Now the situation is like this, only because Qin Tiantai is too terrible, they will fall into such an unbearable forbidden area, so that they can't even act as masters if they have money!

Therefore, they must invite the experts of the left family, so as to eliminate the stinky boy Qin Tian. In this way, Li's medicine will fall into their hands completely. This feeling is so wonderful, it's so wonderful that it explodes!

At this time, the meeting on the plan for the second half of the year, which was organized by the eight ancient warriors organized by Zuo Jia, still had an hour to start.

Half an hour later, a very cool black streamline banknote opened in front of the manor gate of Panlong mountain!

This is the place where Wang Yu and his men were placed. After arriving here, seeing that the car had not slowed down, the two ancient martial guards at the door suddenly changed their faces and became angry!

Because the speed is so fast, this is the biggest disrespect to their left manor. This is the biggest insult to them. In this case, they are simply not treated as people!

And if they can't stop the car, it's a death penalty for them, so they don't dare to say anything for a moment, because this thing is really too difficult!

So the two of them released a whole body of energy, and even wanted to block the super run with their own flesh!

After all, if you really stop them, you will definitely hit them directly. The drivers are not so unreasonable!

And their arms were blue and blue, and they slowly pressed the super run to stop it from moving again, because this matter is too important for them. If it is not handled properly, it will be a death penalty!

Seeing that the sports car stopped, the two guards of the ancient warriors both gave each other a cold smile.

Because they are very powerful ancient warriors, although the strength level is not very high, but the strength of two people is enough to stop the impact of a car!

After watching the car stop, the two people's expressions quickly became extremely angry after sneering. They looked coldly at a man and a woman on the car!

At this time, a man and a woman in the car are not who is Qin Tian and LAN diexiang!

"Bold, whose rich second generation and rich girl are you? Are you just rushing in here?" The ancient warrior at the door cried out angrily. It seems that they have seen nothing strange about the situation that they want to enter. After all, this place is really the most common thing for them!

But it's the first time that I'm so afraid of death. People who haven't been there all know that they can't go in this place casually, but the young people driving seem to have no intention of paying attention to them, which makes them feel very unhappy!

At this time, there are still people coming to break in. It's not looking for death. What is it?

Their duty is to guard the door and prevent people from going in at will. Now they see a young man driving to break in, and they have to use a kind of physical body to block it. Now that they are stopped, they will not have any good looks on this young man!

At this time, Qin Tian and LAN diexiang also rushed to the car and got off. Their eyes first glanced at the left manor. It seemed that they didn't mean to see their two security guards in their eyes!

"Bold, talk to you! Is it because no one dares to rush into the gate of our Zuojia villa? Is it a suicide The gatekeeper also cried out in anger.

Qin Tian sneered and said, "are you really a fairyland? Is it impossible for any man to enter? "

"I don't know about fairyland, but I know this is our territory. If you don't go in, you won't be allowed to go in. What are you doing with all this nonsense?"

"It seems that we are talking nonsense. This pair of dog men and women really don't know what to do. What else should we say?"

Another security guard also can't see down, very want to hit Qin Tian directly!

"Hold on!" LAN diexiang saw that they were going to do it. Did she think that she would die? Or she quickly came up and shook her head at Qin Tian, indicating not to do it!

If it's really a fight, even if you go in, it's very troublesome, so it's better not to frighten the snake. After all, they come here to hide people's eyes, rather than come here to be arrogant and domineering!

"Two, this is my assistant. I am LAN diexiang, Zuo Bufan's fiancee. This is a token of love that your young master gave me before." LAN diexiang said and took out a pendant, which was worth a lot of money. So she didn't throw it away and kept it in her handbag. When she wanted to be poor, she would sell it well. After all, she would not feel bad about jewelry and diamond rings!

"What?" After seeing this situation, the two security guards could not help but also showed a trace of shock and surprise. They could not believe that they looked at the blue butterfly incense in front of them, as if they were looking at some monster!

Of course, LAN diexiang is not a monster. She is really beautiful, very coenzyme, which is the level of the country. But it seems that he is Zuo Bufan's fiancee, which makes people confused. Is this really true?"You won't go where you can pick up this thing, so you're going to cheat us?" One of the security guards asked, although confused, but the tone has become a little respectful incomparable!

After all, if they have few fiancees, it will not be easy, it must be very scary, they can not casually stop others, otherwise left extraordinary blame down, they are also death!

"I didn't joke. I came here three years ago. It was the first time I came. At that time, you were still a white beard guy. Can't you see him now? If he were there, you would have recognized me, and you would not have been able to! " Said the blue butterfly in a positive color.

White beard?

Hear here, two security guards instantly understand what, say is not their former security captain mom ah? Not many people are retired now, but it is not the key!

The key is that this woman knows this, it seems that she is really a very good fiancee!

Put it out!

Two words said nothing, two gatekeepers knelt down to the blue butterfly incense, respectfully said: "welcome little lady, we have no eyes to recognize you, please your adult has a large number, do not convict us!"

In fact, they have heard about the left extraordinary things, they have found their fiancee three years ago, but they heard that the fiancee ran, and that time, it was still very noisy, left family very no face, left family master is also furious!

They swore to find this blue butterfly fragrance and punish her. What they don't want is that the fiancee has come back by herself , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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