"You can't occupy my body, ha ha, you don't have this strength!"

Qin Tiansi doesn't worry at all, because he has immortal Qi in his body. This kind of thing can't be easily broken by the ancestor of Zuo family. Moreover, he is just a soul. What's to worry about?

Qin Tian's words are very calm, as if there is nothing to worry about, but each word is full of a cold and arrogant atmosphere, arrogant to the extreme!

A secular boy can call the ancestor of the left family as an old man. This boy is really arrogant!

Two people's age may be different hundreds of years old, is really fantastic thing!

What's more, Qin Tian's words are also arrogant and domineering. This guy dares to say that the ancestor of the left family can't kill him and still can't occupy his body. Where is this guy so confident?

Even if Qin Tianyou is confident that one of the two masters, Zuo lengshi and Zuo Changhai, killed the four elders of the left family, but also broke the Disha array of the left family, and defeated dozens of master level masters of the left family!

Almost one person destroyed the existence of the left family, but this does not mean that he has the strength, he challenges the left ancestor!

After all, this is a very high level of people, even if it is the spirit, but the lean camel is bigger than the horse, this truth Qin Tian can not fail to understand!

Therefore, all the people present will not doubt the ability of Zuo's ancestors to destroy Qin Tian, or to occupy Qin Tian's physical strength. This strength is innate self-confidence and self-confidence in the strength of predecessors!

Qin Tian's words, let everyone have some doubts, suspect that he is too arrogant, is now blinded by the scene.

After hearing Qin Tian's words, Zuo Laozu also showed his cold intention to kill. His spiritual power was extremely strong: "if I can't occupy your body, you know the consequences. You must die. If you die, your soul will be broken by me!"

What is ash annihilation? This is it!

How many years, hundreds of years, no one dares to say such words to himself, this boy seems to want to live or what?

I've been talking wildly and arrogantly to such a degree that there is no limit to it!

Finally, the left ancestor slowly landed on the ground, the unreal body seems to become red, it is a kind of blood in the diffuse, make the smell of blood rolling!

He said directly, like a sharp sword across his throat, "boy, you have enough strength to be arrogant, but in front of me, you are just a mortal, just an ant, and you will die after all!"

"If you respect me a little bit, I can be your master and know you grow up. In the future, I can even leave your body and get another body, but you don't!"

"Ignorance is the cause of your death!" Zuo Laozu said fiercely.

"Eh? Is it? I think pedantic ignorance is the cause of your death! " Qin Tian smiles and looks very determined!

Zuo Laozu, including all people, can't understand this behavior. They don't know why they are dying. Qin Tian can still show such a domineering momentum. It's really incredible to see such a light wind and light cloud!

Such a person, really is not a madman is a fool, is absolutely not a normal person ah!

He has no background. He is the ancestor of the ancient Wu family, who created a world. Is this strength not strong enough?

Therefore, even if Qin Tian is more powerful, it is impossible to fight against Qin Tian, an old ancestor. Many people should understand this kind of thing!

The people of the blue family saw that the ancestors of the left family had all come out, and Qin Tian did not show any fear at all. They couldn't help being speechless for a while!

LAN Guofeng was speechless. He had hoped for Qin Tian, because the left family was destroyed and the blue family could get up. Now it seems that all these are illusions!

He did not understand how his daughter brought back such a monster. His thought seemed different from that of ordinary people. He was so arrogant. What did he rely on?

People in the whole hall don't understand. What's wrong with Qin Tian? Does he have a second hand?

Zuo Laozu's eyes are full of anger and killing. The surprise color finally dissipated at this moment. He said coldly, "I originally wanted to be kind to you. Now it seems that you are not worth it!"

"I will completely control your body will, return to your life, and let everything you have become my person!"

People can't help but think that this ancestor is too abnormal, right? This kind of person is just like the devil!

When the voice dropped, Zuo Laozu was no longer wordy. The debris on the ground condensed in his words, and countless things began to float around in the air. Such a scene looks especially terrible and extremely strange!

What kind of ancient martial arts is this? It's a fantastic existence!

It's really vicious to be able to condense so much resentment!This group of blood gas, like the sea of blood in the tumbling, soon spread to the four parts of the body, Zuo Laozu has become a bloodthirsty devil!

"Boy, you kill so many descendants of our left family. I won't let you die easily. Don't worry about it!"

Zuo Laozu, with a wind of murderous air and debris, approached Qin Tian with incomparable indifference in his eyes. "I tell you, this is a relatively ancient martial art, called Balabala's small magic palm. It is impossible to exist in modern times, because no one can use it. As long as I hold it down, your soul will be shattered by me!"

"As soon as the soul dies, your body will be completely mine. You have done more than me. Do you know the consequences?"

Zuo Laozu's words were cold to the extreme. When he spoke, his hands were flying, and his body's fragments were like living creatures. They were extremely rampant. They began to condense in all directions and gradually squeezed towards Qin Tian's body!

It can be said that the whole space has been squeezed and occupied. It is impossible for Qin Tian to escape. This is a very terrible phenomenon. This kind of big move is really not used by ordinary ancient warriors. Only when the strength of Qi can be connected with nature and control the heaven and earth, can this kind of action be achieved!

People were scared to step back, because this scene is not they can see clearly, now many people want to see what happened, there is such a strong sensation!

But they have no way to see, because they have no strength to bear all this!

The fragment seems to be innumerable ghosts roaring, directly locking Qin Tian!

Qin Tian stood there quietly, his face did not change a bit, as if he had ignored the Balabala small magic palm!

Zuo Laozu was scared to be silly. Although he still has a trace of appreciation in his heart, this guy has no brain, so don't blame him!

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