"It's OK. I won't blame you. Get up. Don't be so polite." LAN diexiang smiles. Her enemy is Zuo Bufan. Naturally, she won't feel bad about these security guards. After all, what's the age of this and judge people by their appearance?

"Well, thank you very much for your forgiveness." A melancholy frown said, in this case is really no way, they can only respectfully agree down, dare not have other ideas!

After all, Zuo Bufan's identity in the left family is the prince's village. If anyone dares to move his woman, it is a matter of seeking death, let alone his am!

It's just that Zuo Bufan's fiancee has never been heard of in the past three years. How come such a fiancee suddenly comes out? Moreover, they went back in person, which made them wonder what happened in this!

"But, young lady, after you escaped, the old man and they were very angry. Do they know when you come back?" A security guard asked in surprise.

Blue butterfly incense mentioned this, in the heart is a burst of speechless and angry, uncomfortable said: "you get out of the way, still ask so much why? Knowing that it's not a good thing to have a rest, you still ask questions about it! "

"Yes, yes, but we still want to ask clearly. Otherwise, the master and the young master may blame him. If anyone goes in, we have to check and ask clearly, otherwise we will be in trouble."

"So, young lady, we will get out of the way, but I don't know if you come to the left house again with a male assistant. What does that mean?" The man reported the case carefully and asked, for fear that he would directly annoy blue butterfly incense!

If the master and the young master have already denied this fiancee, or are more angry, then they put this woman in, they will also be dead and alive, which is to be punished!

Blue butterfly incense seems to have some concerns about them, but also the corners of her mouth hook up a magic arc, "with the appearance of my sister, do you think your young master can forget me when he sees me? The reason why I escaped from marriage is that I have my own business to do. If you hinder the great events, you will die as well

"Well, all right, please go."

The two gatekeepers also found that they were really inside and outside. This feeling is really too uncomfortable. They can only rest assured. Do you have any other ideas besides this?

No, after all, they can't afford it and can't bear it. They can only let them in. After all, they all drive such luxury cars, and the blue butterfly fragrance has the smell of ancient martial arts. It's not easy for them to go in, so they go in naturally!

Anyway, it's right to put such a big beauty in to see their left Shao, because Zuo Bufan likes Emmi women, and everyone knows it!

In the past three years, are there still few women who go in the left extraordinary car? So it's just that she doesn't mean blue butterfly alone!

However, they are also thinking about Zuo Bufan's attitude when he sees blue butterfly fragrance which is more mature and still full of charm three years later?

Although this matter is no longer their business, they are still very curious and want to see what the situation is?

After a measurement, they could only watch Qin Tian and LAN diexiang get on the bus. Before the window rolled down, one of the security guards politely laughed and said, "I hope Miss LAN can get our young master's favor. Go in. They will have a meeting soon."

"A meeting? What kind of meeting Blue butterfly incense can't help but be surprised and said: "he doesn't say to see me this evening? Why did you go to the meeting at this time? "

"Ha ha, Zuo Shao is just anxious to discuss the plans and plans for the second half of the year by some big men of the ancient martial arts organizations under Zuo's rule. When the meeting is over, Zuo Shao will be able to see you as well." The security guard also said with comfort.

"Well, go in and talk about it!" Blue butterfly fragrance hums a, did not have good gas to say.

Qin Tian didn't like it. He closed the window and went inside again!

In fact, his friends in the south of the Yangtze River gave him the car to drive. After all, they just came to do the task, so it's not impossible to borrow it!

As for what kind of friend, Qin Tian has not told LAN diexiang that in the south of the Yangtze River, he definitely has something to rely on, but whether they are big or small!

Go in to a big house with a row of luxury cars. You don't have to know who the people are. It must be the meeting!

Qin Tian stops the car to one side, then gets off, does not worry to enter, but curiously looks at the scenery of this big house gate!

I don't know. I thought I had entered the world of martial arts. It's really a good place!

Although blue butterfly incense has been missing for three years, but also some curious looking, the heart of emotion than Qin Tian more some other ideas!

But soon LAN diexiang woke up, and then looked at Qin Tian and said, "brother Qin Tian, there are so many luxury cars parked in this manor, it must be all the big men under the left family. If you want to start today, it will be more troublesome!""If anyone says I'm going to do it, let's go and have a look first." Qin Tian smiles, his hands behind him, his face proud.

Smell speech, blue butterfly fragrance beautiful eyes can't help but with a nervous look, he saw Qin Tian's confident look, should be to rely on it, had to suppress his heart of encouragement and tension, after all, he is facing left extraordinary ah!

"Go in. Don't panic. If you are flustered, you can bring a mask yourself."

"I want to see what level this hidden ancient Wu family is

Qin Tian's smile with a cold and arrogant!

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