Zuocanghai is very violent and fierce, which is very frightening. It is like a flying eagle, with a violent wind, and there is also an endless anger burning with the carrier, which makes everyone can not help but retreat directly. Such a scene is really rare!

It is really hard for the people present to see the left man take the hand for many years. It is very difficult for many people to think back and think about the development of the matter.

They can't help thinking about what will happen next, what kind of situation will be, how to turn it around. In a word, things don't seem to be the kind they think, and the situation is not the kind of situation that everyone imagined!

Because, Qin Tian stood still looking at it, completely ignoring the meaning of zuochanghai!

Looking at each other flying to the air, he said a word, and said, "zuocanghai, your speed is still needle is not a speed, I kill your son faster?"

This sentence immediately forced zuochanghai to stop, this ancient martial family owner originally with a strong anger came up, but now it is really hard to stop!

Because he is really afraid, afraid of Qin Tian said that sentence!

Qin Tian is really fast. It is very fast to let zuocanghai just now have some problems to see how he killed his son. In this case, he has some helplessness, some embarrassment and some worry!

Qin Tianneng can quickly after all left extraordinary, then directly surprised to kill on the ground, absolutely has absolute strength!

"Boy, you killed my son and threatened me. Who do you think you are? You are now against our left family. I will make you a disaster! " "Cried zuocaohai in a voice and anger.

"Ha ha, the left family is famous, but you are nothing when you walk out of Jiangnan City. What else do you say?" Qin Tian's voice was very calm, and he did not understand the ONO without any emotion. He looked at his knees on the ground, and said to the left extraordinary who died and died: "now, you are arrogant, and the result may be as you said!"

"I......" Left extraordinary kneel on the ground directly, the look shameful to the extreme, he is using his inner strength really Qi can not live heart and lung can not die, if can, he even hate to directly tear Qin Tian!

He was the man who controlled life and death. Qin Tian could kill him with a gentle slap. Where else did he have any other ideas? Where dare you be arrogant?

But zuocanghai, in such a painful situation, dare to speak such arrogant words, really too much to take people seriously!

The people here can see the circle. Even if Qin Tiantian is so fierce, it can not reach the whole left family. So many ancient martial arts experts are in the crowd, that is also very bad!

Left extraordinary already hated Qin Tian to bone, eyes very vicious, gnashing teeth kneeling on the ground, oneself close to death again!

"Do you want to marry dish Xiang?" Qin asked coldly.

The tone of the left extraordinary let Qin Tian not thick beat a cold shiver, shame, simply can not be too ashamed!

Previously, Qin Tianfan regarded Qin as a mole ant. Now Qin Tian's words contain huge killing intention. He is puzzled. Will Qin naivety kill him?

He is a waste man now. Do you really want to let him go?

"I won't marry Blue Butterfly anymore. Let me go. I know you kill me faster than my father attacked you!" Qin Tian bit his teeth, and his teeth were all coming out!

"Well, it's really great that you can say that kind of awareness now!" Qin Tian smiled coldly, and could not help looking at the blue butterfly fragrance!

Blue butterfly fragrance is also some meaning at this time, she looks at the man who let the blue family never recover, but is trampled to this point, and she even kneels on the ground and waits for death. The deep heart is also happier than that. This feeling has not been experienced for a long time. It is really very cool now!

She was so grateful to Qin naivety that Qin Tian had successfully deterred the blue house with his own strength, and made the left extraordinary of the five days of Qi force directly lost in the place. This man was really very strong!

It is beyond her imagination. This kind of man is the existence of adversity. It is just Superman. It makes them feel extremely shocked. How terrible it is!

Zuocaohai was stout with anger in his heart, looking at Qin Tian with a gloomy face and said, "well, now my son will not marry Blue Butterfly incense again. You go out and we will calculate our affairs. It doesn't matter to him!"

Zuocanghai stood in front of the left extraordinary body, to be honest, he was also concerned that Qin Tianyi would die of the dying left extraordinary, because this Changhai he really can not bear ah!

"Ha ha, I'm out there? You guys around me? You are afraid it's a misunderstanding! " Qin Tian smiled and said, the whole person seemed to be a peaceful person.

But the people who were present knew that his smile had made everyone in the scene cool for a while, and was a little shivering!Just now they saw Qin Tian directly defeated the left extraordinary, and killed Wang Yu and others by the left extraordinary. This strength is no longer comparable to ordinary people, or it is not his left Changhai who can resist it!

This guy's cultivation is so powerful, mysterious and powerful. It is really amazing that they have such accomplishments so young!

Directly play such a powerful hand as the simplest ancient martial arts Taijiquan, and where else will their ancient martial family be put in the eyes? What left house seems to him to be the same air!

Who is this guy, who is his master?

Many people have been unable to guess, and it is because of this they will feel Qin Tian so terrible, such a terrible!

Zuocaohai's eyes are very gloomy, the corners of the eyes are unbearable convulsions for a few times, the attitude is grim said: "boy, no matter what background you are, you are only one person now, you are in our left home, we all unite, random boxing to kill teacher Fu, you don't too noisy open!"

"Before I change my mind, you go out, not in this conference room!" Zuocaohai knows that this guy is only far away from his son, is a good chance to take a hand!

And after outside, left family elders and masters only have a mobile phone meeting, now he left Chang Hai dare not move!

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