Qin Tian also didn't expect that this master would use this way to board their place. Now he has turned his head to see clearly the face of this guy. He doesn't look white. He has a bit of mixed blood feeling. He seems to be more domineering!

This man looks like he is 30 years old. He has a Chinese face, powerful eyes, and a simple black windbreaker. His eyes are fierce and domineering. He is like a martial arts master!

"Who are you? Do you want to die when you break into our villa in the middle of the night?" Qin Tiansi said without ceremony.

Even if the other side is a master, Qin Tian can't tolerate their random invasion, let alone the old Chen's villa here. It's really too much to disturb. How can Qin Tian tolerate this kind of thing?

If you don't happen to be practicing today, you will be able to let this guy trample on you at will. This situation is really not good, because many times, you don't know what terrible things will be done when the other party comes in. The root of this kind of thing is that the opposite party doesn't pay attention to it!

if the other party pays attention to you, it's absolutely impossible Can break into at will to make things, explained a problem, he did not see Qin Tian in the eyes of the meaning.

Sure enough, the man in the windbreaker looked very cold and arrogant, and said with disdain: "the world is so big, can't I come to see it? Boy, Gabriel assassin company came to your villa, you should feel very honored

"Kneel down and worship quickly. You'd better not struggle. There is no possibility that you can escape a robbery!"

The windbreaker man said with a smile, "if I didn't guess wrong, you should be the guy named Qin Tian. What I'm looking for is you. Unexpectedly, I met you on the roof. It's really fantastic!"

This guy also quickly wake up, so now understand their own situation, guess Qin Tian should be in front of this person, in front of this person should be Qin Tian!

In this way, it's not good to let yourself look everywhere. It's a wonderful thing. Now this thing is like this!

He feels honored now, because the person he is looking for is standing in front of him waiting for him. Is there anything more interesting about this kind of thing?

At present, he is not allowed to say anything more, because what he said is wordy and meaningless.

"Boy, I'm here to trouble you. Did you hear that? You have offended Gabriel assassin company. In such a situation, you should know that it is very difficult to deal with us. You are against the head down and you are looking for death! "

"I know you, but I can't imagine that you speak fluent Chinese and have a background of Nanyang. You seem to know the imperial capital very well!" Qin Tian said with a smile that he didn't feel surprised at all.

"Since you know that I'm not simple, you don't kneel down and beg for mercy. What else do you think? Do you really think you can escape this disaster?"

Qin Tian saw that the man was so arrogant, and said such arrogant words, his eyes suddenly narrowed. This kind of person is really cruel!

Big night want to take advantage of their own sleep, and then to clean up their own?

Is there anything worse than this?

If you don't accept it, don't you fight directly on this rooftop?

Qin Tian's heavy thoughts flashed in his eyes. He knew that he could not be easily let go of now, but he thought that there should be other people behind this person. He simply said two more sentences and asked, "by the way, I want to ask you a question. Are you the only one from your assassin company?"

"ha ha, of course, I came alone, but I secretly investigated that there are too many people who want to kill you, including the Lord of heaven's gate."

"So, I need to find you first, kill you, take photos and send them back to the assassin company to show the employer, so that my task is finished, do you understand?" Felix said with a smile.

"Well, the leader of Tianmen is here. I just don't know what I have to do with this kind of organization!" Qin Tian's eyes are also slightly narrowed. I can't imagine that he really made enemies everywhere. There are still such masters. It's really helpless. What can we say about this situation?

This is not much to say, because waiting for you is a very bad thing, once it happens, it is not easy to deal with, and in the case of so many opponents, but also to protect the people around, the trouble is even greater!

This Felix brings a very bad news to Qin Tian, that is, Tianmen is also staring at him!

But would he be afraid? Although it's very troublesome, although he doesn't like trouble, his eyes also show a kind of coldness: "I care whether you are Tianmen or what gate. You stepped into my territory today and still came to look for me. Then I will be rude to you. This is a very serious matter!"

"Ha ha, I'm not polite to me. I'm sorry. I'm rude to you. You don't understand the meaning of my words?" Felix is very arrogant smile!"In my opinion, you are just a frog at the bottom of a well. You want to fight against so many people with your young cultivation. Do you think it is realistic? If it's not realistic, you have to think about what you're going to do next! " Felix said with a smile.

His smile with a sense of despising all things, the posture is really very big!

Qin Tian still stood there smoking, as if he was chatting with someone. His expression was very calm and said coldly, "Felix, you shouldn't come here, Originally, I wanted to find out who was behind you, but now that you come by yourself, I'm really rude. I never thought about killing you. If you want to die yourself, there's no way out! "

"You should be cultivating the ancient Chinese martial arts system? I think your Qi strength is the feeling that Zhenqi is very familiar with. From the strength of Qi, you should be the master of Qi State! " Qin Tian analyzed and said that although he knew that the other side was the master of Qi State, he didn't look surprised at all, because all this seemed to be a normal thing!

Felix was a little surprised when he heard these words, and said coldly, "good boy, you really surprised me. I can't believe that you can see something unusual in me! It seems that you do have some strength! "

"Not long ago, I heard that you and LAN diexiang went to Jiangnan. I didn't expect that you really came back tonight. Ha ha, it's very good. I know that you were the assistant on the phone last time. It's really insidious!" Felix said.

"You know there are so many things. In that case, don't blame me for being rude!" Qin Tian at this time is also finished, cigarette butts directly dropped on the ground, just recovered the immortal spirit is also condensed!

Just use this guy to have a try. Can the Yin evil spirit in your body affect your hands!

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