The girl can see that the beauty in front of her is even more beautiful and soft than the one outside, even more beautiful!

"Such a beautiful woman, sister, I can't help but want to kidnap ah. It's a pity that I accepted the task, and there was no way to refuse to accept it. I'm really sorry!" The girl said to herself, and then walked slowly towards the edge of the bed.

He reached out his hand and wanted to operate on the beauty. When the poison gas was inhaled by the beauty, he was attacked by a black figure!


The little girl couldn't help but scream. She couldn't wait to look back, because the second palm Qi had already attacked again. If she stayed for half a second, she would die!

After the chick broke through the window, the whole person quickly landed on the ground, followed by a grim smile, disappeared!

Qin Tian went to Li Xinran and found that the woman had no problem at all. Just now, the poison gas was about to be inhaled into her body!

"Hehe, boy, I kidnapped one of your family members. You still want to come to me in the end!"

I don't know when such a message came from my ear. Qin Tian looked at the window and didn't see any sound!

Now Qin TianChao goes out. Lei Qiuling in the corridor is unconscious. Qin Tian walks to the next room, but her mother-in-law, Wang Qin, is gone!

It's really cunning. The thief took Wang Qin away before, so he came back to take Li Xinran?

Damn it, I still came back late, which led to such an end. It's really hard!

Qin Tian didn't disturb Li Xinran. He called several people below to protect the doors and windows. Then he sent Lei Qiuling to the room, took out acupuncture and gave it some treatment. Then he walked to the security room outside to see if he could find out some cameras and so on. As a result, he didn't shoot it!

This chick is a total recidivist. She has long found a way to escape from all surveillance. Moreover, since Wang Qin, not Li Xinran, was kidnapped by the other side, they should have other purposes!

Qin Tian has no choice but to keep looking. He wants to know this girl through Shen Qianxi. After all, his mother-in-law has been arrested, which is also Shen Qianxi's responsibility!

But it is not a simple and easy thing to find Shen Qianxi. After all, this woman knew that something would happen, so she hid in advance.

After a while, Lei Qiuling woke up directly from her coma. She checked her body and found that her clothes had been untied. She looked ashamed!

But she didn't have time to think about it. She went to the next room and found several big men guarding it. After some inquiry, she knew that Li Xinran was OK and Wang Qin was arrested!

All of a sudden, Lei Qiuling was so anxious that she felt sorry for Qin Tian. Which woman last night was really hateful. She didn't know where she had taken Wang Qin!

She had always been obsessed with the cultivation of ancient martial arts. She had never thought of using poison gas. Now she is so anxious that she can't feel her head!

In the mind is also anxious, looked for Qin Tian's telephone, to his telephone directly called in the past!

"Mr. Qin, no, Wang Qin has been kidnapped. Where are you now? I just woke up! "

"Is Lei Qiuling? I already know about it. Do you feel ok now? " Qin Tian instead concerned about the safety of the girl, after all, this girl, so painstaking to protect his wife, no credit is also hard work!

Lei Qiuling felt her body and said, "I feel the poison gas in my body has been eliminated, and my strength has gradually recovered."

"That's all right. I found some clues outside. Come with me. Now maybe you can help me!" Qin Tian said anxiously.

"OK, Mr. Qin, you wait for me. I'll come to see you right away."

After Qin Tian hung up the phone, his face was cold and abnormal. Before the call, he had received a mysterious phone call, telling him that Wang Qin had been kidnapped and asked him to rush to an address immediately!

Qin Tian originally wanted to make a phone call to confirm with Wang Qin, but how could Wang Qin's phone still be carried with him? After all, it's sleeping at night!

It seems that Wang Qin is really kidnapped, and it happened last night!

Seven or eight hours have passed. Qin Tian is also very anxious. He contacted Lei Qiuling directly and drove to find her!

After all, in this case, the other party must set up an ambush, so he must find someone to meet him, otherwise he will not be able to get out when he goes deep into the tiger's den. However, if someone answers outside, the situation will be different!

Of course, on the way back, Qin Tian called Zhu Yu the same way, which was quite sudden. Chen Fu also came together. The family stayed in their villa area in qintian, thinking of a way!

But Qin Tian didn't tell anyone else about this, because if it was leaked out, there would be no guarantee for the safety of the hostages. Moreover, Qin Tian asked Zhu Yu to stop calling the police!After seeing Qin Tian, Lei Qiuling is familiar with her. After all, what is the relationship between Qin Tian and Lei qianjue? Lei Qiuling can't help but know it!

But now girls have been more worried about one thing, that is, whether the other party's ambush is very powerful, so Qin Tian directly in the past, it seems not very good?

"Don't you tell me what happened to the kidnapper? Like money or something? "

"I didn't say it, just let me go." Qin Tian said helplessly.

Lei Qiuling said something about her encounter with the female kidnapper. As soon as she said this, she felt extremely ashamed and even guilty. She was already a master of Dan Jin Xiaocheng, more powerful than Zhu Yu. However, because of her carelessness, she let the other party's poison gas succeed!

"That person, I saw her go in, but I didn't expect to finish you in two minutes. I rushed to mianmianmian and managed to save her. Xinran, you have no way out!" Qin Tian himself was helpless. He knew he would not drink Zhu Yu and played so late!

Now this is a very dangerous time. I take my sister to play around and let my wife get into a difficult situation. This is really a bad thing!

Qintian's speed has become more rapid, in the dark directly out of the city!

"Mr. Qin, where are we going now?" Lei Qiuling asked a little worried.

"Find the boat and go out to sea!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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