"To sea?"

Lei Qiuling was stunned and couldn't believe it. Looking at Qin Tian, she seemed to have heard something wrong. She actually wanted to go to sea. This is an unlikely thing, right?

"Why go to sea? Did they kidnap Wang Qin or go to sea? "

"That's right. The address they gave me was on the high seas. It should be a freighter or something, limiting our access between the two novels."

"High seas?"

Lei Qiuling is also shocked. She has never experienced this kind of time. Let her go to the high seas, and still carry out the task, which makes her worried!

But think of this time is because of her dereliction of duty, the old woman was arrested, so he is also free to go, good-natured she, how can be laissez faire?

But now there is Qin Tian in, he is more regardless of, can do the time is to rush out, no matter how much, now this thing is like this, no one will choose a better way!

And if they call the police, they will certainly know that this can only be a very troublesome thing for them, but also a fatal injury for the hostages. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to call the police, otherwise, the situation will be difficult to say!

Jingzhou is a coastal city, which is very close to the open sea. Soon Qin Tian drove the car to the seaside, rented a speedboat and rushed out directly with Lei Qiuling!

Although it's not a quiet night tonight, the sea is really calm, and tonight seems to be 15, the moon is very bright, you can see a good environment on the sea!

Looking at the dark environment, all this makes Lei Qiuling also a little frightened, she has never been such a trip, this is really do not know what to say!

But now that they have come out, the girl's heart is a little afraid, but there is no way, because this is the case, they are waiting for the hostage to be rescued!

On a cruise ship, the girl has not been wearing that black tights, changed into a red bikini, the body is very hot, looks really sexy!

She was swimming with olenso in the shallow water with her glass in her hand. She was enjoying such a process!

After a while, her mobile phone rang directly, looking at the mobile phone's prompt, the girl showed her eyebrows and frowned directly. It seemed that she felt uncomfortable because of the destruction of the environment, but she still connected to the phone!

"Miss chick, the target we are going to deal with is approaching your cruise ship. You should follow our method and blow him up this time. As long as Qin Tian is dead, we will give you a reward of 100 million yuan!"

The person who spoke on the phone was Zhong Xiao. Although the kidnapping was not Li Xinran, it was the same since the hostage was obtained. Qin Tian went with him, so this is a normal thing in their plan!

The girl coldly said to the phone: "fortunately, I left a hand. First, I kidnapped an old one, and then I went to kidnap this Li Xinran. I didn't expect that, I didn't succeed. I almost failed in the task."

The little girl said that she was still a little angry. She had been good at Qin Tian's time. This guy must have gone to bed after dancing with Zhu Yu, but this guy still went home. It's a bit strange!

But fortunately, it's all in the past, and this thing is still a good thing!

This small cruise ship has been parked in the open sea, under the cruise ship is full of high-yield explosives!

As long as Qin Tian gets on the boat, someone will detonate the explosive, and let Qin Tian die in the sea soundlessly!

This is a wonderful plan of the Zhong family. They have been planning this plan for a long time and are waiting for this success!

"Miss chick, I've paid you for your kidnapping. It's up to you to make 100 million yuan next! It's very important to kill Qin Tian! " Zhong Xiao said coldly in the phone.

"I know, you don't have to remind me!" The girl also said coldly.

Although the identity of the employer is confidential when the task is released, Zhong Xiao seems to have no taboo. He has always revealed his identity in order to gain the trust of the hired killer!

And they have full confidence that they can handle all this. Originally, they thought that they would use the scattered explosives to come in and then assemble them, but now it seems that it is not good to have a look!

So the cruise ship full of explosives will come directly, and then wait for Qin Tian to get on the ship!

As for how Xiaoniu escaped, it was natural that someone would take care of her. As a world-class killer organization, she could easily swim away when the cruise ship exploded. As long as Qin Tian died, everything would be the best result!

Fortunately, it was in the open sea, otherwise, Xiaoniu would not dare to put such a large amount of explosives into the territorial waters of China to explode at will!

After all, China's coastal defense is not easy to provoke. Even if they escape from the high seas, they may not be able to escape successfully, so detonating these explosives in the high seas is really a wonderful thing!And Dongchen group also dare not do so, after all, such a serious crime, so it is the fairest thing and the best thing for them to have such a thing on the high seas!

So Xiaoniu is very satisfied with such an arrangement. At first, she didn't want to participate in killing a master of Qi State, but such a careful arrangement made her interested in Qin Tian's success!

"Dear employer, wait for the good news with me." The girl is on the phone, her eyes twinkle with a sly look!

"Well, you should leave the freighter in time. After all, that dynamite is not a joke!" Zhong Xiao reminded.


The girl just hung up.

Here to deal with Qin Tian's affairs, the world is short of a person to know less a security!

Zhong Xiao has already arranged it. As soon as Qin Tian gets on the boat, no matter whether the little girl goes or not, he will detonate the cruise ship!

As for Xiaoniu's death, she will die. If she is still alive, it will be fine. If she dies, she will be sacrificed with Qin Tian. The organization of poisonous diexiang will never do anything to them!

After all, they detonated such a large amount of explosives here, how people died, no one knows!

At this time, on the freighter, Wang Qin woke up and looked around. When she found her environment, she couldn't help crying out!

"Where am I, where is this, and who are you?"

"Sea, I am on the sea! Daughter, husband, Qin Tian


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