She is now sitting on the position of the general manager, no longer like before, when a general manager's assistant, now the general manager's business is for him to handle, this matter is really like this!

Two people in an office, even Li Xinran I'm afraid can not think of the treatment, now this treatment in their own body, and Qin Tian working together, ah, really a little bit more happy than the new year, this guy is a talent a little bit, and he speaks well!

"Qin Tian, we thought you would discuss the cultivation with my master. After all, I heard that you seemed to be in some trouble. I didn't expect you to lie on the sofa. It's really strange!"

"Why, I can't come here and lie down, really look down on people or what?"

"Where do I look down on you? What's on your mind lately Zhu Yu blushed with shame and a pair of beautiful eyes glared at Qin Tian, indicating that he should not look at his body with such strange eyes!

Qin Tian was a little unscrupulous to appreciate, and then also said with a smile: "this is not to give you and Li Zong to solve problems? Do you really think I have nothing to do here? "

"Hum, when you went to Jiangnan, sister Xinran was worried about you, but you didn't have a phone call and didn't know what to do with that woman. I'm going to expose you!" Zhu Yu didn't have a good breath.

Qin Tian was a little embarrassed when he heard this, and his face was a little embarrassed. He did kill in the left family yesterday, and then he also paid some price. The evil spirit entered the body, and then he fell asleep with blue butterfly incense. If it wasn't for this thing, Qin Tian would never have this kind of phenomenon!

Want to come, Qin Tian sneered, "in a word, you see I'm ok now, don't talk nonsense!"

"In a word, the next time you go out to do something, you should timely reply to the phone call of Xinran sister, or you may let her insomnia, do you know how to do it?"

"OK, OK, I know. Do you still need to teach me to be a husband? Have you ever been in love Qin Tian said without good breath.

"I..." Zhu Yu didn't want to tangle with Qin Tian on this matter, but said helplessly, "well, tell me something about going to the south of the Yangtze River. I'm very curious!"

"Curiosity Kills people. You'd better not ask. You don't know if you ask!" Qin Tian zhengse said.

"You Is it possible for me to exchange information with you and you? " Zhu Yu can only say so.

"Well, you say it first." Qin Tian laughs.

"This is good news. Since yesterday, Dongchen group has been completely eradicated. The Zhong family and his son have been seized by Lei qianjue and sent to the police station. This time, he has been completely destroyed!"

"In addition, we plan to send people to the businesses and enterprises or channels they have cooperated with to strive for cooperation, which can be regarded as the meaning of taking over their business. Can you understand this situation?" Zhu Yu said with a smile.

"Ha ha, it's very good. You are a good general manager, and you know how to send people to accept and cooperate. It seems that you really have some strength. I shouldn't underestimate you before." Qin Tian said with a smile.

"You shouldn't look down on you. Don't look down on people like that!" Zhu Yu said without a good breath.

"That's your turn!" Zhu Yuzhi asked, looking expectant.

"In the left family of Jiangnan, I killed their young master, and then 30 or so people of the left family surrounded me. Then I cracked their array and defeated them all."

"Now the left family in the south of the Yangtze River has been taken over by the Huangpu family. The father and son of the Huangpu family have a good relationship with me!"

Qin Tian's two sentences directly explain the recent events, concise and comprehensive feeling.

Hearing Qin Tian say so, Zhu Yu is also beautiful Mou to open greatly, "what? Is it that simple? "

"Hehe, is this simple?" Qin Tian couldn't help laughing.

"I mean, you can be more specific. After all, I'm interested in this!" Zhu Zhengyu said.

"Do you want me to have a press release? Do you think too much? " Qin Tian said without good breath.

"Well, this is the case now. Even if you don't believe that I can do it alone, you should also be clear that there are some things that can't be explained clearly with your mouth!"

"And even if I say that, can you understand what it means? If you know the strength of the Huangpu family, do you know what the left family is? You don't understand all this. What's good for you with so many halls? Do you know now what good will this do to you? " Qin Tian questioned seriously.

"I..." Zhu Yu is also immediately received a burst of speechless, slightly opened red lips, but did not speak!

The Huangpu family in Jingzhou is indeed the existence of the overlord level, and the existence of the five families in the south of the Yangtze River. Now, with the power of annexing the left family, it is even more powerful. In the future, the Huangpu family in Jiangnan will be his agent!

However, Zhu Yu just felt that the left family of a guwu family was destroyed by Qin Tian in one day. This is a fantastic existence. He should make people feel shocked and incredible!This kind of thing, in fact, he did not expect to happen, in short, the development of the matter to an indescribable situation!

This kind of thing, Qin Tian is also embarrassed and he said what more, can only explain simply!

"Well, I need to talk to you about something!" Qin Tian looked at the time, arrived at 10 o'clock, directly got up and walked towards the next office!

Li Xinran sat in the office, did not know what to look at, with a worried color on his face.

After seeing Qin Tian come up, Li Xinran can't wait to ask: "husband, do you know what happened to Dongchen group now? They were destroyed directly, and the Zhong family and his son were arrested. Did you do it? "

"Well, it has been completely solved. You should understand my efforts behind my back. Although I did not solve it myself, I did participate in it." Qin Tian also showed a relaxed incomparable smile!

Li Xinran's heart suddenly appeared a touch of surprise, an incredible face said: "I also said yesterday you go to the left house is very dangerous, here also need you to come back to deal with, did not expect to directly their own end!"

"It's really great, so my development will be better!" Li Xinran smiles.

From a teacher to an entrepreneur, this transformation is really not easy. Sometimes, when it comes to business development, she still needs Qin Tian's help!

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