Such a topic of red fruits, such things let Qin Tian's heart for a while speechless, this woman is really born fox spirit, don't know what to say to her!

In order to kill a person, all kinds of conditions can be opened up. It seems that she has no moves and no ability. Is this kind of woman overseas all the year round and has been used to it!

"In fact, you don't look at my charming appearance. In fact, I'm still an uninhabited woman, and I'm still white. I can't go to bed with a man casually. You can rest assured of this!"

"Ha ha, what is your intention? I have already told you clearly that I have no interest in you. What are you worried about?"

"I have made it clear that I want something useful in kind. Why do you want to kill Zuo Bufan?"

Blue butterfly incense looked calm, and soon showed a worried look. She said, "well, I must have something valuable. This is the most precious thing in me. This is called quxueyu. It can prevent any poisonous gas and some evil spirits from invading me. Any demon and ghost can't be possessed. I think this is certainly good for you Is that right? "

Blue butterfly incense said, took out a piece of jade pendant, overflow with a flowing luster, looks particularly good-looking!

"Artifact!" Qin Tian could not help but be surprised. Among all the jade antiques, only jade is the most precious thing, and it is also something that can't be met!

To tell you the truth, if it is in front of a life and a spirit tool, Qin Tian will not care about an unrelated human life at all!

"Yes, then tell me. Should Zuo Bufan be killed?" Qin Tian couldn't put it down when he looked at the jade. He couldn't take it anymore. This kind of feeling is really wonderful!

"Is that so? Hehe, it seems that you ancient warriors like this kind of thing

Blue butterfly incense once again sat on the sofa, comfortable lying down, and then looking at Qin Tian in front of her, she could not help but emerge a touch of indifferent sadness on her pretty face. That kind of charm and grief are linked together, even Qin Tian has seen some astonishment!

This woman's rare eyes appeared a touch of sadness, this is a fatal temptation, dark, really is Qin Tian has looked stunned, can't believe his eyes!

The woman said with shame and charm: "in a word, this man should be killed, because he killed my friend! My best friend, the same blooming girl

"That's your killer, isn't it? Isn't it normal for you to do bad things and die? " Qin Tian said with a faint smile.

"Well, I want to be a real woman now. I think you can give me this gift, right? I don't need a reward, I just need your help The woman looked at Qin Tian in front of her, blinked her eyes, and didn't have the appearance of joking at all.

"Ha ha, no need. If you want to, find someone else. Which woman is worse than you?" Qin Tian said with a smile.

Hearing the speech, LAN diexiang could not help showing a speechless color. She had seen Zhu Yu and Lei Qiuling before, and Li Xinran. She couldn't help being ashamed of herself!

This young man, how can Yanfu be so powerful? It is so envious, this mood is really some helpless, this feeling is really too sad!

Surrounded by so many beautiful women, I don't know whether it's because of their strong cultivation or the blessing given to them by God.

"Well, I've said everything. When the time is right, I'll come back to you, and I'll help you deal with Dongchen medicine's Zhong family father and son. In addition, Gabriel's assassin's person comes, I'll report to you. If you don't mind, give me your call!" Blue butterfly incense said.

"Yes!" After Qin Tian's people's driving blood jade, she naturally wants to do something with her. The so-called never cooperate with enemies, but it's just a slap in the face. Finally, she can't escape the law of Zhenxiang!

"I'm so sleepy that I haven't slept all day and night. Why can I rest here?" Blue butterfly incense some pitiful looking at Qin Tian said.

"You go to sleep in that room, but you'd better be honest and don't play tricks on me, or you'll have to think about the consequences yourself." Qin Tian zhengse said.

"Ha ha, people think of men very badly, but you have to think so bad about women!"

Although LAN diexiang has resentment in her heart, her hatred for Qin Tian is far beyond everything. At the moment, he turns his mind, pauses, and then says, "although you have beautiful women around you, all of them are excellent, and all of them are better than me, but I guess you have no fish and water with them except your wife."

Blue butterfly Xiang said, toward the room walked in, "my room is not closed, waiting for you to come in at any time!"

Her words, let Qin Tian also some helpless, to say that he did not have any feeling is impossible, after all, he is a man, a normal man!

Walking to the door, the woman untied her body, then looked at the back and said, "I like sleeping empty!"Qin Tian felt his throat itch. He didn't know what to say. If he lived with this woman for a long time, he must have been brought to bed by her. This is really a helpless thing!

But Qin naivety is sober enough, the body is never relaxed, he clearly knows what he should do and what not to do!

I don't know why, the woman came back again. Looking at Qin Tian, who was about to make pills, she was not surprised. Then she added, "I can tell you why he killed my friend, because I was his fiancee. It was he who put pressure on my parents that I went into the Road and got into the poison diexiang's

"I changed my name in order to enter dudiexiang, but he kidnapped my friend and killed me a little bit in order to threaten me to go back and marry him."

"This kind of man is absolutely heinous. I will never let him feel better. This kind of thing is really hard!"

The woman said with a deep sigh: "he will not let me go, I will not let him go, you must help me deal with him! Brother Qin Tian

"So you just have hatred with Zuo Bufan and no hatred with Zuo Jia?" Qin Tian asked with concern.

"Ha ha, to tell you the truth, the ancient martial arts family like the Zuo family has been handed down for hundreds of years. We can't cope with it. I can only fight against Zuo Bufan!" Said the woman sincerely.

Qin Tian nodded his head to show his understanding. Let's talk about the following things. He needs to come step by step! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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