightly squinting at the girl in front of her.

"Ha ha, of course, I want to show mercy and cherish the jade. I've managed to knock you unconscious. I can't help being cheap." With that, the cow picked up Lei Qiuling directly under her body, and then pasted her lips directly up!

Two of the best beauties actually kiss each other directly in the dark at night. How to give it to a man is absolutely shocked. After all, where can I see this kind of scene?

It's impossible, but now it happens directly. It's just incredible!

Lei Qiuling wants to resist. She can't imagine that her first kiss was taken away by a philanderer. Now she is extremely ashamed, but she has no way to resist!

Because she couldn't lift her hand any more, she didn't even have the strength to turn away from her face. She could only let the little girl kiss enough!

Finally, the little girl reluctantly loosened her lips and put down Lei Qiuling. It seemed that Lei Qiuling was still pondering something. Then she gently laughed: "I have put the poison into your body after my strength. If you have a good sleep, don't talk!"

Admit, for a Super Master of this day, when there is no way to apply exotic fragrance for the first time, chicks can only use this method. What else can there be?Of course, such a picture is still seen, such a beautiful scene let Qin Tian in the dark have forgotten to hand!

"Mean..." Lei Qiuling's words have not finished, the whole person directly fell into a crazy coma, there is no way to wake up again!

This kind of situation is like this, now this situation is like this, when you face such a sinister person, you get is a kind of strong trouble, this kind of thing that can't be prevented is the most unexpected thing!

But Lei Qiuling is still too young, so there is no experience, so there are still some troubles, which makes them fall into a state of bewilderment.

Once inhaled, it's not so fun, because it's troublesome to undo it, and a man is needed!

Although she can't speak, Lei Qiuling knows that this woman is the one who wants to kidnap Li Xinran. She is very anxious and wants to condense her own strength, but there is no way to do it!

Her hands and feet are so cold and weak that she can't even open her eyelids!

Xiaoniu successfully entered Li Xinran's bedroom and saw a beautiful picture of a more beautiful woman sleeping. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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