Jianmenzong is one of the top ten ancient martial arts sects, and it is a very hidden one. Under normal circumstances, no one will know their secrets, because these are things that only insiders can understand!

A lot of people just hear this name already feel very panic, because this organization is absolutely they cannot compare the existence!

Zuo Laozu looked at such a peach wood sword. There was a trace of sword spirit flowing on it. He could not help looking a little surprised!

The Huangpu family was originally a swordsman. After integrating into the skills of Jianmen sect, it must be an extraordinary existence!

The reason why huangpuqi could enter the threshold of Jianmen sect was that he used the flying sword skill of Huangpu family as an exchange, so he could get the true legend of Jianmen sect's sword technique!

And that is because the Huangpu family in the south of the Yangtze River betrayed the Huangpu family of Dongdao, making them enemies for generations and slandering each other in society. The Huangpu family in Dongdao said that the Huangpu family in Jiangnan was a traitor and a garbage family!

The Huangpu family in the south of the Yangtze River don't care. They are Chinese now. After all, hundreds of years have passed. Although their ancestors were from Dongdao, what is the difference between them and the orthodox Chinese?

After all, the culture and blood, including their relatives, are Chinese people. They are just a nation in China. They are proud of China, and they are not allowed to be slandered by the Huangpu family in Dongdao!

"You are a man from Jianmen sect?"

How could Zuo Laozu not know Jianmen sect himself? After all, this is also a large organization for thousands of years. It has been a powerful party for hundreds of years. Only those who come from this clan have such strong strength, can they deter this old thing!

When people looked at the old and the young of the Huangpu family, they realized that although the Huangpu family had some commercial nature, in fact, they were no worse than the left family in ancient martial arts, but the reputation of the left family was really too big!

"Evil emperor, I met you for the first time. After I heard about the killing of Huangpu Jiro, I really adored you and wanted to go to the imperial capital to find you!" Huang PuJie is also looking at Qin Tian with respect on his face.

"Mm-hmm, you have contacted Lei qianjue several times. I'm busy here and I've lost some time. If it wasn't for this time, I don't know what you're thinking about!" Qin Tian feels very sure about the attitude of Huangpu family. It is a good thing to have such a partner. He needs friends all over the world. Isn't it such a result now?

Who doesn't want help outside? A strong man like Qin Tian needs influence and contacts in the imperial capital, as well as in the south of the Yangtze River. If there was no help from the Huangpu family at this time, the situation might be difficult!

After all, after a fierce battle, the immortal Qi in Qin celestial bodies has been exhausted. It needs a certain world to recover. But now, the situation is that the left Qianyue in front of him will not have time to recover!

He talked a lot, and finally got a reply of ten minutes, but after a roar and shaking off Zuo Qianyue's magic hand, he didn't know how to make the next move!

But now, with the help of the master Huangpu, everything will be different. The situation will certainly be better, and there will be some strange existence!

Today's situation is like this, many people's hearts do not understand what happened will die, but the situation has changed to this point now!

Even if you are the ancestor of a family, you will be able to give you seconds if you are an elder or a general coach!

This is the gap between the aristocratic family and the clan. It is really too big. The gap of strength is like a gap!

One old and one young, two people came in, first despised left Qianyue, and then said hello to Qin Tian to express respect, and then looked around in the past!

Everyone saw the look of the Huangpu family father and son with a touch of shock on their faces. They all thought in their hearts that the Huangpu family was really hidden. If it wasn't for the young man in front of them, would they not have done anything?

But who is this young man who can let the owners of the Huangpu family do it? It's really no one. This situation really makes people feel speechless and shocking!

In fact, many people don't understand what happened in the end, because it is almost unthinkable for them, but it really happened.

"Well, isn't it a problem to deal with this ghost with your strength?" Qin Tian looked at the left Qianyue in front of him and said with a smile.

"Surely it will live up to expectations." Huang Puqi said solemnly.

Qin Tian said, of course, he will not neglect, this kind of thing has nothing to neglect, only the direct attack on it!

Zuo Qianyue is also a little curious. Qin Tian said that he had no background. How did he get on with Jianmen sect? He has never heard of the Qin family for hundreds of years. This guy is likely to be a member of the ten gate clan!

Good guy actually conceals all this, no wonder so arrogant, it seems that there are other ideas in the heart!Thinking of this, Zuo Qianyue felt as if he had been played with. The corners of his mouth trembled and his evil spirit flooded again, lingering in the whole hall!

As the ancestor of Zuo family who has been practicing for hundreds of years, Zuo Qianyue's momentum is extremely fierce. But I don't know why, his killing intention has been relaxed, because he is really worried that his soul will be scattered!

"Boy, I'm not going to fight against you. What do you think?" Zuo Laozu admitted it directly!

Qin Tian said with a cold smile: "I just want to punish someone. I really didn't expect that your left family would go out to take my life and kill my nine clans. How can you say you don't want to kill me now?"

Qin Tian's words are as simple as eating and drinking water, but there is a chilling effect.

Huang Puqi looked at the corpse and thought that if Qin Tianxian Qi had not dried up, he would have fought against Zuo Qianyue in the first place, would he have died plainly?

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