Li Xinran's mother Wang Qin opened his eyes and looked at the environment around him. She was totally surprised to think that she was not in a sleep? I'm going to be here!

It is really a strange thing, and it is even more unimaginable. This feeling is really too bad. It is really ridiculous. It is not true. It is like a dream!

But if she didn't see a beautiful woman in bikini lying on the side and drinking, she would have thought it was a dream, and would not have thought it was really happening!

I think this thing is really too strong. The development of this situation really makes people feel the collapse, because many people don't understand what happened, including Wang Qin of the party who does not know what it is!

"Your daughter is protected well, but you are easier to start, so I can only look for you!"

"You kidnapped me?" Wang Qin soon understood his situation and looked around and said, "is this the sea? Where am I in the sea now? "

Before the girl replied, Wang Qin looked at the opposite shore and there was still some light, and knew that she seemed to be not far from the coastline. It was really amazing!

"Why do you kidnap me, how much money do you want to say directly!" Wang Qin is also a man with good knowledge. He knows that kidnapping her is not just for money, but what else?

"Ha ha, sorry, the money is not yours, already has someone to give!" The girl smiled, and looked charming. It looked really interesting!

Wang Qin always feels a bad feeling of the woman. This kind of premonition is very bad, but it can not say anything, because this is the case, waiting for her is such a bad thing!

"You quickly let me go, how much I can give you, my son-in-law is not short of money!" Wang Qin said in fear.

"Ha ha, I don't want your son-in-law's money, I want your son-in-law's life!" The little girl said with a smile.

Wang Qin heard that this moment understood, they want to use her as bait, and then attract Qin Tian to come to death?

Thinking of this, Wang Qin immediately immediately panic: "no no no, no, no, no, no, my daughter is pregnant, little day can not be a matter, you will kill me, absolutely can not play against Qin Tian, and not to my daughter!"

The girl laughed hard, as if to this matter, do not care the same, let Wang Qin say anything, it is useless, because now the hands and feet have been attached to the torture, this want to get out of the way is not likely to!

"What are you doing? Why should we aim at Qin Tian? " Wang Qin was shocked and didn't know what to say.

"Ha ha, of course, Qin Tian's life. As for why he was targeted, it was because you Li pharmaceutical group provoked people who should not be offended, so this is your damn thing!" The little girl said softly.

Wang Qin was surprised. She was surprised to think it was a company affair. This made her speechless, because she didn't know anything!

This kind of situation, check and balance is too unexpected, this kind of situation can only be said to be an incredible description, besides this thing, there are other ideas?

It is impossible, because the situation now allows you to ignore what you say, it has reached a very terrible point!

At this time, a figure suddenly jumped on the cruise, and it was still a flash by. This surprised the girl. She looked up and found that it was a young man with a lazy look, which was Qin Tian!

Her heart, suddenly rose a very bad feeling, is about to fly into the sea water!

But it was found that people had arrived in front of her, which made her feel as if she had been fixed, and could not move at all. This situation is really bad, but she can't help!

"Qin Tian, what did you do to me?" Little girl a moment, Qin Tiangang just came to her to start this is how terrible!

And Wang Qin is also so, she cried out in a hurry Qin Tian, you hurriedly go, but to find that they are all over the body, this feeling is really too bad!

She looked forward and found that there was an endless sea everywhere. How could Qin Tianyi escape after Qin Tianlai came here? It's almost unacceptable!

Qin Tian did not respond, just let Wang Qin stand still, then slowly towards the girl close!

"Don't come here. It's explosive. If you dare to move around, you will never have any good fruit to eat!" The girl said in horror!

"Ha ha, you must not be silly. You must have done your hand and foot on these explosives, because you don't trust them, employer, if I detonate them when I come up, don't you die with you?"

"So, when I get close, I don't want to control you first, that's enough, I think!" Qin Tian cold smile way!"Sure enough You are so cunning Xiaoniu feels that she seems to have made a mistake. Why didn't she find Qin Tian close at all?

The more terrifying thing is that there are no boats around. Is this guy swimming here?

But there is no splash on his body. What a terrible thing it is?

But no matter what, a speedboat approached. It was Lei Qiuling who was driving the speedboat. Seeing Lei Qiuling, she was all right. Little girl dudiexiang was even more frightened. It seemed that this kind of thing was really hard to happen. How could such a thing happen?

Seeing this speedboat, Wang Qin is also surprised to make a sound, because she saw Lei Qiuling, who is the female bodyguard protecting their family!

"Here, there's explosives. It's hard to get close to it for the time being." Wang Qin yelled in a low voice. She was very worried, but her businessman was very weak. It was not easy to make it clear!

The little girl is also nervous, because she heard the voice, she stood up and wanted to go away, but her feet were tied with silver needles, which made her a little unable to move for a moment!

"Impossible thing, what secret weapon do you use to deal with me?" Xiaoniu was shocked. Qin Tian's silent approach seemed like a ghost. It was just incredible!

But what she couldn't believe was that Qin Tian could sneak attack on her, and it was her fatal acupoint!

"Ha ha, I'm a doctor. I know where to stick it in you can make you lose your action instantly. This method is much more powerful than your didyman?" Qin Tian sneered. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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