Zuo Qianyue was really afraid. He kowtowed directly to beg for mercy and said, "Mr. Qin, I dare not, I should not say that I want you to be my puppet. I know it is really stupid. How can this kind of thing happen to me?"

Qin Tian's eyes could not help flashing a trace of indifference, "now know it's too late, you have no chance!"

After hearing this sentence, Zuo Qianyue's heart can't help but be shocked. He looks at Qin Tian in front of him in panic and despair. In a moment, he seems to have aged a little bit, just like a dead soul without soul!

He worked hard to hide for so many years, in order to be able to one day out of the mountain, to make his residual soul more powerful, powerful enough to adapt to any physical body, but he did not!

Now it's hard to see a pair of his favorite body, and the other party still has immortal Qi in his body. In this case, how can he let go of it? But the bad thing is that the body is so powerful, and there are so many people who are helped. This is not what he can do alone!

Zuo Qianyue bit his teeth. In order to survive, he would not take any risks at all, and there was no need to take risks. His eyes were extremely red and covered with blood. He looked like a maniac. While huangpuqi was still listening to Qin Tian's words, he could only continue to beg for mercy to Qin Tian, saying, "I don't know Mr. Qin's identity and strength, so I will listen to the words of these two waste descendants If I knew, I would never dare to do so, because I know that the situation is really difficult and I know what my sin is! "

With that, Zuo Qianyue raised his hands and directly slapped Zuo Changhai and Zuo lengshi, who were kneeling on the ground!

Zuo Changhai and Zuo lengshi didn't think that their summoned ancestors of the left family were so cruel and cruel that they beat them to pieces in an instant. Even the voice of begging for mercy and Howling did not come out!

Now, there is nothing left for the people of the left family. The four elders have been disabled, and the head of the left family is also dead. Now he is the ancestor of a remnant soul of Zuo Qianyue!

This guy is not a man himself. How can Zuo Changhai summon him out? Isn't this a crime in a hurry?

Now many people are still thinking about one thing, if Zuo Changhai does not summon this old ancestor out, he will not die?

It can only be said that self abuse can't live. What else can we do?

No one thought that this old ancestor was so cruel!

This kind of devoid of human nature, even their own living descendants have been eliminated without hesitation. It's too cruel!

"Mr. Qin, I have killed two people who offended your descendants. Are you satisfied?" Left Qianyue's flattering smile is full of bitterness and helplessness.

He is the ancestor of the left family. It's really hard to see such a thing happening now!

But what made him more miserable was that Qin Tiandu was so indifferent and shook his head. The old ghost of the left family was so heartless that he even killed his own descendants. It is also a disaster for him to stay in the world!

In the future, if he cultivates to a certain degree, he will also occupy others' body, which is extremely harmful to others and himself. Qin Tian's heart does not want to let him go!

Seeing Qin Tian's expression so disdainful, Huang Puqi asked in a low voice, "Mr. Qin, do you think you can let him go?"

Qin Tian shook his head and said, "this guy is a disaster. You can't keep it!"

Hearing this, Huang Puqi did not have any hesitation. He raised his hand, and the peach wood sword in his hand turned into a sword finger at the fingertip. In an instant, the fingertip was like a surging river and sea. The sword seemed to have the power of rolling and gathering. The light of the sword was very amazing.

Heaven and earth seem to have lost their eyes at this moment!

All the people in the hall did not think that a peach wood sword was like a living creature. It was really incredible. This feeling was extremely strange, but it could not tell why!

They can only be muddleheaded and open their eyes to look at all this in front of them, which is really eye opening!

On the contrary, Zuo Qianyue's face changed wildly, even to the extreme horror. This peach wood sword is to wipe out his ghost here!

He was immediately very afraid, it was extremely scared, and he clenched his teeth fiercely. He stepped back quickly and wanted to leave here!

He knew that he must be quick now to have the hope of survival, otherwise, he can't really wait for death now, because the result is not good now, they can't just wait for death, they must escape!

The idea of left Qianyue burst into a flash, and his body became a ghost like shadow and flew directly to the back of the hall.

"You want to run away, old ghost of the left family?" Peach wood sword seems to be turned into a flying sword, as if it is spirituality, and directly pursues and kills Zuo Qianyue's remnant soul!

Zuo Qianyue, who was trying to escape, didn't think of any way to stop this spiritual peach wood sword, because it had a strong restraining effect on him!If you fight with people, he may also dodge or escape and so on, can use his own speed advantage!

But in the face of peach wood sword, which specially kills all kinds of evil spirits, and still applies the flying sword technique of Jianmen sect, he really has no mind to resist, just want to escape!


But in front of the crushing and restraint of absolute strength, Zuo Qianyue's body is directly passed through the back of the heart by a remnant soul. In an instant, the gray remnant soul is directly annihilated by the flying ash!

The master of the left family, the people who can take it out, all turn into smoke and dust at this moment!

After seeing this wonderful sword move, Qin Tian couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart, "the sword technique of Jianmen sect is really advanced, and even saw the shadow of flying sword of Huangpu family!"

"Master Qin is flattered. If you are willing to learn, we can teach you unconditionally!" Huangpu Jie on one side also said with a smile. In his opinion, it is absolutely good for Huangpu family to have such a relationship with Qin Tian!

After all, no one will refuse to be a master with such a young strength advantage for several days!

"Thank you very much. You have helped me a lot. You can't do nothing without being rewarded." Qin Tian politely smiles.

To be sure, today, if I hadn't contacted the Huangpu family before I came, otherwise, I don't know how to deal with the old ghost of the left family.

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