Qin Tian's action seems to be very slow. In fact, it is a circle that contains huge and incomparable power, just like a huge ship that can swallow vortices on the sea!

Left Bufan's palm strength, a touch of Qin Tian's arms shake out of the layers of circles, the whole person is also some can't believe, because he felt a very terrible force, from the opponent's fist impact out!

At the moment, he was shocked because he had never seen such a move and didn't know what it was, because his palms could not resist it!

Shocked, Zuo Bufan didn't have time to think about anything. He watched his palm power being shocked back. In a moment, almost 0.1 second, he bombarded him in front of him and directly printed on his chest!


A long bloodstain directly spurted out of Zuo Bufan's mouth. The plasma was not from the lung or heart, or his internal organs had been broken!

This time, Qin Tian has put away all his attacks, as if nothing had happened. He stood still and looked at Zuo Bufan in front of him. He knelt on the ground a little bit, his arms drooped down, and his face looked like a pale paper. There was only horror and shock left in his eyes, as well as the color of pain and disbelief!

This scene shocked the whole audience. When they saw such a scene, they didn't have to think about it. They knew that Zuo Bufan was going to die because he had suffered a very serious internal injury. This is the situation now!

Many people did not dare to speak. They were afraid and shocked. Everyone was silent, just like a statue of petrified stone.

After a few seconds, all the people also responded, and their eyes were shrunk to the extreme. In their eyes, there was still a color of belief, shock and shock, which appeared on each of their faces, frozen!

The man who appears in cold weather is so scared. He just uses one move and directly defeats the young master of the left family. This is a man who is proud of himself!

Zuo's family spent a lot of hard work to cultivate Zuo Bufan, but now this kind of situation has happened, which really makes many people collapse directly!


Zuo Changhai is also anxious to fly up, with his hand to hold Zuo Bufan, the whole person has some difficulty in controlling his mood, this situation is really too painful, too painful!

He didn't even react. His son died like this. Is there anything more painful than this? Is there anything more helpless than this?

Now, this situation has already made them feel very broken down. Where do you care what others think?

"Call the doctor!" Zuo Changhai cried out in anger.

"Dad I can't You must take revenge for me... " Left Bufan is a mouthful of blood directly vomited out!

"Stinky boy, you want to die. You want to fight against our left family. You can't go out today!" Left Changhai angry toward cloud Chen look, eyes full of resolute look!

"Ha ha, you think I will be afraid of you?" Qin Tian's face is indifferent smile, he knows that he can kill a left extraordinary, can kill the second strength is similar, what is this?

When the other eight families look at Qin Tian, their mood has become different. For them, the left family is destroyed, that is, they become free. But when the left family falls down, they also have no dependence and can only rely on themselves!

So now their mood is all mixed. They don't know what to say. This kind of mood is really miserable to the extreme. There is nothing more painful than this!

Qin Tian's strength makes many of them dare not say anything, because Qin Tian's martial arts of defeating Zuo Bufan is the kind of Taijiquan in rotten streets!

This kind of slow, soft and soft move, in Qin Tian's hands, is just like a waste, no one would have thought that Qin Tian's Tai Chi would be so fierce and its power so terrible!

Even Zuo Bufan has already cultivated himself to the perfect storm palm. He has been rebounded directly. Is there any more cruel anger than this?

The people of the left family, who always think highly of themselves, have been completely refreshed. The moves of Taijiquan are so terrible that they are even more powerful than those mysterious storm boxing techniques?

Can this young man still use other advanced skills?

They all think that some advanced martial arts and palm techniques can better control their internal strength and Qi, and let their strength play to the extreme. But now they see that ordinary Taijiquan can defeat Zuo Bufan's storm palm, which subverts their cognition!

In the end, ancient martial arts still practice Qi. If the strength of Qi is strong enough, there are moves between every move. Flying flowers and picking leaves can kill people. This is the way to win without moves!

In fact, Qin Tian's Taijiquan is not the acrobatics of those aunts in the square, but the real ancient martial Taijiquan, which comes from the true biography of Taiji Master Zhang Sanfeng!Strictly speaking, it is also a kind of ancient martial arts, but it was confused by the simplified way of Taijiquan fitness. This is why Lao Chen liked to play Taiji in the park at first. This set of Taijiquan is an ancient martial art, which is very powerful and used!

Moreover, Qin Tian's Taiji has completely surpassed Chen Fu and reached the realm of returning to nature. It is not skillful, so it directly rebounds Zuo Bufan's storm palm and reaches a very freehand brushwork!

"Boy, if you dare to harm my son, I will never let you go!" Zuo Changhai, looking at Zuo Bufan, is full of heartache and shame, shock and fury, all these emotions have been engulfed by anger!

This is because it makes people feel angry. Zuo Bufan, who represents the whole left family and the future of the left family, is now beaten to the ground by a boy. How can his face be saved?

Therefore, Zuo Changhai's anger has accumulated to the peak, and his body quickly erupts a strong murderous spirit, as if it can annihilate everything!

Qin Tian turned his head and looked at Zuo Bufan. He looked very indifferent, even with a kind of cold and arrogant meaning: "it was your son who wanted to die. Don't blame me for Laura!"

"What do you say?" Zuo Changhai didn't expect that the boy was not afraid, but even dared to speak like this. In an instant, his anger directly turned up and swept the whole hall!

Now no longer speak, Zuo Changhai's body seems to be a virtual shadow, quickly toward Qin Tian in the past!

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