For LAN diexiang's inquiry, Luo Jiashu could only look bitter and said: "I don't know. I just know that when the chairman and vice chairman Zhong Xiao were still in the meeting this morning, I didn't know anything when the small shareholders of several other companies left!"

"It's impossible for me as a general manager to enter the board meeting, so even if you beat me to death, I don't know. The content of their meeting is absolutely impossible for others to know!" Luo Jiashu face some serious said, do not know what to say.

"Very well, in that case, you can only sleep for a few days!" LAN diexiang knows that this woman has nothing to ask for. She can only clap her hands without any softness and beat him directly into a coma!

Then he put him in the safe corridor. At this time, he took the elevator to walk out of the building of the company, and then called Qin Tian and told the man about this matter. Because this matter is a more serious matter, there quickly replied!

"Brother Qin Tian, it seems that the relationship between us is definitely that the medicine has become closer. Now it shows clearly? The left family is coming, and the situation is very different! " Blue butterfly Xiang said with a smile to Qin Tian in the phone.

"Since you and I are going to kill the same person, and they also met, that is the best way, and also save some unnecessary trouble, let's go directly to the left house!" Qin Tian said solemnly.

"Do you mean to go to the south of the Yangtze River?" Blue butterfly incense can't help but be a little surprised, because this thing is just known, this man unexpectedly so quickly know this thing's practice, Qin Tian's thought changes so fast? This is an incredible thing!

"What do you think? If they are allowed to come to the imperial capital, my wife will be in trouble at any time, because they don't know what to do. Why don't I just go to the left house? " Qin Tian zhengse said that he never liked to be asked for trouble, such things simply unreasonable existence!

"If you go directly to the left house, it's one of the best ancient martial arts families. With the existence of the master cloud family, the two of us can't fight directly. Moreover, when we passed by, people just happened to come. Isn't it useless?"

"So it's better to plan this matter. Now that we know it, we'll let people watch over there. If there's any result, it can be reflected back. It's very interesting!"

Blue butterfly incense said.

"No, if I go to Jiangnan, I don't need to worry at all. I have something to rely on." Qin Tian is very confident that this kind of thing does not need to worry about, because things have come to this kind of situation, you need to think about it well!

Now this situation is not allowed to let others to deal with their own, because this is not Qin Tian's work style, for him, this situation is to take the initiative to attack, otherwise, for him, for many people, it is not a normal thing!

If you always let others come to trouble, it's not Qin Tian's practice to cherish you. After all, it's a more troublesome thing for Li Xinran. The one from the left family is a master of ancient martial arts. Even Zhu Yu or Lei Qiuling will have no way to exert himself at that time, because the other party is omnipresent!

"I know you have a chapter, but..." LAN diexiang always feels that Qin Tian is too direct. Although she hates Zuo Bufan, she doesn't want to die in vain?

Qin Tian interrupted, the woman's words, said: "no, you come and join me, we'll go to Jiangnan left house today!"

After a few seconds of silence on the phone, LAN diexiang bit her teeth and said, "well, they just finished the meeting. According to the truth, there will be some action there, so we'll go there, but the elder sister's life is directly handed over to you!"

Qin Tian did not say anything, directly told the woman address, let her come directly to find themselves, after all, this situation is like this, if not good enough, then the situation is not very good thing!

At this time, Qin Tian is still in the office. He looks at Qin Tian suspiciously and says, "are you going to Jiangnan?"

"And are you going with this fox? What's more, what kind of sister and younger brother's? I feel that this woman is really a fox Zhu Yu's heart must be unhappy, and now directly shout up!

Qin Tian knows the jealousy in a woman's heart. After all, the situation is very natural now, because Zhu Yu's resentment towards the blue butterfly fragrance has reached a peak. If Lei Qiuling was replaced, the situation would be even more different, so this is the case now!

A lot of women's heart is like this, between each other's jealousy is very strong, in this case is not easy to ease, especially in men's case, it is even more difficult to do!

"Well, she is her. I just don't move like a mountain. Do you have other ideas? This situation is really different, because it has reached a point of absolute strength!" Qin Tian zhengse said, "if not to the last resort, will I cooperate with them?""Now it is this Dongchen pharmaceutical group that has gone to the ancient Wu family. This ancient martial family is in the left family of Jiangnan, and the enemy of blue butterfly fragrance is also the left family in the south of the Yangtze River. So we are going to deal with others. This is the case!" Qin Tian explained.

"Mm-hmm, that's what you promised her. It's better to be with Dongchen group!" Zhu Yu also understood in a moment, such a process.

He knows that Qin Tian is doing a very risky action. If it is not good, it will be finished!

But she violated a woman's sixth sense, Zhu Yu still felt that Qin Tian and this blue butterfly incense really what to happen, so I still watch the man vigilantly, warning him! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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