Zhu Yu laughed and then said, "you said I was a concubine? I'm also afraid of the first wife's accident. There's no way I can do it. It's really hard to see you loving each other in my house every day

Women's words with a kind of joking words, but Qin Tian directly hugged the woman. In his office, he felt the tenderness of her body, and said in a soft voice, "I'll tell you what will happen in the future. I'm just afraid you can't bear it!"

"I'm strong. I'm just jealous." Zhu Yu pursed his lips and said in a positive tone: "you'd better worry about your first wife's affairs. I'm afraid she's only going to do these bad things. You've got to think about it yourself. What are you facing now?"

"I know. I'll come by myself. It's very difficult for the police to find out any evidence of crime, so I have to do it myself!" Qin Tian zhengse said, eyes also become cold and fierce up!

Zhu Yu couldn't help but stare directly at the beautiful eyes, "how do you want to deal with it? You go and kill yourself? Then you are a sinner. You should be careful about this kind of thing. Don't be too arrogant. There is absolutely nothing good happening to you, and it is of no value! "

"So we can deal with the common people in the coming year and let some Lei qianjue do it. Why do you go there yourself? If you catch Lei qianjue's men, you will never be asked to carry the pot, so do you still need to worry about this matter? " Zhu Yu is also some incomprehensible said!

They all understand what happened, but now this thing is like this, waiting for them are not very good results and things, but if they don't do it, they are worried that these things can not be done well, which is not easy to do under such circumstances!

"Don't worry, if I have to deal with them, I can't take myself into it. Will I do things so unreliable?" Qin Tian looked at the woman in his arms and said with a smile.

Zhu Yu took a look at the door of the office. Fortunately, she closed the door. Otherwise, she would die if she was held by a man like this. If she was seen, she would be passed on. It is definitely a bad thing for her, the assistant general manager!

And it will destroy the relationship between her and Li Xinran, which is also a very bad anger. This is the case now. If you don't understand, it will be bad!

But when you understand, usually need to take good precautions, if not, is to happen some unexpected things!

"By the way, in addition to Dongchen group Zhongjia father and son, will you invite Lei qianjue to deal with Dongchen group?" Zhu Zhengyu said.

"Invitation?" Qin Tian said with a smile, "to be specific, I want to call on Lei qianjue and let them do it. Best of all, what I want to kill is Zhong family father and son. If Dongchen group is destroyed, it will be handed over to Lei qianjue."

"After all, Dongchen group has so many demons and ghosts. It's not so easy to deal with it. Once things come to such a situation, it's not so easy to deal with. So you still need to understand such a thing. The current thing has come to this situation, which is a bad thing!" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"You are so wordy. I also know that Dongchen group is very strong, and Lei qianjue is also very powerful. But you should be more careful when you are still UA. If you disclose your identity and are investigated, you will lose more than you gain!" Zhu Yu said with a smile.

"Ha ha, no, I know fan Yanyan, the criminal investigation team leader of the imperial capital police station. Do you think I will be arrested at will? It's impossible for this to happen at will. You can rest assured Qin Tian said.

When the lover is chatting, the mobile phone ring in the pocket suddenly rings.

Qin Tian took out his mobile phone from his pocket and connected to the phone directly. Blue diexiang's charming and abnormal voice came from inside: "little brother qintian, I went to Dongchen Pharmaceutical Group to see it. The father and son of the Zhong family are not in the company, and some high-level people are no longer there!"

"Well? Do they know that we are still alive and have escaped ahead of time? " Qin Tian could not help but look serious, this kind of thing actually happened in his side!

LAN diexiang continued: "I asked a left behind middle-level leader directly. They said that the chairman of the board had already known that Qin Tian was not dead. Maybe it was to avoid the investigation."

"Ha ha, well, I can't imagine that their news is so smart. In this case, let them take good care of themselves, and wait for us to finish all our work." Qin Tian ordered.

LAN diexiang's tone also became a little dignified, "the manager of a branch also said that the chairman of Dongchen group also found some experts from hidden aristocratic families to deal with you!"

"Hidden ancient Wu family?" Qin Tian was also a little surprised. After all, there are many hidden ancient martial arts families. This is a very common thing in the imperial capital. After all, there are always crouching tigers, hidden dragons here!

"Yes LAN diexiang said delicately, "they should have just heard about it. There is no way to ask for specific words. I have no way to say anything. It's like this. You should be able to understand what happened in this?""I know what you mean. Let me be on guard, right? After all, they are masters of the hidden ancient martial arts family. Even if they kill me, they have nothing to worry about. After all, they are hidden masters, and no one knows their names and identities! " Qin Tianyu said with a smile.

"So, you need me more now. Do you understand the charm of my sister? You need my help more than your physical need, do you understand

"I know. I don't need you physically. Don't be arrogant!" Qin Tian said, the beauty in the arms is hugged tightly!

Zhu Yu's heart is really cursing. The blue butterfly fragrance is really a seductive woman in her bones. Under such circumstances, calling Qin Tian on the phone can seduce Qin Tian. It's a crime of death!

But Qin Tian this hateful man, unexpectedly also cooperates with her, is really no one!

Don't know why, Zhu Yu's heart more for their own lack of strength and feel very ashamed!

I don't know what to do!

Soon the phone directly hung up, Zhu Yu burst out in an instant

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