It doesn't matter. If this guy doesn't die, he won't be able to calm his anger and resentment!

When Zuo Laozu was about to take charge, Qin Tian was cold and said, "Zuo Laozu, don't you want to know why you can't control my body?"

Qin Tian's words are really very strange, said as if with a strong questioning and disdain, left Laozu very uncomfortable, instant expression surprised looking at Qin Tian in front of him!

I can't control your body. Who do you think you are?

Can you be arrogant in this situation? You don't have a look at the current situation. The consequence of your doing so is to seek death!

"Big joke, who are you and who am I, dare to say that I can't control you?"

"I don't want to know at all. I just want to know what your last words are. That's what I care about. If you have a brain, you can say it directly. I'll send it to your family, or I'll use your body to tell your relatives and friends!" Zuo Laozu said coldly.

When this guy talks, his tone is still a kind of old-fashioned and simple tone. It sounds like classical Chinese, but it is probably understandable. When it sounds, it's really a great atmosphere!

A remnant soul just, unexpectedly so arrogant, want to occupy Qin Tian this full of immortal spirit body, this is not nonsense?

"Boy, are you so stupid? I don't kill you because I want your body. You really think that's why you can't die. Are you proud? " Zuo Laozu's temper is also the kind of person who must be investigated. There is no politeness at present, and he is very interested in saying it directly.

Kneeling on the ground, Zuo Changhai and Zuo lengshi are already visible and stunned. Their hearts are a little chilly!

The old ancestor has changed. His whole body is full of evil spirit. At this time, he is full of evil spirit. He looks like a devil!

"The magic skill you cultivate is the reason why you can continue your spirit life. However, this kind of magic attack and my body are in conflict, which determines that you can't occupy my body in your whole life. Do you understand?" Qin Tian said coldly, and there was no polite meaning in the tone!

"Well? Why can't I occupy your body? Is it because I have practiced magic skills? " Zuo Laozu sneered.

"Boy, different times, you never know what my means are. I kill your soul and occupy your body by various means. What can you say?" Zuo Laozu said with a sneer.

"Well, it's no use talking to you!" Of course, Qin Tian will not tell the other party that he has evil Qi in his body. After all, this matter is not a joke now. If he talks about the grass flower, the situation will certainly not be very good, which will have a certain unnecessary impact on his own life!

After hearing Qin Tian's words, Zuo Changhai and Zuo lengshi looked at each other. They felt that their ancestors were just like a big devil. What they used was the magic palm. It was not the ancient martial arts handed down by the Zuo family from generation to generation!

I don't know why, many people now look at the ancestors of the left family, not all kinds of respect and awe, but more anger and fear, just like looking at a big devil. This feeling is really too troublesome!

However, for the people of the left family, there is no sense. As long as they can kill Qin Tian, they do not care what means. It is such a strong self-confidence. Now they are thinking in their hearts that if Qin Tian died, it would be really wonderful!

Because they are now so angry that if something happens, it will be different!

They all want to see how Qin Tian was finished. Now this situation is so powerful. In this case, what else needs to happen?

The only thing is that Qin Tian must die, which is the most terrible thing!

Qin Tian is now facing great pressure, which is like a mountain!

Others don't know why he is so wordy. In fact, Qin Tian is slowly recovering his immortal spirit!

The reason why he was able to recover slowly in a short period of time was mainly because he had taken Peiyuan pill before, so this situation happened now!

In short, the situation has become very different, what needs is a strong courage and self-confidence!

Blue butterfly incense in the side looking at Qin Tian, quietly called out: "need help ah?"

Qin Tian raised a confident arc of his mouth, looked at LAN xiangdie and said in a very calm tone: "has it been ten minutes since this ancestor appeared?"

Blue butterfly incense a Leng, this still guy is counting time, what meaning is it?

It's a matter of life and death. You're still in the mood to calculate the time. Isn't it a matter of looking for death?

How many minutes is it now to ask, is that the guy is desperate?

LAN diexiang is even doubting whether Qin Tian is crazy now?But I don't know why, when Qin Tian's warm eyes looked at him, she could feel his strong self-confidence. She nodded and said, "it's more than ten minutes!"

"What time is it then?"

Qin Tian asked again.

People are also confused, the next sentence this guy is not to ask whether we are going to dinner ah?

"It's eight o'clock in the evening!"

Qin Tian faintly smile, said: "very good, just at eight o'clock in the evening, this time is OK!"

Eight o'clock in the evening?

What does Qin Tian's words mean?

No one can hear that, but Zuo Laozu feels very strange. What is this boy thinking about?

What does time have to do with yourself?

"Boy, are you stalling? I am seriously doubting you now Zuo Laozu's awareness ability is naturally incomparable to ordinary people, so his awareness and doubt are almost right!

"Ha ha, I think it's OK at 8 o'clock this evening. After solving this problem, we can have a supper. It's better not to eat more than 9 o'clock. If we eat supper after 9 o'clock, it's not easy to digest it!" Qin Tian said with a faint smile.

"Ha ha, you want to die!"

"At this time, you still want to eat, boy, your success has angered me. I have never seen such a shameless person. Today you are the first one!"

"No, it's not a shameless person, but a person who doesn't want to die. You have successfully inspired my murderous spirit!" Zuo Laozu's eyes are full of fierce murderous spirit!

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