Similarly, Qin Tian also felt that it was definitely good for him to know the traditional and mysterious Jianmen sect. It was a very beautiful thing. If he went out for a walk, he always needed some relationship!

Now Qin Tian can't help but breathe a sigh of relief, glancing at the past, the people of the left family, but all the masters have fallen down, and the ancient martial family has been completely destroyed!

Naturally, Qin Tian couldn't be handed over to the blue family. In return, he looked at Huang PuJie in front of him and said, "do you have any idea to take over the left family? It's like the left family takes over other underground organizations! "

"What? Let me take over? " Huang PuJie was flattered, but he never had such ambition!

"You know, after the fall of Zuojia, their eight major organizations and families will be free, but many industries of Zuojia will be robbed by them, which will cause a kind of social disorder and irregularity in Jiangnan City."

"Therefore, for the sake of social stability and the benefit of the Huangpu family, I suggest you take over. After all, there is a master like your father Huang Puqi behind you. There is nothing difficult for you!" Qin Tian suggested.

"Ah! Mr. Qin really thinks highly of me. I'm really flattered. I'm afraid I can't solve the problem. After all, I deal with a lot of business development, and my strength is just the top priority of my spirit! " Huang PuJie said it modestly.

"You're only a few years older than me. It seems that your father, Huang Puqi, has tried his best to discipline you." Qin Tian also laughed.

"That is, in our Huangpu family, in addition to the development of Commerce, our ancient martial arts can not be lost. Our purpose is not to be worse than the Huangpu family on the opposite east island!" Huang PuJie bit his teeth and said.

"If that's the case, then you should take over the left house. It's best for you to take over." Qin Tian smiles again.

"I..." Whampoa Jie wanted to say something else, but huangpuqi on one side had already come over and directly interrupted him.

"What else do you want me to do? Kneel down and thank Mr. Qin!" Huang Puqi said solemnly.

"Thank you for your award. I will certainly live up to Mr. Qin's request." Huang PuJie knelt down directly in front of Qin Tian, and his respectful appearance also made the whole audience couldn't help but be shocked, because they had never thought of such a thing.

Originally thought that the well-developed would be the blue family. Now it seems that something is wrong, because they saw that the young master of the Huangpu family knelt down to thank Qin Tian. Isn't this a very obvious thing?

If the Huangpu family took over everything from the left family, they would not dare to give up their bullshit, but at least the Huangpu family was not as crazy as the left!

"You're welcome, but the blue family over there, please let them go!" Qin Tian looked at the blue family and said.

Huang PuJie also noticed that his eyes were blazing at Qin Tian's blue butterfly incense. Seeing this, he immediately understood something, so he laughed and said, "I understand that if there is anything in the blue family that needs help, I will definitely be duty bound."

"It's unnecessary. I don't have any special relationship with the blue family. I just help Miss LAN to kill Zuo Bufan. I don't care about other things!"

Qin Tian said lightly.

"I see, then I understand!" Huang Jie laughs at himself!

Next, hundreds of people in the whole Zuojia villa were frightened to see Qin Tian and huangpuqi. They didn't dare to stand up to fight. It was also inexplicably suffocating!

The same is true of the other eight families. They have always been under the control and drive of the left family. Now Qin Tian has destroyed the left family and found a new agent, which is the same as Qin Tian's control of Jiangnan City!

If the Huangpu family takes over the left family and takes over their eight families and organizations, then the Huangpu family will be the biggest force in Jiangnan City. Who dares to fight against them?

And Huangpu Qi and his son respected Qin Tian so much. In their eyes, this young man who had never met seemed to be the big man behind the scenes in Jiangnan!

Everything is over. Qin Tian also looked at LAN diexiang and said, "well, I've finished my task here. You can go back and give me the information of Felix as much as possible. It's also your promise to me. But don't worry. You can get together with your parents in Jiangnan first. If you have any phone contact, you can get back to me

"Thank you, Qin Tian. I really don't know what to say!" Blue butterfly looking at Qin Tian, in the heart is really grateful, smile, still with a trace of charm in it.

"It's OK. After all, we trade with each other. It's still over now. You can have a good reunion with your parents."

"My parents think you're my boyfriend, don't you go and say hello?"

Qin Tian was also a burst of dumb smile, "you can not make such a joke, this is not good for your parents!"

Smell speech, blue butterfly incense smile said: "I owe you, go back to Jingzhou, I must make up for you, you care you are willing or not!"After hearing this, the smile on Qin Tian's face suddenly solidified, this woman can't be bold to go?

At the same time, what did fengdielin do to help her father and son? Are there any interests between them?

"Mr. Qin, this time the left family has been cleaned up. We have agreed to take over. Do you have any plans, son? Jiangnan City, as long as you have any ideas, you can tell us!" Huang Puqi said.

"No, I'm going back to the imperial capital, my wife is still there, and the situation is not very good!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

"Well, it's not only Jiangnan City, but also our Huangpu family, Jianmen sect and Mr. Qin. This is a flying sword spectrum. I can't understand anything. I hope Mr. Qin can help me to meditate. If we can carry forward the flying sword, or inspire its greatest effect, it will be our blessing!"

"Is this the flying sword of the Huangpu family?" Qin Tian couldn't help but brighten his eyes. To tell you the truth, his martial arts are enough to eat just one ancient Taijiquan, but there is really no ancient martial arts move to help him with weapons!

"Yes, it's also a combination of the sword techniques of the Jianmen sect. It's not just limited to flying swords. Mr. Qin's intelligence and talent can be seen at a glance. What's wrong can be ignored!" Huangpu said respectfully.

"Well, in that case, I'm not welcome." Qin Tian held the sword spectrum in his hand, and he felt that he would not hesitate to go there. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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