Now, there is no question about it, because many times, you need to face a superior who is more powerful than you. What you need is decisive hand!

After hearing Qin Tian's words, Felix took the lead in his own hand, and raised his hand and hit Qin Tian's head. This move looked very flat, but it contained endless power in it!

Qin Tian looks at the other party's fist, without any intention, raise his hand to block, and find that the force is not reduced. The other party only uses 10% of the force. When Qin Tian's hand is blocked, he has increased several points of strength!


On the platform, Qin Tian was shot out by the other party, calling for stepping on the edge of the platform, and found that it was directly inverted out!

"Good guy, it is really the strength of the master of Qi realm." Qin Tian squints his eyes slightly. He can't use all the immortal Qi now, so he wants to use his own 50% of the force to see if he can kill each other!

"Ha ha, do you need your approval for my strength? It's ridiculous! " Felix rushed over again.

This time Qin Tian did not retreat, a little bit at the foot, high body jumped up, toward the spacious downstairs rushed past!

"Where do you go, boy!"

Felix closely followed up, Qin Tian's feet ran quickly, soon to the South Lake Lake!

Two people trampled directly on the lake and stood by their hands!

"Good guy, you are indeed the strength of the Qi realm master, but I think I will be stronger than you!" Felix smiled grimly, his hands were crossed, and in front of him he condensed several handprints, and raised his hand and rushed again towards Qin Tianfei!


In the hand over of fist and palm, a burst of air burst of sound, let the original calm lake, become a moment of lively!

Qin Tian shows ancient Taijiquan, which seems to have more advantages on the water. But the other side Felix has the advantage of who is strong and hard body. When he is on the lake, his physical advantage can not be performed!

"Good boy, dare not go to the ground for a war?" Felix was very angry with you after several unsuccessful attempts to chase Qin Tian!

"Ha ha, you have no chance to go to the ground, this South Lake is the ground where your body is crushed!" Qin Tian said that he gathered green fire, which was his kill!

He will burn him alive here and turn it into powder and fall into the South Lake to feed the fish!

"Arrogance, no longer land I can also give you to destroy, you arrogance what, you have no qualifications arrogance."

Felix said he was about to get up, but he didn't want two flames in front of him to fly over. He raised his hand and stopped it with gas. Unfortunately, Qin Tian didn't know when his body shape had come behind him!


He hit him directly, his fist did not enter the back of the other party, with a strong way, he hit out!

"Dada Da Da!"

A wave of water, green flames suddenly shrouded it, not too second of the world, this Felix instant disappeared on the lake!


Qin Tian was relieved a little. This time, the fire control was actually useful to the sword technique of Huangpu family. This is the key to solve each other. If there is no such move, it may be necessary to entangle some time!

"Thank you Huangpu family, so I can solve a problem quickly!" Qin Tian slowly returned to the balcony.

He knew that his opponent was not only Gabriel assassin company, but also what kind of Tianmen, and who invited him. In short, it was a very bad organization. If he killed it, the situation was really bad!

Tianmen sounds like a kind of ancient martial school. It must not be easy to deal with?

Because this happened, and also know the group of enemy things, Qin Tian has no interest in sleeping, directly on the balcony cultivation, to the sky color white!

When the sky was bright, Qin day took up the cultivation skills and then returned to his home for breakfast.

Zhu Yu and Li Xinran went to work together after breakfast. They didn't seem to care whether Qin Tian would go to work or not. After all, Qin Tian is only back now. There are many things to deal with!

Qin Tian took a bath after breakfast, because the training last night was a little sweaty.

After taking a shower, he set out for the company.

Soon he heard the news of the collapse of Dongchen medicine.

It is really easy to collapse the father and son of the clock family in Dongchen directly with the strength and means of Lei Qianyao. Wu Fei that Qin Tian wants to do is to deal with the masters called by the father and son of Zhong family!

After arriving at the general manager's office, Zhu Yu was found sitting in his office directly, as if she was the general manager!

"What's the matter? Is this going to make me assistant to you? " Qin Tian said with no good laugh."You don't know what you're doing for two or three days, and you're the general manager. You're really speechless!" Zhu Yu sits in the office chair, a burst of fragrance spreads out, let Qin Tian sitting on the sofa can not help but a burst of heart and mind!

this girl's perfume should be changed, mixed with some body fragrance, that's not simple!

Moreover, her figure is exquisite and graceful, her skin is like fat, and her appearance is like a fairy. Recently, her dress has become urbanized and professional, and her temperament has also risen.

Qin Tian looked at the woman like this, the immortal spirit also entered the eye, looked more clearly, saw that arrogant thing, secretly swallowed the saliva, this little girl, is really more and more attractive ah!

Now in the morning, Qin Tian feels that he should not look at it disorderly. Otherwise, how can I live a sincere life today!

But Qin Tian's blazing eyes had already been seen by the busy Zhu Yu. Seeing this man's eyes shining with a strange light, Zhu Yu could not help but feel ashamed and proud!

Her recent style of dressing has changed. It seems that she can still attract Qin Tian's attention, which makes her a little proud. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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