Qin Tian didn't really need to be polite to this woman. "You'd better say something valuable. Otherwise, I don't guarantee to kill you directly. Your people may come, but it's definitely not as fast as I killed you!"

"Hee hee, how boring it is to fight and kill? Elder sister, I know that you are good at cultivation, but I have a strong ability to escape! " Blue butterfly fragrance smile more alluring, between words is full of ambiguity!

Qin Tiansi ignored the woman's teasing, but directly said in a cold voice: "I'm not weak either!"

"I should have known, so I'm not coming directly to work with you? I mean it. Why can't you understand it? " Blue butterfly changed a more lazy and seductive posture, put one of her legs on the sofa, with a charming smile in her eyebrows.

"So in order to satisfy your kindness of not killing me before, so I decided to give you a free gift. How about it? You know I've always been very expensive! " The woman didn't like to say.

Qin Tian was very careful to pick eyebrows, "how can I believe you? What if you lead me to another enemy and get stuck? How can I help you? Kill someone for you, and then I'll be doomed? "

He will not believe this blue butterfly incense at all now, this woman so blatantly sent to the door, really let Qin Tian have to doubt what her intention is!

"I don't have a helper. If I had, I wouldn't have done it alone last night! You can take my life as long as you start now. Do you understand

"I came here with sincerity, but it's a pity that you don't believe it!" The woman said helplessly. She got up and twisted her body directly to Qin Tian's body.

"Well, who knows if you confuse me with your fragrance? No matter how powerful I am, I am also the body. I will not be close to you or sleep with you. You know that I can't believe you now, and I have my own principles and will never cooperate with enemies! " Qin Tian zhengse said.

LAN diexiang couldn't help laughing, and then said coldly, "brother Qin Tian, why don't you believe me? Why do you think so badly of me

"In short, you have to come up with a way to make me believe you!" Qin Tian put his hands in his pocket and looked down at the fox charming beauty.

Blue butterfly incense that pair of sapphire eyes are really straight in front of Qin Tian, "Qin Tian brother, sister will not say anything more to you, in fact, I come to you this time, mainly to ask for you!"

"So, I will show all my sincerity. I will make an agreement with you in the Dragon King Hall. We will never invade China again! So I just hope you can help me deal with a person I want to kill. This is my personal business, and I have a feud! "

"Well, well, tell me, and I'll see if I can deal with it!" The canthus of Qin Tian's eyes can't help but beat, said quietly.

Du diexiang's face was pondering over this sentence. Then she put away her smile and said, "this man's name is Zuo Bufan."

"Zuo Bufan?"

Qin Tian, who had never heard of the name, said coldly, "is this a heartless man who bullied you?"

"That's not true. Your ancient martial arts cultivation is so strong. Haven't you heard of this organization? Zuojia is an ancient Wu family Du diexiang laughed, "don't worry, you won't be enemies with this ancient martial family, because you can kill it completely with your strength, without leaving any trace!"

Qin Tian said with a light expression: "ancient martial family? Of course, I don't understand. I've never been involved in these aspects, so what kind of ancient warrior is Zuo Bufan

"Let me first talk about Zuojia. This is an ancient martial arts family with a place in the ancient martial arts world in the south of the Yangtze River. Its strength is incomparable!" Du diexiang mentioned Zuo's family, but her face showed a dignified look!

As soon as Qin Tian heard about the south of the Yangtze River, he suddenly thought of something. He asked, "I have been in Shanghai for a period of time. As far as I know, among the strongest families in the south of the Yangtze River, the Huangpu family should be the strongest. This family is related to the Huangpu family in the East Island. It is a branch of the family, but their ancestors established their foundation in the south of the Yangtze River."

"Yes, the Huangpu family in Jiangnan is not as good as Dongdao's, but it has developed very well in recent years. To a certain extent, their Huangpu family is just a business family. No matter how much money they have, there is no other ancient Wu family. In the eyes of the ancient Wu family, the Huangpu family in Jiangnan is really nothing, just like a mole ant!" Blue butterfly incense said.

This woman's words are full of anger and fear of LAN diexiang. If it's personal resentment, it's really impossible to fight against such a family, let alone the young master in the family. It's impossible to accomplish, and it's also the most unpleasant thing. In a word, it's very embarrassing, very domineering, and very difficult to explain and fear To have reached a very absurd state!

"Since the Zuo family is so powerful, you know there is no airtight wall. Don't say anything. I killed Zuo Bufan quietly. After that, no one knows why. I want your money. What's the use of your agreement for me? These are empty words. I don't want to be so troublesome! " Qin Tian said with a smile."Don't worry, my way of doing things is absolutely beyond the ordinary people's ability. I will let Zuo Bufan die in your hand, and it's impossible to let people know. Moreover, it's not against the whole left family. I'll kill him with you, so this is a 100% thing!" Blue butterfly incense said.

"After all that, you still don't have anything valuable, or it makes me feel excited. Why should I help you kill the young master of the ancient Wu family like Zuo Bufan?" Qin Tian said with a smile.

On hearing the speech, Du diexiang gently moved her feet, and her body slowly approached Qin Tian. A pair of peach blossom and apricot eyes seemed to be able to attract people's soul. She said with a smile: "since my sister wants you to help me, and I'm willing to say so much, naturally there is a reward you can't refuse!"

"Don't say night package, I'm not interested in you!" Qin Tian's eyes wantonly once again swept in the body of blue butterfly incense!

The woman laughed and deliberately flirted with her hands around Qin Tian's neck. She said, "I'll give myself to you first. Don't resist this!"


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