"This young man, we don't know why he is so strong!" Said Zuo lengshi.

"It's not that you are stagnant. You've been in a rout all these years. You've lost everything from your ancestors. You're really rubbish!"

"Ordinary kids can insult the head of the left family, and still humiliate in front of so many people. This is really the biggest shame of our left family for hundreds of years!" Zuo Laozu's whole body has actually sent out, the unreal figure is shaking, his eyes are also some red, that looks like it is difficult to fight against!

This momentum makes the whole audience unconsciously tremble. Is that really shocking?

Zuo Changhai didn't blush with me. He knelt down and begged, "Lao Zu, please give me a good lesson. Changhai can thank you after death!"

"Hum, you can apologize to death, but you can't escape living crime. From today on, you are no longer the owner of the left family!" Zuo Laozu said angrily, and his cold eyes soon focused on Qin Tian's body. Looking at the young man in front of him, he said, "boy, you are such a young man, and you have no background. You can have such strength. It's a good talent to put it in our world. Tell you, who is your old ancestor?"

He believes that Qin Tian has such strength, which shows that the ancestors behind him are also very powerful. It is absolutely not easy to take them down. He does not understand this situation!

Therefore, if this boy can destroy the left family by himself, the background is certainly not simple!

"I'm just an ordinary family. I'm still a son-in-law who doesn't have any strength and status. Maybe this result disappoints you, but it's the truth!" Qin Tianzheng replied.

As soon as Zuo Laozu appeared, Qin Tian was really shocked by the old ancestor's breath, and immediately judged the cultivation of this guy. This is an old monster who is much stronger than Huangpu Jiro!

But now he has been exhausted, the body Qi strength, belongs to a kind of strength outside the strong, in the face of the infinite anger on the opposite side, if the left family wants to attack, he really has no resistance ability!

Because the gap between the two sides is too big, let him some insurmountable, some unable to extricate themselves!

If Qin Tian runs the immortal Qi at this time, the result will be different, because it may cause his body to suffer 10% loss and damage. In this case, you should be careful!

"It's impossible. You must have got some inheritance and cultivation, otherwise you can't be so powerful!" Left Laozu's heart some can't believe said.

Qin Tian said quietly, "I really don't know what I have. I'm sorry, it's not what you think it is!"

Qin Tian can't say that he has immortal Qi and green energy in his body, because this is totally unreasonable. He doesn't need to tell each other these things!

And now so many people are watching and listening. What they say will surely cause a lot of noise and confusion. This is the situation now, so he can't mess around!

He needs to keep this secret for a long time, because the result of waiting is very bad. If he doesn't make efforts to correct it, the situation may become very bad. Therefore, Qin Tian has to consider this matter carefully!

Looking at Qin Tian, Zuo Laozu said with indifference: "boy, I don't care how strong your strength is, but since you are not a member of guwu family, and dare to be cruel to our left family, I will certainly not let you go!"

"You must not die well today, do you know? If you are willing to be a puppet for me, that would be the best thing! "

"Ha ha, or that move, you souls want to occupy other people's bodies. Do you want to say that you think my body is very talented, so you want to occupy it?" Qin Tian couldn't help laughing!

"Ha ha, boy, it seems that you know a lot of things. I'm really impressed. Now this situation is so difficult to handle. You know it has become different now!"

"Other people are different from me. I can take your body and make you stronger. I won't control your will all the time. Is that good?"

"This is equivalent to, I am in your body, when necessary, I will control you, if not, you are still you, I am me, understand?" Zuo Laozu made the idea of Qin Tian's body!

It is true that such a young body, and such strength, this situation is really extraordinary, so now do Laozi look at Qin Tian is very greedy!

"So you want to say, if I were willing to give you control of my body, you wouldn't kill me, would you?" Qin Tian said.

"Ha ha, I should say that I won't kill you, because I really need your body. In this case, I don't need to lie. My spirit deadline is coming soon. I need a body to use. Obviously, you meet my requirements." Zuo Laozu is in urgent need of greedy looking at Qin Tian.As if at this time, it is not a matter of revenge, but a matter of survival.

In this world, no matter what is the cultivation or what, or always is the most precious thing, is also the most difficult thing to control, the most attractive thing!

Many high-level practitioners are thinking about how to continue their lives. This is the reason why many people pursue longevity. Now, this situation has really reached an extraordinary level!

"So you've got my body fixed?" Qin Tian asked coldly.

"That's inevitable!"

Zuo Laozu's words were high and powerful. When the words fell down, a strong murderous spirit came from the hall of Parliament. This kind of murderous spirit was just like the essence, blowing a gust of wind!

Obviously, it is because of this kind of killing gas that has condensed!

All the people around were blown by this kind of murderous wind. They felt that their bodies began to tremble and tremble!

Many people have low accomplishments and even started to retreat. They are hard to control their bodies because of the murderous spirit. If they continue to stay, they may break their hearts and lungs. This kind of thing is really hard to do!

Now this situation is like this, many people's hearts know that this ancestor is definitely a big monster, a big monster that people can't bear!

Zuo's ancestor was so murderous that he was blowing in the hall!

Qin Tian was in the center of the storm. He was calm and said: "old man left, you can't kill me!"

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