"But Lei Qian, how can they have no news?"

I don't know why Jiang Kainan now has a huge feeling of fear for Yunfeng. This feeling makes him very scared, but he has nothing to do.

In Songshan, the strong and domineering of Yunfeng is simply too magical, which makes people feel headache.

That's why Jiang Kainan deliberately angered Lei Qian, lured him with Su Qingmu, and then asked them to carry out the task. This is a good thing!

After all, he has sent his wife to Lei Qian. This thing can only succeed but not fail. How come things are not right now?

If Lei Qian, Longbao and others die in Songshan, the situation will be very terrible. It is unbelievable. It's amazing. It will make people feel that all these things are so powerful that they explode. They are already speechless!

"Chiang Kai Nan, come out to me!"

At this time, a cold drink from the outside of the yard, followed by a bang at the door of the sound of being hit fly!

This time, Jiang Kainan was startled and walked out of the study directly. His wife Wan Jing also came out of the room dressed in clothes. Did not understand what terrible things happened?

Jiang Kainan took the lead and ran outside the yard to have a look. When he saw that it was ma Qingyang, he couldn't help shaking all over. It turned out that he came by himself. Is there anything more painful than this?

"Welcome to Mr. Ma!"

Jiang Kainan also arched his hand. "I don't know what's the reason why the horse came to me?"

The other family members of the Chiang family also came out when they heard these huge noises, but when they saw the battle of Ma Qingyang and others, they all showed a trace of fear and were afraid to speak!

"What's the matter?"

Ma Qingyang took a look at Kenan, then narrowed his eyes, "what about my son Lei Qian?"

Hearing this, Jiang Kainan's face became gloomy. Is this a terrible thing?

He felt his heart pounding, as if he were going to stop soon, and his Adam's apple rolled violently.

"Ray, they Didn't you go to Songshan? Haven't you come back yet? "

Jiang Kainan asked deliberately, but soon after the ferocious look on Ma Qingyang's face of kana, he directly changed his mouth and said, "they have gone to Songshan to carry out their mission. There may be some business negotiations that have not been discussed, so they have not come back yet."

"Business negotiations, are you sure you're not looking for women?" Ma Qingyang suddenly burst into anger. It would be good if business negotiation was really carried out. If not, it would be really terrible!

"I went to kidnap Su Qingmu. I don't know what happened to this matter!"

"I don't know what's going on?" Ma Qingyang directly lifted Jiang Kainan up, raised his hand and slapped him in the past. In an instant, Jiang Kainan's mouth was covered with blood!

Wan Jing and others are frightened, but they dare not gnaw, because they have noticed the expression on Ma Qingyang's face. It is so terrible!

"You'd better make the whole thing clear to me, otherwise there will be no good fruit for you!"

"It's better not to hide anything, or you will know the consequences. The consequence is that you Jiang family will have to be buried with you!"

Hearing such overbearing words and horrible murderous spirit, Jiang Kainan really wanted to cry without tears. He didn't know what happened to Lei Qian. It was a very difficult thing to guess. He couldn't understand what he thought!

Because things happen to this critical situation, no matter how hard you try, it's useless. As a result, it's so hard to deal with it. In short, the occurrence of things is to a crazy point!

Jiang Kainan's own place, if Lei Qian and Lei Qian really have an accident, it must have provoked Yun Feng. Otherwise, how could there be no news so far? So the occurrence of this kind of situation is an extremely terrible thing, and it also makes people feel crazy!

In this case, it's very difficult for you to turn over, because if things have already arrived at this interface, it will be very difficult to go back. If possible, Jiang Kainan should not even tell them about the plan that night!

We shouldn't provide them with Su Qingmu's news and whereabouts, so that they won't happen. Now they don't even know what happened!

But there is no regret medicine in real life, because the occurrence of things has reached a very crazy point, to this situation, there is no way and choice to regret!

Jiang Kainan knows that now he has a risk of being destroyed. Is there any more cruel anger?

"I said, I said..."

Jiang Kainan immediately where there is a bit of concealment of the idea? I told you all the things I planned to drink and eat that night directly. I didn't mean to hide it!He wants to put the responsibility on Lei Qian and his own body. He is just a person who is used by them, so it can be good. Anyway, I am innocent!

Hearing Jiang Kainan's words, Ma Qingyang's murderous look was even stronger. He said coldly, "you released Su Qingmu's whereabouts in Songshan? Did you send it to ray Qian? "

"Yes, he told me to. I can only provide them with information, but I really don't know about the rest!" Jiang Kainan said helplessly.

Hearing this, Ma Qingyang really wants to cry without tears. His dry son is lustful. He doesn't know. There is nothing more cruel than this!

This Lei Qian is not very old, but he likes young women and married women. This is too cruel!

"No, you misled him to deal with Su Qingmu, didn't you? Do you think I will be cheated by you at will? " Ma Qingyang asked angrily.

"This No, it's Lei Qian who asked me for a drink and asked me to provide him with information and help him. He wanted to go to Su Qingmu. I'm really just a helper. I'm not the mastermind. " Jiang Kainan was so frightened that he wanted to cry without tears.

"You're not the mastermind? Hehe, do you think that night was just leiqian and Longbao? No one of your other collaborators knows? I know there are also several business managers here. Would you like me to find them out and confront you for a while? What did you say Ma Qingyang said angrily.

"I I just want him to kidnap Su Qingmu. I didn't think so much about it! " Jiang Kainan knew that he couldn't hide it. He collapsed and said in horror. He was already shaking with fear!

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