Zhu Yu immediately asked directly: "you tell me, who is this hidden family? Listen to your meaning, it seems that it is not easy to deal with it, is it like this?"

"Well, it's really a hard family to deal with. That's why people worry about me. Do you understand the result of this matter now?" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"You think we won't worry about you. How many enemies do you have now? You know, if the chairman of Dongchen Pharmaceutical Group is willing to go out, things will not be so simple. The hidden experts they find are not so strong. You must not handle it by yourself, so you should allow me to join in! " Zhu Yu instantly Fengqi himself has a place to use!

This kind of feeling is really a kind of feeling of bringing the dead back to life. Although his own strength is not very strong, so strong that Qin Tian will often use her, but more people are more strength!

"What's more, at present, you don't need to worry, so you'd better protect Li Xinran. This is your own thing to do!"

"By the way, do you know who this hidden ancient Wu family is?" The woman couldn't help but ask.

"This family didn't say anything about it. How could it be found out so quickly? And now the people of Dongchen Pharmaceutical Group have been hidden, and the senior management has not gone to the company! "

Qin Tian said helplessly.

Hearing this, Zhu Yu couldn't help but roll his eyes. In this case, he really wanted to find someone, just like looking for a needle in a haystack. Where is so easy?!

Is it possible to let someone else's company dissolve in three days? This is impossible. How can it happen?

It is totally impossible to happen. Now it happens directly. For them, it is something speechless. Their hearts are thinking about how to solve this problem!

"In this case, why don't we attack their company directly? Let their company collapse in three days, I don't believe the Zhong family can be so calm! " Zhu Yu suggested.

"Ha ha, you don't need to know me. You're worried about me!" Qin Tian said helplessly.

"This is my suggestion. You are not until, do you understand?" Said Zhu Yu directly pinched Qin Tian's body, instantly let Qin Tian himself can't help shouting.

To tell you the truth, Zhu Yu is an ancient martial artist. If he pinches people, he will feel some pain. The pain in this situation is really painful. There will be no concealment at all!

The other side!

In Dongchen Pharmaceutical Group blue butterfly seems to see someone, is Luo Jiashu, this Dongchen medicine before a damned person, did not expect this guy is still!

However, this guy is no longer the CEO, and he is already the general manager level. This is a kind of grade decline for him!

However, Dongchen group didn't kill him, willing to let him continue to stay in the company for development, and this guy was not caught in it. It was really a very powerful thing, which made people feel that it was really not a simple person!

After seeing this woman, LAN diexiang went up directly. A burst of crazy chatting up attracted Luo Jiashu. After all, it was a beauty trick. It was really invincible!

Sure enough, Luo Jiashu revealed a little bit of other information under his seductive posture, but he didn't say anything about the invitation to hide the ancient martial family!

Blue butterfly incense is not polite, directly to the woman, don't forget this is an internationally famous S-level killer, where is so easy to deal with?

In this case, we can only think of Luo Jiashu to adopt a way of making a trick by beating and beating!

"Ah, ah!"

Luo Jiashu had no idea that the woman in front of her was still a snake and scorpion woman. After several seconds of eating pain, Luo Jiashu could not bear the pain directly. She kept shouting: "I remember, please, beauty, don't move your hand, please stop!"

"That's right! Sister's seven grass incense is absolutely let you die, but also can improve your memory, so you'd better explain better Blue butterfly fragrance enchantment said, the voice is full of penetrating power.

Under the control of LAN diexiang, Luo Jiashu finally gave up and said, "I heard from the high-level meeting that this hidden family is the left family in the south of the Yangtze River."


Hearing this blue butterfly fragrance, her face was frightened. This hidden aristocratic family is actually the left family!

"Is it the left family only left extraordinary?" LAN diexiang asked again.

"If you know it yourself and ask me, it's the left family. What else can you ask?" Luo Jiashu felt that he was smelling the fragrance of women, and he was in pain. He didn't know what to say!

"Good!" Blue butterfly incense gnaws her teeth, and there is a killing opportunity in her eyes!

Don't you understand what happened? It's really a narrow road. It's a coincidence that Qin Tian and I don't want to cooperate!It's interesting that all these things come together. Now this situation is in the contract, and the result of waiting is the same. After all, if all these things have reached this point, what else should we say?

LAN diexiang never dreamed that what Dongchen Pharmaceutical Group was looking for was the Zuo family, her fiancee and the family of Zuo Bufan who killed her good friend!

This hatred is really too big, in her heart is almost indelible things, let her still have lingering fear, has been thinking about this matter!

Now she really early can only rely on Qin Tian, in addition to Qin Tian, he may really have no other way, because the opponent is really too strong, completely formed a crushing posture on him!

Now this situation is like this. If you don't understand, you should go back and think about what happened. If you understand it now, it may not be too late!

Now this situation is like this, blue butterfly fragrance own shoulder burden, she had to contact with Qin Tian!

The left family didn't know who came back, but if Zuo Bufan came, it would not be so easy. For many people, this is a very fatal thing, and it has reached a crazy point!

At present, she continued to ask, "do you know who the people from the left family are?"

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