"Boy, you are still pretending to be forced when you are dying. Don't blame me for being rude. I'm really fed up with you. You are really a fool!"

"I'm going to send you to huangquan road now. I'll see you give me arrogance. You really want to die!"

The voice falls, Zuo Laozu is with a strong evil spirit, that waves of snow rolling palm strength are all condensed together, toward the Qin Dynasty turbulent slap in the past!

This is balabalabala's hand?!

All people will not doubt that Qin Tian will be directly crushed by such a palm, and then his body will be quickly occupied by his body. This is a very normal thing, and it is also something they have to face. Now this result is like this!

Because this sentence to a very crazy point, to this critical point, the situation will not allow you to think more about what!

So there is no one to think about the consequences now, and no one believes that Qin Tian can go out alive. This is the situation now!

What is waiting for Qin Tian must be that horrible picture. It may be that some part of the body is broken, or the soul is directly shot out. This kind of thing is still possible. Now this situation is really exciting and cruel!

Many people think that if Qin Tian doesn't die, the left family is almost finished, and the blue family must also rise. This is the situation now, because what is waiting for them is a very bad result!

Today's situation has arrived at the present situation, many people's hearts did not feel angry because of the left family, but more feel pity for Qin Tian!

Because he looks like he's only in his twenties. If he dies directly, he will be envious of talents. Who can accept such a result?

Blue butterfly incense is also the whole person has been tense, she asked Qin Tian before need help? In fact, she was really worried, but after seeing the kind of determination in Qin Tian's eyes, she did not move her feet, just covered her mouth with her hand and looked at it from afar!

At the next moment, there was a burst of thunder in the hall of the left house, which made people feel shocked!

"Zuo Qianyue, do you dare to kill me?"

This is the sound of a mountain calling a tsunami. It is more like a kind of sound wave skill. This sound wave skill has no harm to people, but it has a strong deterrent force and deterrent force for some souls. This is a very bad phenomenon!

Because Zuo Laozu felt that the voice was called out, his spirit was trembling. The original palms were taken back in an instant, and the whole person was squatting in the same place, afraid to move!

His soul was almost shaken away. If he could shout out such a sound, it can only show one problem, that is, the Qi strength in this guy's body is no less than his own!

In this case, is there anyone else who can compare?

In fact, Zuo Qianyue practiced this magic skill mainly to prolong his life. He thought about how to prolong his life. In fact, he didn't help much in combat effectiveness!

Moreover, he is just a spirit, the attack may be very strong, but the defense is really too poor, there is no way to do things!

Qin Tian was just a sound wave skill, so he held his magic palm directly and squatted in place to protect his spirit and mind. He was afraid that he would be broken directly!

Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo!

When the sound wave dissipated, people also looked at the front one after another, saw will die?

Left ancestor unexpectedly appeared a black bloodstain on the corner of his mouth. What's the situation?

It's just a shout. Is that what you're getting hurt?

A lot of people are already a little shocked!

"You know what kind of skills to use against me, you're so fierce." Zuo Laozu's mind became extremely scared, but more angry. He began to adjust his own skills, thinking about how to attack Qin Tian under the condition of protecting himself!

"Old ghost, you are an old man. When dealing with a young man, you are still the ancestor of the left family. Do you want a face?"

At this time, there was a burst of angry voice outside, and then everyone looked out towards the conference hall one after another!

At the age of 60, all the young and old people came into the hall. It seemed that all the young people who came to the conference hall were shocked!

It turns out that they are from the Huangpu family. Who knows that the ancestors of the Huangpu family in the south of the Yangtze River are Dongdao people. They and Dongdao are supposed to have a close relationship with each other. As a result, many people prefer the Huangpu family. After all, it is not easy for such a large family which migrated from overseas hundreds of years ago to develop to the present situation!

It's just how Huang Puqi, the owner of the Huangpu family in the south of the Yangtze River, and Huang PuJie, the young master, come here?

"Old man, Mr. Qin is a man that we have great respect for. You are absolutely not allowed to do anything to him when his spirit is exhausted!"Huang Puqi came with angry voice. He was tall and straight, with a strong momentum all over his body and a cold and arrogant look. He was a man whose strength had reached the Ninth Heaven of Qi state. He was just one step away from entering a higher realm!

Seeing the appearance of huangpuqi, Zuo Changhai and Zuo lengshi of the left family are shocked. They have always been well water and do not invade the river. Now the old thing comes, and it is still Qin Tian's!

How could Qin Tian have anything to do with the Huangpu family?

Many of the present did not understand. Everyone was confused. Even LAN diexiang had such an expression. He didn't know what to say!

Huang Puqi walked to Qin Tian and bowed respectfully, "Mr. Qin, I'm glad to meet you. Before that, we were just communicating on the Internet. I've been admiring you for a long time."

"Mr. Huangpu is flattered. Just now I used some Xu Xian Qi I recovered to shout out a sound wave skill. Now the breath can't recover. If you can help me hold on for another ten minutes, I must kill him!" Qin Tian didn't hide anything, and looked at the left Qianyue in front of him!

"What are you talking about? Are you immortal? " Zuo Qianyue's face showed an incredible look, which shocked him. He didn't know what to say!

"Ha ha, so I said you can't have my body. Do you know why now?" Qin Tian said with a smile.

"No wonder you have such strength at a young age. It seems that you have something!" Left Qianyue gnawed his teeth and looked at Qin Tian, "but in this case, I can only kill you!"

"It depends on whether you can pass me. You are just a soul. Don't be too arrogant, so that your soul will be scattered!" Huang Puqi drew out a peach wood sword.

This sword comes from the ten famous hidden schools in the legend. It's said that only the elders have the sword. Huang Puqi was also given a gift. A lot of his kung fu comes from Jianmen sect!

It's said that the people of Jianmen sect cultivate ancient martial arts of sword. There are many experts and talents in this sect. When you go out alone, you are a big man!

Huangpuqi is low-key, otherwise they will not pay attention to it!

Many people know that Huangpu family is a business family. Who would have thought that Huangpu Qi had the skills and spirit sword of Jianmen sect?

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