After receiving this thing, Qin Tian walked towards the car. He planned to stay in the hotel tonight, and then buy the ticket tomorrow morning to go back to the imperial capital!

Just when I just got to the car, blue butterfly incense was coming. The girl ran to catch up with her. Her face was a little impatient. It seemed that she was in a hurry!

"Brother Qin Tian, wait for me. I'll go back with you." The girl cried with a smile.

"Didn't you just get together with your parents? Why do you want to come back with me? " Qin Tian can't help being stunned. What does this girl want to do?

"My parents said, you have helped us so much, I can't just do not report, they told me to be more careful, and then after finishing the affairs of the imperial capital, let me go back!" Blue butterfly incense said.

"I haven't gone back today. You don't have to come tonight. I'll go to the hotel and have a rest. Can't you go home with your parents?" Qin Tian said in surprise.

"If I don't go back, I'll be very happy when I can see them. When I'm done with the imperial capital, I'll come back and stay for a long time. Otherwise, it's not the way to do it for another night, and I said I'll repay you..." Blue butterfly fragrance tone with a firm in it, did not mind to say it would feel embarrassed and embarrassed feeling!

"How do you want to repay me?" Qin Tian didn't have a good temper to say, is this woman really so straightforward?

Because at this time Qin Tian did not know why, suddenly the spirit into a hazy and strange state, eyes flooded with a light blood gas!

This is a kind of bloodthirsty breath left after the murderous spirit.

Qin Tian's chest is haunted by a kind of violent murderous spirit, which is a kind of evil killing breath.

Before he killed people, this evil smell had not appeared before, but now it appears, and it is still light. I don't know what it means. In short, it feels very abnormal!

Because it is more insipid, so before Qin Tian did not understand and perceive, now this feeling, suddenly some helpless, because this kind of thing is really very bad thing, once this kind of thing happens, it is more difficult!

I don't know what happened in the fight with Zuo Laozu, because he can't feel it. This situation is really troublesome. The current situation makes him have some other ideas. Isn't this the case?

If you don't deal with it properly, when things happen, it will be difficult to do. Now the situation is so difficult and helpless!

"It should have been infected by the evil spirit of this old left ghost. It's a monster that has lived for hundreds of years." Qin Tian found that his situation is not right, some of the heart secretly said helplessly.

Because at that time, his immortal Qi was exhausted, so the Yin evil Qi entered his heart and body, which had an impact on his essence, Qi and spirit. This is the case now.

But now the immortal spirit gradually recovered. Although these Yin evil spirits had an impact, they did not directly let him collapse.

"Get in the car, you take me to the hotel!" Qin Tian took out a copy of the limitless Pharmacopoeia from his backpack and began to read it constantly. He wanted to see what way to treat the invasion of yin and evil Qi!

Search in this Pharmacopoeia, quickly found a way, yin and Yang harmony, the simplest way is women!

"Brother Qin Tian, what's the matter with you? You don't seem to have the right expression. When did you become so flustered?" Blue butterfly can't help looking at Qin Tian, a burst of surprise in the heart.

At first, she didn't care about Qin Tian's expression change. She was thinking about how to answer him. When he saw him like this, he was surprised. If she didn't pay attention to him, she thought he was going to repay him tonight, so she would have some other changes on her face!

Now Qin Tian's eyes are flushed, and the Yin evil spirit is eroding his mind. If you pay attention to it, the whole head is full of these Yin evil spirits. If it wasn't for his immortal spirit, he might have been delirious or even possessed by demons!

Qin diexiang couldn't help but feel that she couldn't bear to see something wrong with her body?

"When I was fighting Zuo Qianyue, I seemed to be filled with Yin evil Qi. At that time, my immortal Qi was exhausted, and I had no defense ability against this kind of thing!" Qin Tian gnaws his teeth and says.

"What do you do? Can I help you? " Blue butterfly fragrance can't help but Jiao Didi's concern.

"You can help me..." Qin Tian has just found a way to reconcile Yin and Yang. Looking at the charming woman around him, Qin Tian doesn't care!

Because there was no way for immortal Qi to drive away the evil spirit directly, he could use the simplest way to reconcile Yin and Yang. So when he looked at the women around him, he could not help but have a strong desire in his heart!

I have to say, blue butterfly is really a natural charm ah, this woman can always let you feel what is the end, let you completely seduced by her, let your hormone directly burst out!And when the woman looked at herself, a pair of eyes were flattering. The eyes were really enchanting, and the figure was so concave and convex that people couldn't help but feel like a kind of dreamless horse!

Seeing that Qin Tian's eyes are so hot, blue butterfly fragrance doesn't know what this guy is thinking. At the moment, her pretty face can't help adding a kind of pink color, and her tone is becoming more and more enchanting: "brother Qin Tian, as long as you want me to help you, my sister can do it at any time!"

Qin Tian was immediately ignited by a woman. He was upset by the evil spirit. He didn't know what to say. This feeling was not very good or bad, but he had a helpless feeling!

Because things have come to this stage, maybe you are facing life related things, because you have to deal with your own things, if not, you can't live!

The car left Panlong mountain and soon drove to the city. LAN diexiang knew about Jiangnan and took Qin Tian to a five-star resort hotel. You can see the mountains and lakes. It looks very spectacular!

"That's it, brother Qin Tian. Are you ok? How can I help you? " While brushing the ID card and opening the room, blue butterfly Xiang looks at Qin Tian with some worries. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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