Isn't this charming woman pierced into her body by her own acupuncture?

It's incredible to be able to come out so unscrupulously!

"Ha ha, I haven't seen you for a long time. Looking at your haggard appearance, I feel a little distressed. I don't know what to say. Do you think you are in a hurry now?" The woman said with a smile, her voice is charming and moving. She looks like a woman with her own ideas!

What's more, the woman's smile seems to be very powerful, which makes people feel speechless. Qin Tian didn't expect that this woman could escape by himself?

"You must be surprised how I can escape? Are you surprised, helpless and shocked? "

"I tell you, without the protection of experts, I can easily take those straw bags. Isn't it simple and incomparable?" The girl laughed.

"You came to show me off?" Qin Tian squints at the woman in front of him.

"Can't I come to you if you're ok? I'm already convinced of your fighting power and your charm, so there's no problem coming out at this time? " The woman says with delicate drop.

"No problem. Since you're here, stay!"

Other absolutely can't easily let go of this charming woman, without saying a word, directly raised his hand to her neck and grabbed the past.

This time, chick seems to have expected, and retreated in advance!

This woman's speed is also to the extreme, it is simply the existence of a demon level, as long as Qin Tian is a little bit slow, she may be directly choked by the neck, this is a very difficult thing to do!

"Brother Qin Tian, my sister didn't come to trouble you this time. If I wanted to trouble you, I didn't come now. I must have left long ago. Have you thought about this problem?"

A woman to Qin Tian a burst of autumn circulation, very provoking to pity the appearance.

Qin Tian was not moved at all. He said coldly, "you almost killed me. I'm going to settle accounts with you. You've come to the door by yourself now?"

"Hehe, didn't you come here to help you? Don't worry, I will definitely help you get rid of the Zhong family of Dongchen group! " The woman laughed and said, "there's no one at home. Go in and say it?"

Qin Tian squinted at the woman, "you'd better not play any tricks, don't overestimate your own strength!"

"Ha ha, even if I overestimate my own strength, I dare not underestimate your fighting capacity, brother Qin Tian!" The woman said, and then there is no defense, twist the waist of the snake toward the living room to go in!

When this woman walked through qintian, she deliberately rubbed Qin Tian's body with her delicate body, and then sat on the sofa. She was just a woman who was about to go crazy!

Qin Tian still doesn't want to think about what happened. Why can she be such a woman and control everything like this and dare to come to him alone?

It must be difficult to handle the situation, because if someone comes to the room, they may form a confrontation and encirclement situation against themselves in the room!

After all, such an international A-level organization is not so easy to deal with. This kind of thing is really terrible and can not be despised at all!

If you let her in, you can quickly take it down. Of course, Qin Tianyu doesn't know her moves very well. He doesn't rule out that this guy has some other ideas!

This is the case in this case. If you can't help yourself, who can do it?

Therefore, if she came to her room, Qin Tian also considered that the woman had a ghost incomparable identity, only in the room can solve her.

But this is also a kind of high-risk things, because if the right thing can not be handled, things are not easy to do, after all, the business is really a very helpless time!

I saw a charming woman into the week, directly shaking their big long legs, comfortable sitting on the sofa, and then said with admiration, "little brother Qin Tian, you can't live alone in such a big house?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Don't talk nonsense here. What do you want to do? Just say it. Did you find a gang or something? What do you want? " Qin Tian's eyes are incomparably indifferent.

Now this situation is like this, if you do not understand, it is very difficult to do things, if you do not understand, you will be framed by the other party's design!

"Ha ha, you are so boring now. Sister, I still like you when I am in a hotel, and my eyes are wanton when I look at you!"

"Get down to business!" Qin Tian continued to ask coldly.

"Well, to be honest, sister, I am the person in charge of the Asia Pacific region of poison diexiang. I came here after receiving the task of Zhong Xiao from Dongchen group. At that time, I had a plan to come to China!"

"My plan to come to China is not aimed at you. I can help you deal with Gabriel assassin company, but you also have to do one thing for me. Don't worry, it won't embarrass you. I just want to use your strength to kill a person." Said the girl coldly."Hehe, do I have to trade with you to deal with Gabriel? Do you think highly of yourself Qin Tian looks as usual said.

Almost none of what this woman said can be believed. What she said to exchange help is just a lie. What she believes is not easy to do!

Now this situation is like this, if you do not understand, it is difficult to do!

Therefore, Qin Tian is thinking about whether the words of the right woman are the right thing, while thinking about the reality of this matter!

"Don't underestimate me. My intelligence is very accurate. It's not just Gabriel, any international A-level organization, any S-level killer. If you want to trouble you, I know it!"

"So what's the use of me? I must be useful. It is absolutely impossible for you to think that I am useless! "

"Don't worry. I don't have any feelings for the father and son of Dongchen medicine. I'm not the one invited by the Shen family. I have my own goal, so it's only you who can help. I can also help you. We can make a verbal agreement first in the transaction." Said the girl.

"By the way, my name is not Xiaoniu, my name is LAN diexiang!" The woman said with a smile.

Hearing this, Qin Tian immediately said: "don't talk nonsense. I don't need to cooperate with you. I Qin can never cooperate with enemies." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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